A Week Without Voting: And My Little Steemians Evaluation

in #steemit6 years ago

Hello people,

If you're a follower of mine you know I am usually someone who always invests his voting power of the day, and I never let it sit idly.

However, if you're used to seeing votes from me, you may notice I'm not voting for a couple of days now, and that I'm not going to vote for the next week either.

This post will explain just why this is happening and apologize for the fact that I'm not voting this week.

My apologies...

...read on below to learn why!

Here's Why I'm Not Voting the Upcoming Week:

The answer is pretty simply - I've delegated 100% of my SP.

This means I have no voting power whatsoever. My votes are worth $0.00 and I can't waste bandwidth with them or I won't even be able to post.

I didn't think about this implication, and that's why I'm fixing it.

I'm funneling some more steem to the account soon, but if you were getting ready to help by delegating, let me tell you why you SHOULDN'T:

  • I'm calling back over 1K SP!

I have over 1K SP delegated to an inactive account, and I'm calling it back.

It'll be a week until it returns though, hence why I'm not going to do my usual rounds.

However, as soon as it returns I'll be resuming the usual "rounds" as 1500 SP is more than enough to be able to contribute to the STEEM blockchain through manual curating and engaging like I usually do.

Since We're Talking of Delegations: How Are My Adopted Steemians Doing?

So, are they contributing to the blockchain and adding value?

Let's take a look at what my adopted Steemians are doing...

@MisterMercury Analyzed:

So, at the moment @MisterMercury has an above average commenting number.

His daily comments are 14, and his average comment worth is $0,14.

His posting average isn't bad either, but could go a bit up, I'm sure he could do it:

If there's one thing @MisterMercury should strive for, it would be to avoid his voting power to sit at 100%.

Perhaps have someone on auto-vote would do the trick, or else just ensure the equivalent of 11 100% votes are made per day, voting extra on one day if he knows he won't vote the day after.

So, let's analyze another Steemian.

@Angelacs Analyzed:

@Angelacs has the opposite problem, where she is voting too much.

By letting your voting power descend past 70% you're greatly reducing your impact on the blockchain, therefore I would advise you to scale down on voting and vote less than the 11 votes per day until you get back to above 70%.

On the other hand, the posting numbers are above average, well done, keep up the good work, almost 1 per day.

The comment numbers are below average, which is something you can improve on. You're harming your growth chances and adding less value through commenting which is strange seeing as you vote so much... why not leave a comment too?

Maybe scale less on comment size and more on quantity.

@DerangedVisions Analyzed:

@DerangedVisions has a very healthy vote power bar, well done man, keep up doing that good management.

On the other hand, his posting averages are really good as well, above average, more than 1 post per day.

Finally, your commenting averages are the thing you need to improve upon.

See to it mate :D

@FoxySpirit Analyzed:

@FoxySpirit also has a really good voting power bar, well managed:

Posting per day could do well with a bit of an increase, although it's not bad.

Finally, comments per day are a little below average. Something to work on in the future.

@NorwegianBikeman Analyzed:

@Norwegianbikeman is also a savvy manager of the vote power bar. Well done my friend, keep those numbers between 70% and 95% as you're doing.

The posting numbers aren't bad, but again, you could use a bit of an increase:

The comment numbers are also below average... time to pick up the slack Bikeman, grab your commenting hat and start working :D

In Conclusion:

So, to my Steemian Adopted Sons and Daughters, don't take this as me "watching" you, but take it as constructive criticism.

I want to help you grow and so I'm giving you what I think are the pieces of advice you need.


PS: When the Delegation of the Inactive Account comes back, I'll get back to voting everyone!

Join the Crypto Empire Community

Bucket of Goodies:


Nice support on your delegatees! Some good feedback. Perhaps the next thing is some sort of crypto empire community project ;). Don't know what that would be though.

crypto empire community project yes...:) a miss the game. :(

For the second comment today....

Sir Max,

I LOVE You!!!! ;)

Seriously. If you knew the amount of times I wanted to get in to Crypto Empire to ask you what was up with my voting power this week, I'd be a rich girl!

I was scared of wasting the SP. YOUR SP. The graph thingy kept going down even though I paused ALL auto comments. I'd paused before because I was lagging on following through with clicking over from SteemDunk to comment on the upvotes it had done for me.

SO you're SPOT ON with needing to comment if I've upvoted.

But the descent of the SP kept going... from the manual upvoting/commenting I was doing I suppose. So stopped commenting for a bit.

I AM so pleased that you'll be helping us fix issues and mentoring us, Sir Max. That's is PERFECT and such a surprise Blessing.

Thank you for this first week's evaluation and soooo happily looking forward to more as we implement your advice.


Thank you Angela,

Since you like it I'll watch you guys and will give you more pointers in the future.


This was a great post! This really opened my eyes to the relationship between some of the Steemit elements. I had no idea that there was a balance of sorts that I should be aiming for if I want my actions to count for the people I upvote, for example. Thank you!

Thanks too for focusing on @angelacs without whom I would not have achieved more than a fraction of my Steemit life so far. Her challenges are great and I am learning from her all the time as I go, as well as loving her tremendous support.

Glad to hear @angelacs already has such participative admirers! Hope to keep seeing you around the blogosphere!

Yikes! I hate it when I do things like that. You're so intent on helping out sometimes you forget about yourself. You're a great guy @spiritualmax it will pay off in the end.

I also love how you're showing progress and coaching with your minions :) They have a great teacher.

Thanks for writing this up. I have been feeling my way through things without a lot of explanation. Due to my conclusions regarding the bidbots and no one seeing my posts regardless, I have focused lately on commenting as a way to connect with others. My voting power has dipped below 50% many times, and is at its highest in over a week right now just above 70%.

Does it matter for someone whose account has so little SP as mine does that I vote so much? or do you still recommend it never be below 70%?

Resteemed as I may have followers who are also unaware of this information. I wish they had a pin tab like Fakebook has so posts that are important could stay visible.

ye a was wondering on the 100%
make sens now. a was sure u was planing a holiday or something.
a just starting using busy and its a game change just on the slider option,
a always up voting when am comments. so hard to not go under 75%.
a want to make more post but its a lack in the energy department atm.

Yeah, turned on the auto vote app. That should help. Appreciate your input too. Really. But this is what I feel about no votes from you:baby-476888_960_720.jpg pixabay.

Oh, I was scared to find myself in there. This week has been a bit of a struggle as I work on time fixing my problems at home, plus the 2 days I was gone. But thank you for letting me know, as I see more where I am slacking. I have a few posts lined up already that I need to get on writing. Some require me to take action on certain things to advance in it. The plans are made! lol. Thank you for this. A good reminder. :)

Where do you get all that information from? o.o
I don't know how to see my comments per day and I would love to know it. At first I thought it was steemd but I can't find where that information in o.o

It's Steem Supply from @dragosroua, really a great tool.

Great tip! (rushes off to check out Steem Supply...)

It's great to keep you motivated!

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