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RE: In your own words: A lot of effort for a flag?

in #steemit6 years ago

How about the guys that add in an annoying animated GIF or massive photo to help grab your attention? Love those guys so much...flag it time!

As my contest is gaining more traction I've had to flag a few people for coming in and upvoting themselves to gain some of the Bounty. Make a completely pointless comment and then drop a 100% upvote and 4 other people upvote that didn't even upvote the post...sure that is likely to happen. Auto Flag from me.


my best posts are comments, well I do pride myself in a few posts :D

yeah the imagery is annoying from time to time, I used to disable images and just read, posts are so much different then, just endless words, I think color is a nice addition, but it's also pretty distracting, and yeah general lazynes and people going for quantity rather than quality and contributing something won't do anyone a favor, this platform was fake enough with the voting trails, then automation grew so much bots probably are more than people at this stage ...

It's not about automation being a problem, it's a lot of data to sift through each day/second/week, but come on, drop and run never gets anywhere. I do wish people would just enjoy the good things and go live a happier life rather than stay here spamming, but that's neither here nor there,

one of my favorite spam comments was a "welcome to steem" message I got 8 months in :D at least I hope it's welcome to steem and not steemit because at that stage I was already using busy :P

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