It seems false accusations or misrepresentations have caused a Steemit civil war.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

This post was flagged by one person into Oblivion. I believe you should read it and make up your own mind.
Please upvote and resteem so others can read and debate the issue openly.

Original post by @pawsdog - Please upvote @pawsdog and follow.

"Reward Pool Rape & The curious case of the errant comma."

There was something in the original post by berniesanders that bothered me.

I could not put my finger on exactly what it was, so I reread the post, looked at the pics he posted of @haejin again etc. This thing gnawing at me, whatever it was continued to elude me, but I knew it was there.

It was one of those things you initially see, but your brain does not register until some time later when your involved with an unrelated task. Like trying to remember an old movie title; days later it will just pop in your head for no apparent reason.

Today, while looking at charts for some alt coins it hit me. It's the comma in the image of @haejin that was bothering me.

So I checked my own account to see how well I'm not doing, and sure enough I had a serious punctuation related epiphany.

If I go back to the original post by berniesanders

and open the actual image link..

There is an odd comma after the 6 in regards to percentage of the rewards pool that @haejin is receiving. The placement is odd as it makes it read as 6,7149% instead of 6.7149%

So I pulled to see for myself what occurs when a whole number precedes the expected period in rewards payout as perhaps it may be an unexpected glitch by the programmers not expecting anyone to actually exceed an entire percentage point of the rewards pool.

Nope, as expected its a period which makes sense.

So I zoomed in...and decided to overlay them next to each other.

At this point I could see the one Bernie posted is a bit darker, which could likely be related to whatever method he used to save his; versus the method I used (PrntSceen/Paint) and proves nothing.

This comma business made me somewhat concerned in regards to the integrity of the original image. So I decided to go in, way in, 300 times or more zoom where I find that there is at least 1 pixel of spacing between every numeric character save the spacing between the 6 and the mystery comma. At which point the pixels forming lower right corner of the 6 overlap the upper left corner of the pixels related to the comma.

This again does not definitively prove anything as I am looking at an image of an image and the inconsistency may lie with that.

So I decided to investigate further and simply do the math and figure out where, if anywhere, the 6 could of come from. The rewards fund standing per the image bernie posted was $2,147,847.00 USD. 6 percent of that would be $128,870.82. I could not find anywhere that @haejin (while his current rewards are a bit ridiculous) approached the number actually required to achieve 6%. Granted I am not privy to how the algorithms are applied by to make their calculations and print the HTML to the screen. Regardless I was still no closer to an answer as to where the 6 came from or the comma that followed it.

Remaining objective I began to consider the possibilities and narrowed it down to the three most likely candidates:

There was some weird one off site glitch that occurred during the seconds that Bernie captured the image
Incorrect mathematical algorithm being applied on steem.suppy
The photograph was manipulated or altered in some way to profit the author by substantiating his message.
So I went back to the current to manually do the math and see if the figures are actually off all the time, but no one has actually taken the time to do the math on the big numbers, and just takes them at face value.

Rewards Pool Total $2,069,959
Haejins Payout: $41,990.00
Percentage listed: 2.0285
So I did the math..
$2,060,959 x .020285 = $41,989.80 or .10 short of the listed rewards for @haejin
Which matches the payout amount listed

The numbers and percentages added up, so they are not off all the time or that I can find. So I decided to dig a bit deeper and run the math backwards based on the numbers from the image provided by Bernie. In doing so I got .021863 or 2.1863%, not 6,7149 and still no comma.

Image provided by @Berniesanders of
Rewards Pool Total $2,147,847
Haejins Payout: $46,960
Percentage listed: 6,7149
So I did the math..
$46,960 divided by $2,147,847 = .021863 or 2.1863% and still no comma
The figures from the image @berniesanders provided

So in conclusion, as I am not a forensic photograph analyst, I cannot decisively state that the original image provided by @berniesanders was manipulated or modified to be more inflammatory and deceive his followers so as to increase post traffic and consequently his earnings.

What I can say objectively and without taking any side on the issue is that:

I can find no other instances of a comma being used in the display of a users reward percentage following the whole number to delineate it from any fractional values that follow.

The percentage value in the image provided by berniesanders does not mathematically validate.

I can find no other instance of calculating an incorrect percentage value. Only in this single instance, per the image provided by @berniesanders, do all other values display correctly (total, payout etc) yet the percentage payout is mathematically incorrect relative to the other values on the same page used to calculate it.

The comma usage in the image provided by berniesanders breaks the standard formatting rules I see currently displayed on when listing the percentage of rewards pool to be paid out.

The comma key and period key are adjacent to one another on a standard keyboard increasing the likelihood of typographical errors when a typist desires to use one and mistakenly uses the other.

