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RE: The hidden values: What are you missing?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Great post my friend @tarazkp. And many good points raised in this revealing and insightful article. This is exactly the eternal struggle for those of us (open mind, acute onlookers and patient watch dogs) who too often are trying to intercede, disrupt and show convincing evidence about how things actually works out and also permanently trying to forge indisputable awareness about how many diverse & multiple varieties of hidden realities in our society exist and, in fact, incessantly will spring everywhere all the time each minute.

Many people just seems to only believe in what lays on the surface. In front of their noses exclusively and they use to act/react accordingly. Ignoring the fact of all what may reside beyond their limited scope in the hidden realms out of reach of their myopic sight. And they shield their lack of interest to gain new knowledge behind pure arrogance and/or plain laziness by just proclaiming not having the time available to confirm their beliefs or simply they refuse to embrace a journey of new discoveries.

But the worst of all of things to witness, is observing their rampant unwillingness to explore beyond their comfort zone, swap positions with others in the very same shared environment and exchange perspectives with siblings and interlocutors that even when they have arrived and are standing right there in the very same spot like them, they all got there from a very different route and individual/unique voyage..

So, from my elderly point of view I conclude:

  • It’s not what the crowd believes. It’s what the crowd believes that the crowd believes.

  • Most people don't like other people assuming how they think, or worse telling them what they are thinking.

Thus, at this point in my life, in which I feel that I have become too old now. I suspect the healthier thing to do in this 'always in a hurry society' where everyone and their cats thinks and swears they already knows everything and all. It's simply better to allow everyone enjoy by themselves that continuous (or perpetual) loop of pursuing their dreams trying to decipher which of them may be the correct one in a given moment. }:)

"Moral Of The Story"

"There are many who dare not kill themselves for fear of what the neighbors will say" - Cyril Connolly


I am not sure when I will learn to leave well enough alone and stop trying to convince people that there is another way. Perhaps I will wake up to myself one day also and wonder where all the time went, and how little I did with it.

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