I don't want to join chats

in #steemit8 years ago

I don't want to join chats

I especially don't want to join audio chats

the first thing is that I understand things better when I read them than when I listen to them

the second thing is that the information is THERE on the page to reference at a later time ESPECIALLY on a blockchain platform like Steemit

the third thing is that chats are chaotic, and I want the right info to be in the right order

the fourth thing is that I am antisocial; I'm not better than you, but it eats at my energy level to communicate with you.

the last thing is that chats can lead away from the subject easily, and there is almost always somebody asking repetitive or irrelevant questions (at least they're irrelevant to me LOL)


I still don't have an account; I may never do it

BUT I understand that Steemit isn't good for long conversations with a 6 layer nesting limit - so people do need a place where they can go back and forth

also that Steemit doesn't have a private message capability, so there is a another reason to need chats

it's just weird to me b/c i have a gut feeling that one of the best things about Steemit is that everything is out in the open for good (yes, you can edit or delete your own comments, but ONLY you can)

would an integral chat or PM function be helpful or doable for Steemit? or would it interfere with the overall ease of the platform?


I dont do chats either. I am another anti-social. Are not most bloggers, and people on the internet anti-social though? I would like to check out Steemit chat at one point, but its not a priority for me. I think there must be a reason PM wasn't implemented. Maybe so our whole Steemit experience is recorded for all to see, for a long time into the future. This way new users do not have to ask as many questions. Most questions are already asked, they just have to look for someone who has answered. This gets people to spend time on Steemit reading material, and enhancing their own quality of material while doing it.,

There are some problems with the model, but I don't see a better way to do it. We as creators need to look at our contributions in the "what have you done for Steemit lately?" mindset.

So I think it is a good thing that there is no chat function, at least!

Yes. I was just mentioning that if it goes mainstream it will not be because the creators pushed it and advertised it. It will be from users that care and put a lot of their resources and time into it.

I did a post with the topics in this post. I had too much to say. You can find it here

I'm not a huge chat fan either. If I feel like chatting I go on IRC but that's not very often. I don't like the idea of blockchain chat where every line is embedded in the blockchain for ever and ever either. Chat can be useful, it can be fun occasionally, but if every line of chat was stored on the blockchain, I don't think I'd like that as a function of steemit.

I 've been on several IRCs for a while, so I see what you mean about storing every line of !!HUGGZ!! interplay.

G*d, that would certainly bog down the chain

Oddly enough.
I agree.
I like 'chatting' back an forth in THIS format...similar to FaceBook.
However on FaceBook I have chat disabled and rarely use PM.
and here I thought that I was the only one.
(the six deep thing is a pain isn't it?)

there is a kind of...permanence...here in this format. idk why that's important to me, but wth

I see somereason for the 6-deep restriction, but it does restrict some discussion

Steve, my friend, thank you for saying out loud (some of) what I think...

I would personally value a PM system. My biggest "need" for this has come when I belatedly discover a gem of an article, find myself deeply desiring to compliment or question the author, only to discover that due to its age, comments under the article are closed and frozen. It would be wonderful at that point to be able to click a "PM" button...

What I have done as a work-around, is to visit a recent post by the same author and comment there... However, there have been times when there are no recent posts! :(

Another aspect of this is the time element - I'm already spending way too much time on Steemit, simply because I'm a Steemit Junkie... and if I were to join in any Real-Time chats, I would be doomed. I know that this has not been "good strategy," and that I would likely have a better following if I spent time in the chat rooms, but... Oh well!

Thanks for this very thought-provoking post! :) 😄😇😄


You have been STEEMED!

LOL Great article!

I'm not sure having chat being integral to the system would change my aversion to chat, but you have brought up an important point in regard to the usefulness of a PM system

I KNOW that the nature of Steemit is NOW, but we do lose some of the value of past content in that

Yes... I find myself still wondering about the "long term value" of posts here.

I've read several references and comments in that regard, but have not yet taken the time to research the topic. I'd like to think that becoming an uncensored record on the blockchain would provide permanence to the work done here.

I've created my own Topical Table of Contents to help my readers and followers access my older work. But I'm still unclear on the "if and how" authors may be rewarded, long term, when others read and respond to older posts?

Anyway, glad you enjoyed True Confessions of a ☁️Steem Junkie☁️, 😄😇😄😇

the value of old posts is in their content ;>

especially for fiction by chapters!

that NOW component of Steemit's attention is on the financial reimbursement side; as opposed to the archival side of old posts...which can gain you followers...which can lead to more upvotes on the NOW posts ;>

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