[Ebay - OUT WITH THE OLD] -- PEERHUB, IN WITH THE NEW!! -- The Ten Minute PEERHUB Post --

in #steemit8 years ago



I was excited to see when PEERHUB was announced here on STEEMIT.COM a few weeks ago. I read @steemrollin 's post, Peerhub: Bringing Steem Beyond Social Networks To The New Economy! I then went to the website, PeerHub.com and liked the user interface. I was sold on PEERHUB. I promised myself that as soon as I had a chance, I would post something to sell just to see what the experience was like.

Cost of Goods Sold


I have been on Ebay both as a buyer and a seller for many years. I have even been a Power Seller when I was selling Bitcoin Miners. I sold some of ASICMINER's USB Eruptors as well as BITMAIN's Antminers. I have also sold many other items from many categories such as Boxing T-shirts to used Laptops. i have sold close to $200,000 dollars (Gross Sales) worth on Ebay throughout the years. I have always had Ebay as a form of making some extra cash when needed or simply when I had something to get rid of that had some value.

As an Ebay Merchant, it has always been difficult to make much of a profit on items sold through Ebay. Profit margins have to remain very low in order to stay competitive, or your item will not sell. So when selling on Ebay, knowing your Cost of Goods Sold is very important in order to help decide whether selling a product is worth the effort. When looking into those costs, Ebay and Paypal will usually add up to about 13% of the total cost of the Item being sold. For example, If you sell 5 ounces of Silver on Ebay for $100, then you will receive in your Bank Account, approximately $87 Dollars.


As a small business operator on Ebay, every penny counts. Granted, when I was selling larger ticket/High Demand items such as Bitcoin miners that sold for thousands of dollars, a couple dollars here or there did not make too much of a difference. Unfortunately, "hot" products to sell tend to come and go quickly. You can make a lot of money selling these "fads" or lose money if you come in too late. Think of those "hoverboards" that everyone had to have until they broke their necks or the batteries caught fire. Early investors/resellers made money, and the late ones could not give them away.


The challenge of finding the right product to sell at an affordable price to the consumer while still making a profit just became a whole lot easier with the help of Peerhub. I realize that PEERHUB has nowhere near the Ebay User traffic, but it is the idea of eliminating about 13% of Cost of Goods sold, which will ultimately mean lower prices for the consumer that has me excited as well one other important thing that PEERHUB has over Ebay. PEERHUB allows for you to receive payment in STEEM as well, which means instant transfer of value, not 1 week of waiting like with PAYPAL.

Then there is PEERHUB's user interface for creating your listing. It is simple, straightforward and quick. I have greatly appreciated the changes that Ebay has made throughout the years to help provide a better merchant sales experience. Ebay does provide many features when creating a sales listing, but PEERHUB just gets straight to the point. I created my first listing on PEERHUB , APPLE IPHONE FOR SALE in less than 10 minutes. I have been saved from having to pay 13% to Ebay and Paypal when selling in an online marketplace while receiving the payment in STEEM, immediately. It does not get any better!
Full $teem Ahead!
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I need to check this out, I used to see a lot on Ebay but got fed up with the charges, this sounds great

Thanks for the support and glad you like it!
It's great to have an experienced Ebay seller support our platform ... Yes I didn't have a whole lot of experience selling on Ebay, but I did sell a Bitcoin miner in 2013 and was pretty shocked when I realized it was around 13% after Ebay & Paypal fees! That was another big motivation behind getting Peerhub started. Thanks for the post!

should do a weekly post showing items that were sold on peerhub for the week, this would encourage more buyers and sellers

@steemrollin Those fees get worse when you are trying to sell items priced in the $1-$2 dollar range. For example, if you try to sell an item for $2.00 , Ebay will get 0.20 cents and paypal will get about 0.04 cents but Paypal also charges 0.30 cents for every transaction fee, so now the total Ebay / Paypal fee is about 0.54 cents or 27% of the $2.00 dollar sale!

This is great news something else needed to come out to replace eBay. It is scalping smaller sellers now

I don't do much on eBay anymore, precisely because of these factors. I find something I know I can profit on, if I could just sell it, but after fees and shipping, the double becomes pennies of profit = not worth my time. I put a few items up on Peerhub too, just last week. We'll see how it goes!

Around the year 2006 or so, I used to sell Surveillance equipment. I stood away from the typical fare of cameras and recording devices, and instead focused on materials needed during professional installs, such as female and male BNC connectors (typical video cable ends needed for camera and recording equipment) and other such items used more by an installer. I did ok until other started doing what I was doing, and not before long, the profits were dwindled down by undercutting competitors (mostly chinese suppliers). Anyhow, what I really like about the likes of PEERHUB is it allows for selling low priced items ( less than $5) without fees and it supports cryptocurrency. Simply Awesome!
full $teem ahead!

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