Perhaps the site software was updated or someone decided to use a calculator as opposed to an abacus since bernie posted his image? I am unsure, but I have to default to the figures in the image provided by berniesanders not making mathematical sense which is irrefutable.

Is this proof of wrong doing or photo manipulation to make the image more inflammatory? Possibly.

Is this proof of a successful attempt to incite and unite the masses to a single cause so as Bernie could benefit financially from a busy high paying post based on deceit? Possibly.

Then again there may of been a glitch with the site at the time bernie pulled the information, but it sure does make me wonder; especially when you combine the formatting error and incorrect mathematical calculations provided in the image by bernie.

Again, I have no dog in the fight and am simply pointing out formatting and mathematical inconsistencies provided by one user as evidence of wrong doing by another.

I would hate to accept the reality that a great many members of our Steemit community were intentionally deceived, or incited to anger based on a potentially photo shopped image. I would, if I were in that group, or that were the case, feel as though I had been stolen from if I upvoted a post and paid money to an author whom lied to me by presenting me with a forgery designed to manipulate my emotions and play me as if I were stupid.

If anyone could provide a plausible explanation to explain these inconsistencies perhaps we could open a ticket or contact the administrators of to alert them that their site displays erroneous figures and formatting on occasion."

Original post by @pawsdog is here:
@pawsdog - Please upvote @pawsdog and follow.

Please upvote and resteem so others can read and debate the issue openly.

UPDATE: Someone has pointed out that there was a comma used in the figures. However the % quoted by Bernie Sanders stills seems to stand as incorrect.
Please see the link below.



Nice job.

I, like you, have no skin in the game.

But the typo and math are most compelling.

Upvoted and following you now.



Thats my article, how about an upovote and follow for the actual author

Original post by @pawsdog - Please upvote @pawsdog and follow!


Sorry you got victimized. That really sucks!

Good luck.


Thank you JaiChai. Onwards!

Are you by any chance talking about the bug that steem supply had?
See this post:

@berniesanders and @haejin, this is getting to be too much.

  • The above article PROVES that @berniesanders did not alter the screenshot, but that it was in fact altered after an update.
  • It also PROVES that @haejin NEVER took up 6% of the reward pool, as he was accused of, because of the same update.

Is there a way that the flagging coming from both sides can now stop, so that we can all enter a new year full of joy and hopefully profits, and leave this whole mess behind us :)

@sames NICE CATCH!

He still takes about 1.8% of reward pool. I mentioned this bc that the number that getting thrown around now for the reason of flagging. Idk if that still makes it a serious issue...

Yor are great, continue posting , we will support you , upvoted and followed.

Thats my article, how about an upovote and follow for the actual author

Thank you so much!

I keep posting this post, but the person who made talking about a bug fix related to this issue.

Hey if anyone sees this could they give me haejns yahoo email please? <---- Heres his own website. Haejin doesnt need steemit- Steemit needs haejin. But we have some "special olympics" minded individuals who think everyone should get a 1st place tropy- even if they dont cross the finish line--- this is thier excuse for stealing votes from Haejin, as they say the payout pool is "unfair". When I cast an upvote- I expect it to be honored- not "redistributed" to others who think their posts are undervalued--- Let the people decide who is top- not the whales or outside special intrest groups (Facebook, various wall street entities and other self appointed "altcoin investment gurus" come to mind- and I believe they are conspiring to shut down Haejin, as he provides free advice- and nails it 90% of the time. ) Thats why Im not buying anymore steem power, am powering down, and will GIFT haejin in litecoin, bitcoin or Ethereum from now on. Steemit has been gamed- plain and simple. Steemit lost Confidence, Credibility and Respect, by not ethically resolving this situation, and others who post actual useful information, are having second thoughts about posting on here now. BUT- kitten pictures and farmville type shit is welcome, and the posters think they should be paid more for kitten memes and their "artwork". Hope I didnt sugarcoat that too much.

Just send him 0.01 steem dollar and add your message with a # before the comment so it's encrypted. Make sure a space between hash and first letter of comment

Wrong steem supply did use commas due to a bug was facing.
As stated by the dev of the site:
I believe you are talking about that bug :)
Please mention this in this/the next post :)

I've edited you link into the main post. Please note that this does not affect the core discussion that the amount of the reward pool earned as claimed in BS's original post - that inflamed his supporters into a lynch mob - was incorrect? Thanks for contributing positively to the debate.

Idk i just staying away from this.............

Honestly, this is hard to believe. The algorithm gets it right 99.999999% of the time, but in 0.000001% of the time it can't do simple arithmetic and puts a comma instead of a decimal point. Really? Really??

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