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RE: SteemStem, Steemit and Entitlement: Grow up

in #steemit6 years ago

I am not sure if they predicted the bidbots with HF19 but they definitely are a negative and even though people claim them for visibility, it does very little in my opinion to solve that problem.

There are witnesses here who are thinking long-term though and they are often also the ones who are acting in the best interest of the platform. It is hard to see them though isn't it amongst the creators and supports of bidbots?

Entitlement comes at all levels in my opinion here as everyone has an expectation of earning. The amounts they expect vary greatly though.

It is a reflection of society, where the politicians sell out the people through bribes.

Yes, yet many claim they are ancaps but act like crooked polies and colluding conglomerates.

If people want this to actually be significant in the future, people need to step themselves up, all people.


and even though people claim them for visibility, it does very little in my opinion to solve that problem.

This is absolute truth. I bought them to get on the hot page for at least an hour or two so my posts would be visible for more than 30 seconds. I have even gained followers. Yet those followers don't vote, they don't comment. The few real votes I have had all have come from others I initiated contact with on their posts. My advice to all newer people is don't pay these bots.

I haven't made my investment back on them once curation rewards are taken out. This would still be ok if not for the fact not one person was interested enough to engage with me. Now, I realize my personality and topics won't appeal to the majority, but surely if many people were using the hot list I would have found a couple. I am unsure how many even look at those lists. I don't for the most part. After my first week of using them I found enough people who I identified with that I use those they resteem for the most part to find others, or people who comment on their posts.

That is the only real strategy a new person will find any success with. You will not be found by the community, you must take responsibility and find your community. Any other way is just a hustle in the hopes of a quick gain that usually won't be for anyone but those selling their favor. Throw out any ideas of making money and if it happens it happens slowly over time. If not, then at least you found others who you click with.

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