What's going on with Steemit?

in #steemit4 years ago

The Hive

Howdy folks'.

So much confusion is being thrown around from so many sides. Nothing can be said it seems without being attacked from some side. Quite often I see the same people contradicting themselves in what they say and what they say they want.

The hatred being shouted out against individuals who are suppose to want the same thing, the best for the Steem Chain gets us nowhere and hinders discussion. The constant circle of repetition of the same thing said over and over is becoming tiresome.

He did this, he said this. If you didn't do this or they didn't do that. Cast the blame game gets us nowhere either. Is there actually any ambition out there to find an amicable solution to all of this.

I will say I can see the distrust on both sides of this about each other and I can see the foundations of were that has come from. Holding the past event hostage to a future decision is not progressive but hindrance. Yes, some cautions should be adhered to and be considered about both sides.

But take a look at were we are now. In a stalemate, a position were no side benefits but we carry along with a cold war status of both sides not doing anything as a solution. Sorry but this is not a productive move forward.

After listening to two discussion between witness said to represent the voice of the Steemit community and the Tron representative Roy. I see us making very little progress. The second discussion was about nothing more than removing sock puppet witness. This whole part of the discussion, (which personally I think was done with aggression on the part of the witness and at times with tempers beginning to flare as witness talked over each other and Roy.

If this was a planned strategy, I think it was a bad one, that makes us look very unorganised.

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So if I have this straight. We do not want any one person or entity to be able to come to the chain and take control over the governance. I think I have that part right.

While I complain about the constant return to what has happened before and it being used against people. I want to go back in history about two years when I joined the Steemit platform. I came over from playing poker for Crypto to play poker here for Crypto. As it happens that is were most of the growth I have gained over the last two years came from. A very big % that is. I still play poker for Steem and I still win some now and then.

You can check that out at Bro Poker.

The posts I write do not seem to hit home with many people here on the posting side of the Steem Chain. Too much typing in some and speaking out against the systems used I guess doesn't kiss many butts. I would prefer to be me though than a yes person to someone else.

Two years ago I predicted this happening. The chain being taken over within 2 - 5 years. That take over was not limited to the Steem Chain and I still believe there is a genuine threat to all the chains out there trying to create an asset or currency. From day one I could see this happening. As time went by I seen the details of how it could be done too with greater and greater ease.

Yes! I did raise these concerns more than once and in the presence of more than one or two witness and to some of those in the top 20. What would I know though, the new kid on the block chain. All the way through my journey I failed to gain any support. (A few exceptions in there, but in general my opinion ignored.)

Should Justin Sun have not come along with the purchase of Steemit Inc. None of the topics going on now about the security of the chain and it being controlled by one or a few people with stake holding governance. I would still be saying a change to the witness voting system needs to be done so a few cannot control the governance. I would still be ignored for this opinion. The reasons why I leave up to your own mind.

Even now with this being a topic, what I hear from those in the corridors of power is to reduce to 10 votes a person can make to a witness down from 30. The governance is decided by a majority from 20 17 + 1 of the top 21 is my understanding. A reduction down to 10 does not offer the security for the chain wanted.

I have looked at this for longer than most and the only way I can see for this to happen is through a reduction down to 3 votes each person can make to a witness. With a maximum of 5 votes I strongly feel there should be a reducing vote to each vote after the first. 100% to the fist vote 80% to the second and then 70% 60% 50% of vesting power as a max vote. These % offer greater value to decentralisation with even bigger distance of % between votes.

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With all the discussion going on, all the blame passed around. No one wants to own up to responsibility it seems, At the same time I hear the witness saying the security of the chain is the responsibility of the witness.

With this being the case. When the original instance of abuse of the Steemit Inc Steem Power. That click in the code should have been done then and not years later. Having it wrote into code and not clicked to enforce is a joke.

Blaming anyone for anything that happens to that stake after that time is a joke. The error was made by not enforcing it from the start. Why write it in otherwise.

During the two years since I have been here. Many have spoken about changes to the witness voting system with various suggestions said. All of these suggestions were dismissed.

Suggestions like having a renewal voting system were every six month or on a yearly basis people would need to vote their witness again.

Reducing the amount of witness we can vote to from 30 down to a lower level than 20 needed for the consensus to change the code.

Having a tier system of votes were every vote given to a witness reduces the % of vesting power your next vote would give.

All of this was ignored because witness could not see a threat to their position or the chain from the view they had from a controlling position.

The only reason we are now discussing changes to the voting system for witness is because someone took control of a bigger stake.

This whole situation could have been avoided if precautions were taken much earlier.

The only blame there is lies in what was not done.

To end this post I will say. Many out there do still not see the even bigger threat that is ahead of us. When that comes, for the same reason that we did not prepare for it. Everything will be lost. There is a bigger player coming to the game. That one will have much more backing than Justin Sun.

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The only reason we are now discussing changes to the voting system for witness is because someone took control of a bigger stake.

Even if control is re-taken, both you and I know nothing will change in that regard. The re-vote for witnesses would hurt the current witnesses, they stay in power via the dead account votes they have. I hope control is re-taken by the community, I also hope when it is all over and done with that people will look back and re-select witnesses. Human nature being what it is though, that is unlikely to happen.

I think there is no choice but to change the witness voting. The chain will never be secure unless that is done.

Like you said, lots of us have seen that, lots of us have talked about that, and lots of witnesses have balked at that. I honestly do not see it changing, if they are able to regain control it still wont happen, they will just say "see our current system worked just fine".

They will have no choice but to change things, they will get no support next time if they do not make the change. And it will happen again now others have seen it is possible. Some of the witness at the top no longer need Freedom and pumkin votes too. they will not mind the change as they can still remain high up the ranks, Things are changing.

I really hope they are changing, I do know that when the dust does settle I will likely rethink my witness vote thing, but for now I will still go with my proxy vote to Asher, and see where the chips and dust fall when this is over. I will not continue to support afterward any witness that does not indicate a desire at the minimum to correct the witness issue. I know the witnesses won't care if they lose my minuscule vote, but some new witness may appreciate it.

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