The hidden values: What are you missing?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

In the walking world I have a one-person business consultancy and train management and personnel for improved results. Not the results of the company, the results of the people as more often than not, the two are quite closely aligned when viewed in the context of a career.

Valuable work, valuable life

In general, the most satisfied people and valuable employees have something in common, a lot of what they do is hidden from sight. What I mean by this is that they add value through several unrelated streams and often their colleagues do not see the full picture of what they are doing, not that they actually hide it.

This has pros and cons to it as these employees are often rewarded and pushed higher through the companies but for the colleagues next to them, they do not see why they were not chosen instead as 'they do the same amount of work'. This means that there can be resentments held by colleagues who feel that there is special preference being given.

The other problem with this is that management can often miss these employees also as often their complete set of value streams lays out of sight of any one manager. It takes a special kind of manager to recognise the values of these talents and find a way to give them the space to widen their streams and both enjoy the freedom and increase added values.

Narrow faces

At Steemit, there is a similar situation going on as there are so many various offsite interactions and streams that if one only looks at what happens in any one stream, it may appear that not much is getting done.

For example, if you only read a person's blog you are only likely to see one side of them. If you only read their comments, you will probably see another and if you talk to them on Discord or you will likely get another view.

The problem is that for many, what is an indicator of success at Steemit is the size of the voting on posts but that can be affected by many factors that go unseen by those who may only read that particular post or even the entire blog roll.

Over stream, under stream

There may be a nonsense post of a photo that gets a significant return but without knowing what other work the poster is involved with judging that particular post independently is potentially very uncharitable. Similarly, someone else may put a lot of work into their content and get high rewards on content that one may say is undeserving of it but, they may not see the other roles that person plays.

There are many ways to support Steemit and content creation isn't the only form but, not all pay. This means that some people only focus on content creation while others post less, or lower quality but spend their time onboarding, helping newbies in chat, discussing potential changes, flagging trash, submitting to @utopian-io, developing apps, building new interfaces, trading advice and a whole range of other aspects.

I have been helped by many people in all of these ways both directly and indirectly even if I am not interested in their content, even if I think that some of their individual posts are undeserving of rewards. They have helped me better understand so many aspects of Steemit, Steem, trading and a whole range of areas that if only read their content, I would miss.

Increasing Flows

Of course, Steemit is first and foremost driven by the content here and that should of course take focus first. Many newbies I have helped in chat are worrying about curation rewards, claiming income, getting engagement yet they haven't yet read the FAQs, do not understand the difference between SBD and Steem and have spent no time on developing content.

When I came in to the platform, I had no idea of any of this at all and spent a great deal of time doing what I thought was valuable. If I had carried in the same attitudes I train my clients in, I would have spent less time knowing and more time exploring to see how the land lays and which way streams can flow.

I think that before one can start extending into new streams and creating multiple revenue flows, one should spend some time learning how the platform works at a basic level and seeing how they can add value in their core river. From this point, it is fairly easy and organic to start branching out.

The lay of the land

Today, I submitted a UI tweak to Utopia and got it approved by a mod (pretty cool), I helped a couple newbies understand a few things about Steemit workings and some ideas for content, I upvoted a user for original content who last week I flagged heavily for plagiarism, wrote an episode of a fiction series, discussed onboarding issues, and spoke about cryptocurrency trading with seasoned professionals.

I am not saying that my idea for the UI was great, nor that I am the best source for content or platform advice, my upvote is not overly valuable, my writing is not going to win a Pulitzer for literature, my views for onboarding are not commonly held and my ability to add value to a crypto trading discussion is very limited indeed.

But, how many other casual users of another 'social' platform can say that they have the ability to add some value across such a diverse set of topics and still have a chance to get rewarded in various ways for their input?

There are many facets to Steemit and a wide range of roles that act within and off of the system. It is narrow-minded to only look at one surface and assume one knows all that there is. Dig deeper, you may discover that you have been mistaken about many things. I know I was.

[ a Steemit original ]


I just voted this 100%. Not just that, this is like the first post on here that i read more than once. An insightful write up that actually challenged my intellect. I will take my time to learn on this platform and worry less about earnings. Tomorrow they say, shall take care of itself. Thanks Taraz

I am sure you will do well mate, just keep pushing what you know and improving where you can.

From reading this post I realize that there is even more to learn about how steemit works than i thought after I've spent considerable time in chat terrorising people with my questions. A revelation, steemit is not only about posting content but about helping others to fit in or monitoring that this habitat exists in peace and accordance with its core idea. Thank you :)

At some point in the near future, you will be paying it forward. It won't take you long to get a hold on how it works (and how it doesn't) and then you can benefit and help add value also :)

i have appreciated your presence this last week a great deal. you have aided me in chat and i have seen you help many others... often with questions i too also received the benefit. in my opinion you should not undercut your writing... it is clear, thoughtful and succinct. i have enjoyed every post read. thank you for pointing out the bigger picture mindset... it is often not easy seeing the other layers of the onion as folks cry over the first layer.
you do good by noobs... even when they are being flagged 😜

When you are ready, pay it forward :)

the Butt abides

I know I have a long way to go. That I have made mistakes in the past, present, and will in the future. But like you I will learn. I may not learn as fast as the next person, nor as slow as some, but the learning process for me will go on. I avoided chat for almost the first 2 months, (the steemit chat), and I have only recently looked into discord chat. Progress for me is a little bit slow, but I feel it is a steady and comfortable pace for myself. Thank you for this post I am sure I will find more small streams to drink from in the future.

Great post my friend @tarazkp. And many good points raised in this revealing and insightful article. This is exactly the eternal struggle for those of us (open mind, acute onlookers and patient watch dogs) who too often are trying to intercede, disrupt and show convincing evidence about how things actually works out and also permanently trying to forge indisputable awareness about how many diverse & multiple varieties of hidden realities in our society exist and, in fact, incessantly will spring everywhere all the time each minute.

Many people just seems to only believe in what lays on the surface. In front of their noses exclusively and they use to act/react accordingly. Ignoring the fact of all what may reside beyond their limited scope in the hidden realms out of reach of their myopic sight. And they shield their lack of interest to gain new knowledge behind pure arrogance and/or plain laziness by just proclaiming not having the time available to confirm their beliefs or simply they refuse to embrace a journey of new discoveries.

But the worst of all of things to witness, is observing their rampant unwillingness to explore beyond their comfort zone, swap positions with others in the very same shared environment and exchange perspectives with siblings and interlocutors that even when they have arrived and are standing right there in the very same spot like them, they all got there from a very different route and individual/unique voyage..

So, from my elderly point of view I conclude:

  • It’s not what the crowd believes. It’s what the crowd believes that the crowd believes.

  • Most people don't like other people assuming how they think, or worse telling them what they are thinking.

Thus, at this point in my life, in which I feel that I have become too old now. I suspect the healthier thing to do in this 'always in a hurry society' where everyone and their cats thinks and swears they already knows everything and all. It's simply better to allow everyone enjoy by themselves that continuous (or perpetual) loop of pursuing their dreams trying to decipher which of them may be the correct one in a given moment. }:)

"Moral Of The Story"

"There are many who dare not kill themselves for fear of what the neighbors will say" - Cyril Connolly

I am not sure when I will learn to leave well enough alone and stop trying to convince people that there is another way. Perhaps I will wake up to myself one day also and wonder where all the time went, and how little I did with it.

Look at all the people from chat in the comments! Its like you helped them or something ;)

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