About Yesterday's Post: Why Did I Justify Myself?

in #steemit6 years ago

Well... about yesterday's post.

I was telling my following that I was going to take the SBD part out but would keep the SP.

Some users supported me, some gave me a word of encouragement, some related as to how indeed marriages are expensive, but @fulltimegeek shared a post for me to read, which I advise you to take a look at as well:

Here it is:

"What You Do With Your Steemit Earnings Offends Me!" Be Aware Of The Self-Appointed Judges Of Steemit

Well, @shayne is absolutely right in what he is saying here on the post above... but I was telling you this because I know there are a lot of people looking up to me, and at the same time they would probably notice I was cashing out...

...so why does that matter?

Read below...

Why Did I Tell People The Reason Behind Me Cashing Out My SBD?

Well, the answer is:

  • I did not want people to think I was losing faith in the blockchain.

Let's face it people, we've passed a rough ride these last few months... the prices tanked, and things got really hard around here while comparing to the late 2017 and early 2018 days.

So, I wanted to avoid my followers going - Huh! Even Spiritualmax who is always on how Steemit is great is cashing out!

I didn't want people to say:

  • He talks about cooperation and adding to the blockchain but he only wants to take his rewards out and get on with it.

Well, that's simply not true and I wanted people to know it...

...but would it have an impact?

They Are Probably Right...

So, would people thinking I lost faith or that I was being greedy have any affect?

Well, let's face it, I'm hardly a big user and it wouldn't have that much of an impact.

So I guess @fulltimegeek and @shayne are right saying that I don't have to justify... maybe it's me having that stupid human flaw that makes us care what others think.

Maybe I just thought I could lose my self-created image of "perfection"... maybe it was my Marketing vein kicking in and preparing the grounds for any Reputation backfiring from that event? Damage Control Tactic?

It may as well be that, now that I think of it...

Thank You For The Wedding Gift:

Finally, a little add-on simply because she deserves it.

Today I logged in to see that I had a transfer of 5 SBD coming from an Honor Guard missing in action - @anjkara.

Thank you Anj for the Wedding Gift :D

Another thing I thought about was to make something to keep me motivated and to tell you just how Steem can help you on these ocasions, read below...

STEEM is a Blessing: It Can Save You In Hard Times!

So, STEEM is a huge blessing and it can save you in hard times.

As a matter of fact, @shayne even wrote about that in the post I shared above, and it is true.

I'll keep tabs on what I have cashed out from now on, and we'll ALL be able to see how much I cashed out FROM STEEM when the marriage date comes.

Everyone will get to see how STEEM can help, and how it changes life even for a newbie with less than 6 months old.


Received Today:
78 SBD on rewards
5 SBD as a Wedding Gift from @anjkara

Currently in Balance: 83 SBD
Cashed Out: 0 USD
Total Wedding Cost: 20,000 USD

Still Missing: 20,000 USD

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Bucket of Goodies:


Congratulations on the impending nuptial!

I think it is totally reasonable to use earnings from Steemit elsewhere. Everyone's situation is different and this may even be a sole source of income for some.

It isn't my only source of income fortunately, but I agree, there are a lot of full time steemians out there.

Don't let anyone make you feel bad about your decision to cash out. You owe nobody any explanation, leave those self righteous people to keep judging till it gets to their turn

your followers understood your desire to be transparent with all of us, I believe that you do not lose faith by collecting the sbd, many times help! my fridge broke down and it was a great help to my sbd's, but I'm still here betting on the future, I'm sending you another mini gift, good luck.

Good luck to you as well, here's a gift right back.

Wouldn't have needed to justify it, but it was a nice gesture. Good luck on getting enough for the wedding. I just found your account today and hit follow. One thing that impresses me is it seems you've been able to grow organically, and are able to get decent post rewards through actual hard work. From what I can tell you're not just buying your way to trending, and the rewards go to reimburse the amount you paid vote bots. Pretty impressed with the accomplishment!

Thanks man! I do work tons and I'm glad it pays off... I don't think the system is rigged, I just think we need more people to spread out the power a bit better... Automatic sign ups would fix a lot of the problems.

Congratulations on your engagement!

I did read @shayne's post and agree 100% with him. I appreciate "worrying about what people think", and not long ago I said the exact same words to my husband, Brian. He said, "they'll think we need it". So simple and so true. With you, they'll think you want to pay for your wedding; with @shayne, he needs to provide for his family. If they, people, judge, they are not worth worrying about.

In the end, no one has the right to dictate what we do with the money we make, and I'd love to see that mindset erased here. Our actions should prove our worth here, not our wallet and what we do with it. Maybe because our wallets are open for anyone to scrutinize, somehow 'those people' believe that our actions are as well. Utter nonsense. People should get off their high horse and focus on what's important here instead.

Well, if I saw a user I admired and who has a good sized community on here cashing out I'd be afraid he knew something I didn't and was cashing out to avoid being a bag holder.

Not judging per se, but afraid the platform was going to experience something I didn't know about... I just wanted to make sure people knew that is not the case and that I still trust STEEM 100%

Fair enough. That shows you're really a considerate guy ;)

You would never need to justify how you use the SBD part of your earnings because you are doing something that entails time, effort and research.

It is not as if you are spamming the platform with 10 posts that is easily seen in Twitter and not doing anything with Steem or engaging people.

We want you to be happy Max and making the missus happy will do that haha. Happy would be wife, happy life as they use to say.

Hehehe... 10 posts per day like Twitter.... I know some of them around here :D

You don't have to listen to anyone @spiritualmax , you own your account, do as you please with your earnings. I'll always support you, keep up the good work.

Thanks! See you around brozini!

I think you're right in terms of reputation. Gotta walk the talk or it'll have an impact further down the line.

Sorry I've been MIA for a while. Doctor's orders. I'm not active in any discord communities at the mo. It's hard enough to get a post out daily. I'll be back to full beast mode when my health improves a bit. I miss you guys <3


PS Eek 3:O ~ the gift was a secret :P

Doctor: Im afraid you got Steemianite!

Lol, I'm afraid I got that too :P


Never ever thought that you lost faith here, I know that you've been holding it in for the long haul. :) Aja! It's fine.

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