Abit Witness Upgraded to 0.18.1, And An Explanation Why Post Rewards Dropped Much

in #witness-category7 years ago (edited)

My nodes have been upgraded to version 0.18.1, all fine so far. The new rules are scheduled to take effect (hard fork) some seconds after Thu, 30 March 2017 15:00:00 UTC (11:00:00 EDT).

Related links:

Some changes about the new version:

  • We will be able to reply to old old posts.
    At the hard fork time, payout time of all posts and replies that have a pending payout will be rescheduled. For posts and replies that were made earlier than 7 days before, the payout time will be unchanged; otherwise the new payout time will be creation time plus 7 days.
    At the hard fork time, payout time of all posts and replies that have a pending payout will be rescheduled.
    • for both posts and replies, if creation time plus 7 days is earlier than their original next scheduled payout time (either first payout or second payout), the payout time will be unchanged,
    • otherwise the payout time will be changed to creation time plus 7 days

Please expect that posting/curation rewards will drop much after the hard fork. On the first day, reward would be around 3% of pre-hardfork level. It will increase over time, until reach a steady state (need one month or so).

the TL;DR explanation borrowed from @smooth:

The hard fork switched from paying out the full reward pool every day to paying out 1/30 of it. It will take 30+ days for the reward pool, which is still being filled at the same rate as ever, to grow 30x larger so the rewards are back to equilibrium.

One reason is the new 7-day single payout mechanism.

Another reason is described in the release notes:

All payouts now look at the prior 30 days of payouts to determine the share of the reward rather than the current pending rshares.

The reason for this change is twofold. 1. Looking at a 30 day decaying window reduces variance in payout due to small changes in vote densities. 2. On votes we are currently updating the comment the vote is on, every comment in the tree up to the root, and the global property object. With this algorithm we only need to update the comment, significantly reducing the amount of time spent processing votes. With this change, payouts will initially dip and then ramp up over the next 30 days until the reward fun reaches a steady state.

My explanation: there is a content reward pool in the system. Currently, funds in the pool is only enough to pay rewards of a day. So, for example, people who posting during weekends will earn a bit more, because less people are posting. After the hard fork, we'll accumulate more funds in the pool, so it can support rewards of a month. So in the first month or so, people will get less rewards, especially in the first days, much much less than before. After there are enough funds in the pool, the difference of rewards among posts created at different time will be smaller than before.

If you have a post/comment that had a pending reward X before the hard fork time, and at the hard fork time it got rescheduled to be paid after Y days, a rough estimation of the final reward will be: X * Y / 30.

//Update 2:
Another rough estimation: if currently it shows a pending reward A on your post/comment, and it will be paid after Y days, the final reward would be: A * (Y + 1.5) / 1.5.

Or, when you see a pending reward B on a post on a day which is D days after the hard fork, and it will be paid after Y days, the final reward would be B * (Y + 1.5 + D) / (1.5 + D)

The estimations above are VERY ROUGH. Due to STEEM price changes, vote changes on your post or others' posts, the final result may vary.

//Update 3: more detailed math is here.


Does this mean the trending posts will be there for 7 days? I remember when they briefly changed the payout to 12 hours to change that up a bit, but then quickly ditched that change.

Also, many are saying the $0.00 payouts being displayed now is a bug. Is that true or is it more that the 3% number you mentioned essentially shows up as $0 right now?

Also interesting to see the reputation scores change.

Trending algorithm has changed. Post age is now in the calculation. Posts that were made 24 hours before will have less weight so less visibility, those were made 48 hours before will have even less visibility.

However there are two new lists that are ordered by pending payouts:

Thanks so much, @abit. You seem to be the main person providing feedback right now on the technical details. We all appreciate it.

Okay, I think I have a more clear picture now. As @lukestokes said, thank you, as you truly are one of the only witnesses keeping people informed as well as you can. We truly appreciate it!!

Awesome. I had missed that useful comment telling us where we're heading.

Thank you for letting us know about the temporary dip in rewards post hardfork. It is good to disseminate this information so that people are aware and not grumpy in the days following!

Very good point! I also resteemed this important article and info. It's all a bit confusing but still excited it's done. I am sure that there will not be that many posts for the next days. Curious to see how the 7 days payout will turn out.

Well the funny thing is that now is the time to post as normal, i think. That way I am sure we can get a good representative sampling for the rewards to even out over. I hope!

If now is not the time for rewards maybe its time to build followers. Keep up the posting.

I am with you on that. Don't stop the fun but those numbers make me cry 😭 for now 🙀

Exactly. If everyone posts as they normally do then they will eventually see normalcy or perhaps a trend with their rewards. Hopefully this will encourage people to comment more too.

yeah... me too ! :)

Thanks so much for this explanation, @abit !

Thanks for the crisp and clear explanation of the reward pool. I suppose we will see less posts coming days/weeks because of that. But I do hope we getting in more views per posts since posters now have a lot extra time to actually read articles. Also was reading from auto voting platforms, they stop there auto voting for some time, again in favour of human readers! wow! I'm exited to see what will actually happen coming days/weeks, and if my 'hopes' becoming true and we end up with many more active readers!

Very interesting times ahead.

Thanks, good information @abit

witnesses for the perfect category,
You are very suitable for a witness @abit

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