Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should

in #steemit6 years ago


You can wear a pink speedo to the pool, but you shouldn't!

No we aren't talking about our swimwear today, but hopefully picturing a fat balding internet troll in a pink speedo is now burned into your brain. LMAO...sorry, but you can't help but picture that guy in his skimpy speedo can you?

Ok lets be serious now. Each day on steemit we make choices about what type of blogger we want to be. Some of those choices will attract followers and some of those choices will push followers away.

Filling your followers feed with to many resteems my get you unfollowed, posting to many times with low quality content...goodbye, comment spamming deserves a flag, and stealing content deserves having your account crushed into oblivion to take away your earnings.

Posting quality content that clearly took effort to create and you'll get votes, do it repeatedly and you'll gain followers. Resteem selective quality content then your followers will look at it, vote on it, and maybe even follow the person.

Those are just a couple examples so lets look at a random sampling of issues I ran into during the last 4 days...more on that in a minute. Here are some You Can, but You Shouldn't Items.

  • You can vote at 2% when your total vote is only worth 8 cents, but you shouldn't!
  • You can resteem 25 posts per day, but you shouldn't!
  • You can tag spam the introduceyourself tag, cn tag, or other irrelevant tags, but you shouldn't!
  • You can search google for photos and use them without caring about ownership or copyright laws, but you shouldn't!
  • You can cut & paste steal other people's content and post it as your own, but you shouldn't!
  • You can post comments that have nothing to do with a post hoping for an upvote or begging the author to follow you, but you shouldn't!
  • You can blindly follow people just because they followed you, but you shouldn't!
  • You can mass follow thousands of steemians hoping others will blindly follow back, but you shouldn't!
  • u can write psots wihtout proofreading using punctuation or proper grammar but you shouldnt
  • You can use your owner key for many things, but you absolutely shouldn't!
  • You can follow links that take you away from steemit.com, but you shouldn't!
  • You can invest your time creating 10 crap posts a day instead of 1 quality post because you think it will allow you to earn more, but you shouldn't and you won't!
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!

I can probably go on for a while here, but I shouldn't. You see each day @lynncoyle1, @energyaddict22, @wolfhart, and myself look at a ton of posts from newbies due to the Pay It Forward Curation Contest and we love seeing the raw talent that is coming into steemit...seriously a few are great! Then there are many that are good, but could be great. But I am seeing a lot of correctable issues that if someone was willing to accept some constructive criticism they could make a some massive leaps forward.

I have no patience for those who steal content. Those people just suck and deserve each and every flag they get.

As for the other things listed that you shouldn't do, just remember that Just because you Can it doesn't mean You Should!


Not cool! Still picturing the fat man in speedo.

Lots of great points!

Well said my friend! Love the grammar/proofreading point as well :)

I would like to add, "Just because you can comment on someone's post, asking them to go see your posts, upvote you or resteem you, you shouldn't! "

I'm putting a link to this post in every Discord channel I belong to that works with newbies. Such valuable advice here!

Thank you! As always you are looking out for the little guy and going above and beyond to help them.

You are welcome! And thank you...I just can't help myself :)

All good points! My most common vote is around $0.03 right now because that's what giving a 20% vote gets someone from me. It allows me to spread some love around, but it still beats the dust threshold. (If it doesn't, I'm gonna be upset).

Resteems are an annoyance for the most part. Like you said, people will do 25 of them per day and it's just too much for the feed. I suggested having an option to remove resteems from the feeds so people could just see posts from the people they follow. There have been at least a handful of people who I wanted to follow because their articles were interesting and relevant to me, but I haven't because they resteem too often. I don't want my feed clogged with all of their resteems. Some are good. I've resteemed before, but more than 1 per day is too many.

The others are all good points. I'm really tired of seeing plagiarized content. That's all I'll say on that right now.

I suggested having an option to remove resteems from the feeds so people could just see posts from the people they follow.

I made this suggestion a while back on a what would you like to see post from a witness...can't remember who. If not this then a limit of how many resteems per day or make it so you can't resteem unless you have given at least a 20% upvote.

I'd like to say that resteems should be limited to 2 per day, but it's easier and makes more sense to just let people filter out resteems. Also, by doing this, you would eliminate the market for most of those wallet clowns who send you .001 SBD to tell you they'll resteem to 40k inactive account and it won't get you anything. Oh, yeah, that should be eliminated too. It's like the people who run Steemit have never used Steemit. If they tried using it for 1 day, they'd be making some changes.

It's like the people who run Steemit have never used Steemit.

So true!

Great reminder to all those that that join steemit thinking they can exploit it with their cheap games.

The mighty flag has a purpose! So many cry about it and sometimes they cry for legit reasons, but most of the time they earn that flag.

Love the list. Very comprehensive. I've been an avid fan of the "just because you can doesn't mean you should" mantra for most of my adult life. They are definitely words to live by and the world would be a much better place if "yes we can" was always followed by, "yes, but should we?" and then adhered to once the should part was thoroughly discussed.


I feel I must take you to court and seek compensation, the start of this post has caused me emotional distress and the man in "pink speedos" is etched forever in my mind. I will settle out of court for 1 pint of lager, deal?.

If we are ever within a couple hundred miles of each other a drive to meet up is required and I'll gladly purchase the first round!

That my friend is a done deal, have a great weekend bro.

Some very good points you bring up. I have personally unfollowed at least one steemian because of excessive resteems, and I rarely resteem articles unless they are truly worthy of it.

I write these types of posts when someone gets my back up sometimes. I hope 'the person' will read it and change their ways. Its a subtle way of getting the message across without embarrassing them. I don't like to flag anyone for ignorance and have yet to do that.

I have unfollowed a couple and chosen not to follow more then a few when I look at their account based on some of the things above. I have a hard enough time getting to all the good content without needing to deal with nonsense.

The flag really is required for those who are here causing damage to steemit. They are doing activities that can have long term legal effects for steemit as a whole when posting plagiarized content.


Some things can be chalked up to not knowing and learning in the very beginning. But after a month or two the small things should have been covered by then .
there should be a progression in the posts and comments over time.

For sure. I cut a level 40 and below person more slack then a 45 who gets more then a 50...by 50 you should have your shit together.

I like the proofreading point because I know how hard it is to leave that there the way you wrote it, lol.... Like how only a truly great singer can sound truly awful, and do it well - but it's still more difficult than singing it perfectly!

Lots of great points. I have resteemed the post as well.

Good post. A friend posted this in a comment after I posted about our self regulating. It fits right in to my thoughts on the matter. We all want the best possible platform, so it's up to us not to trash it out with garbage.

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