So Where Has All The Missing Money Gone?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Payouts are visible again, which is good. But, they seem to have been reset. That, or perhaps only the author's upvote worth of payout is currently visible.

I'm sure a lot of people have lost some dollar here.

I know I had about $15 in recent posts so far, and $20ish in comments, as well as a fair bit more coming in soon from 30 day payout cycles.

I'm willing to sacrifice the cash I have worked for if it is for the progression of Steemit, but-- I would like to know where all that money went, especially that which was tied to the community's 30 day payout cycles.

Is anyone able to provide an answer to this?


I am always unlucky with these things.
My post has just gone from $50 to 45 cents. Easy come easy go I guess but it does not feel nice.
I suppose I will get over it.
Not sure I would have posted if I knew this would happen though.
See if it corrects over the next few hours but I doubt it.
Will be interesting to see how the 7 day pay out works.

I wouldn't be too certain that it's gone completely. I find it odd that the amount on each post seems to be relative to what it was before. So, this says to me the data is still there somewhere, but perhaps being misinterpreted or misrepresented.

Hope you are right, we see. I guess the idea of fairness is built into all human beings and so such things do tend to bite a little. However, life is too short to moan about these things. Thanks for replying.

My biggest payout so far was due today. Over 80 dollars when I checked a few hours ago. It seems to be all gone :(

I have pondered how they would be able to implement 7 day payout cycles without effecting the previous ones, so I half expected something like this to go down.

There is a chance that the payouts are still there, and that the low visible payouts now are simply the author's upvotes. I noticed this after creating this post and amended it as such. If this is the case, then we might see a return of the money that was there before the hardfork, and hopefully for the older posts too because I'm sure there was a lot of money tied up in the 30 day cycles.

If it is gone.. I don't know what you to tell you. That will be really shitty, especially if it was your biggest payout yet. It may just be something we have to deal with, because it will be quite a challenge to get it back to everyone. But, if that is the case, I'd l need to be sure that money that disappeared isn't just landing in one person, or a few people's wallets in order to retain my faith in this platform.

The funny thing is, 7 day payout cycles is the worst idea I have seen spoken of since I arrived at Steemit. If it is the implementation of this particular feature that fucks things up, then that will just be incredibly silly.

I am sure it's a glitch that will be fixed. There are always transitional issues to be expected when changing something so fundamental as moving from one cycle to a different one so I was half expecting it too.

Personally I don't think long term there is a need for the 7 day cycle but it should smooth out fluctuations in payouts caused by large posts in the short term. IMO that would be a problem that would go away anyway when Steemit has scaled but we shall see how this plays out.

I would like to see a long term payout option so authors can receive royalties in perpetuity for posts. I think that would be very attractive.

With the seven day cycles, I am expecting to see the exemplification of the modern world exaggerated. By this I mean, the richer getting richer and the poorer getting poorer, in the sense that trending posts will now have visibility for a lot longer, and command more votes, whilst 99% of posts will lose visibility after a few hours, or a couple of days at best, and then slowly decline throughout the remainder of the 7 day cycle when votes are applied to other posts. Perhaps there is something I'm overlooking, and this will not be the case. I hope so.

I feel that 7 day payout cycles didn't have to be a bad thing. But before even considering it, the visibility problem had to first be addressed, because as our community grows, it is getting more and more difficult for your post to stay visible longer than 30 minutes to an hour unless you are trending or receiving resteems. Adopting a 7 day cycle when, as it stands, only trending posts are visible for longer than 7 hours, is illogical to me.

I'm 100% with you on eventually having posts potentially receiving further payouts indefinitely in future. This will the key to drawing a lot of passionate bloggers and those who are interested in working hard in order to achieve passive income. At the moment, there is no model in place for Steemians to earn passive income, like on YouTube.

yes that would be shitty after putting in the work to create the content for the platform

good reference, although I still do not understand if after 7 days, our posts will get to same payout value again as they had just before HF17/18?

EDIT: I've just posted a question to @abits post regarding my question above.

Where did the missing money go? It seems obvious to me...

My theory is your money is still there, but they might be having a display issue.

I don't know.. Just guessing.

Mine is not even much compared to what some other people appear to have lost. So, I hope your theory is correct.

I have noticed a couple of other issues, including the fact that after sending a comment, you need to refresh the page in order to see that it went through. I also can't seem to find anything about voter delegation in the settings or anywhere else. Do you know where to find it?

@son-of-satire hey can you help me? $100 has disappeared from my account... check my recent post please

I just logged and saw my payouts change to next to nothing! Gonna read up some more about what people are saying about this.

I may be jumping the gun, and perhaps all of it will appear soon. I just felt like expressing the fact that if it does not, I will be wanting answers as to where exactly it went, because it could not have simply vanished.

Well, I'm sure there'll be fixes incoming. Let's wait for a while and see :-)

My last post payout was $3 which is now showing $0.03.

I don't think it is a glitch, it was predicted. Something about the reward pool having to fill up again and the calculation being done over a larger time span (you can tell I didn't really read it 8-).

It should straighten out over time.

It seems like a small technical issue. I'm not worried... I have faith that the technical crew is working on it.

I can certainly understand people getting upset if they were about to hit a big payout... that sucks!

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