I am NOT a prisoner to Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago

I had spent about 2 months way from Steemit because of a lot of change that was happening in my life.

About 1 week ago, I decided to jump back into the community by ...

  • Creating new posts
  • Engaging Steemit users with authentic comments
  • Up voting quality content

And in less than 1 week, the Steemit addiction started to pop up again.

Steemit is a community and platform that enables me to achieve my goals!

The benefits of Steemit are undeniable.

  • Opportunities to teach and be taught
  • Opportunities to give and to receive
  • Opportunities to meet others with common interests
  • Opportunities to meet others who I have nothing in common with
  • And there are future benefits that I can not even imagine

I am not only a fan of Steemit, but I also a supporter as a content creator and a community member.

I came to Steemit and I stay with Steemit because I have goals and dreams. And Steemit enables me to achieve those goals and reach those dreams!

But I am not a prisoner of Steemit!

There are times when I need to step away from Steemit. And that should be OK.

There are times that I need to strengthen relationships at home with my wife and kiddos. As a result, I need to make sure that I stay off my phone and away from the Internet, so that I can have proper boundaries with Steemit.

There are times that I need to stop worrying about

  • the crazy, insane price of SBD
  • how I am going to power up
  • if anyone will support my posts with upvotes

Sometimes I need to just step away, because Steemit is helping me achieve my life goals, not overtaking them!

Two Days Away

So if you don't hear from me in the next two days, don't worry. I plan to be back soon. I am just steeping away to spend quality time with my wife.

I am stepping away to dream big and refresh my spirit so that when I come back, I will come back even better!

I support Steem and I look forward to being apart of this community as I strive to be a digital entrepreneur. But for a moment, I choose to step away.

And if you need some time to dream big and refresh your spirit, give yourself permission to do the same.

Your Turn

Let's keep the conversation going.

  1. Do you have a Steemit addiction?
  2. How do you create boundaries?
  3. What are some of your goals and dreams?
  4. How does the Steemit community and platform enable you to accomplish your goals and dreams?

Until next time


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As a fairly new member to the steemit community I can see how it can easily become an addiction. Since I work from home it is often very easy for me to become distracted from work by sites like steem. I have found there are a couple of keys for me to stay on track -

  1. Keep personal stuff (including steem) off the work computer.
  2. Do not use the personal computer for work.
  3. Do not be afraid to walk away from technology for a while to reset.

So far this process has been working pretty well for me. The hardest part has been to keep the work/personal computers separate. Since the work one is a laptop it is the easy one to grab when you want to sit in front of the TV and scroll through steem or or sites. But I am committed to sticking to it, because for me it has been the most healthy way to divide work/home computing life

@willwestfall, this is great advice - creating a physical hardware barrier between work and personal stuff.

Keep it up! We all need to find that healthy balance. #3

Well, right now I guess I have a newbie addiction but I believe it is because I want to know more about it and how it works. Having said that, when I had my blog out of here I was totally addicted to it and that last for years. Thanks for remind me not to put myself back into that trap.

Enjoy your time away, guilty-free! They are priceless.

@missfernandes, thanks for the comment. It was nice to get away and spend some quality time with my wife.

We all have to protect ourselves from falling into addictive behaviors. It is so easy to get wrapped up in something and forget about the someones we need to focus on. #1

I don't have an addiction to steemit, but only because I have very clear personal limits. I have limits on how often I post, comment and browse. If I didn't have that I'm sure I would be addicted by now.

@frugallady, clear boundaries are so important. Thanks for sharing that good word.

And having people in your life that keep you accountable to those boundaries is a good thing too. #2

It sure does.

I am addicted to STEEM but I LOVE IT because it's a healthy addiction that is good for me :)

@jeffjagoe, steemit has been great for me. I just have a lot of other great things that I am blessed with.

Keep Steeming and keep making a difference in our community. #4

I find Steemit fits in nicely with my coffee breaks, of which I have many. For me, the most time consuming element is producing a decent well lit and cropped photograph of my artwork.

Thanks for joining in @coldmonkey! We all have challenges in creating great content.

I really wish I had a better understanding of photography. Lighting is so important. #5

Nice one there man....Really true. I use to have very serious addiction too when i Signed up to steemit, because of the goodies my friend told me of steemit. I wished i could achieve all of them in just a week.....hahaha...so I got addicted. Thanks goodness I disciplined myself.

Congrats to @willwestfall who won this post's Steem Markdown giveaway.

Contact me at @sumatranate on Steemit.chat or discordapp.com to receiver your link to sign in.

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