Steemit –‘No substance’ - If you are new or not English speaking then please read.

in #steemit6 years ago


I don’t to want point fingers but this keeps happening and instead of putting people down I would really rather educate. We all want something from Steemit, be it money, recognition, achievement, fame or notoriety. All can be found if you try.

I have noticed my articles are starting to get ‘no substance’ responses. What is one of these?


The @steemnames have been removed as I don’t want to publically embarrass anyone. The comments add nothing or little to the conversation or debate.

If English is not your native language then I do understand. It’s not easy for you to contribute and it will be harder for you to make an impression. English is the dominant language on Steemit, that’s just the way it is.


Translators may help, you could try Babelfish. I will know if you are not English, but I’ll also know if you are trying, that’s the difference.

This brings me to another annoyance that I have, one that holds no language barriers.

You left a ‘No substance’ comment and did not Up-vote the article.


I have put time and effort into writing my articles. I don’t use plagiarised content. My views are my own, and regardless of whether you are agree or not, show some respect by up-voting it at least.

There is no English language barrier and you have no excuse. The little blue up-vote icon is multilingual.

A ‘No substance’ comment is unlikely to get you a response.
A ‘No substance’ with no up-vote will guarantee you no response.

Unless you have masses of time to waste then don’t bother doing either of these things.

There are many new users to Steemit from Venezuela, Philippines, Taiwan, India, Nepal and other countries. I welcome you all and will talk to you all. Just try a little harder, you don’t get anything for free here.

I know others feel the same way about this. Put a little effort into it and you will be rewarded despite the fact that English is not your native language.



Drooling Maniac.JPG

If you found this article so invigorating that you are now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva or even if you liked it just a bit, then please upvote, comment, resteem, engage me or all of these things.


Thanks for the info. I'm new here (only a couple of days) and am currently navigating my way through the annoyances mentioned. It's difficult to find the people with substance on here but I will keep persevering. Cheers.

Hi and welcome. Theres a lot to learn and Im new on the plaform too, but have been giving it quite some since I started 6 weeks ago. You really do get out of it what you put in.

That's good to hear. I have found a few good people to engage with today including your good self so onwards and upwards. One thing I do have is time, so I'll invest some on here and get cracking on with something to post tomorrow and enjoy the ride. Cheers.

Hi, I am new here too. I have not posted any blog posts still but navigating and commenting for the past couple three months.
I too have seen these comments.
Only yesterday I spent over 1/2 an hour on what seemed like a good opportunity to help someone who was asking for VOTES.
He said in his comment "PLEASE VOTE ME" .
So when I saw this I went to the blog of the guy asking for the votes and realized he is a student (studying ENGINEERING) from Bangladesh.
I just viewed the few posts he had and found one GIF that was interesting and voted it up and gave him some good advise. The GIF actually was really cute.
Also I went back to the original post where I found him begging for votes and let him know that I did what I did and asked him to read my advice.
He replied and I know he was thrilled.
This guy is probably more intelligent than 99% of us around here but they do not understand that "begging" for comments angers people. They are totally oblivious to the fact that it can anger/disgust others.
What we (all Steemians) must try to do is let them know how we feel and also tolerate it for awhile.
I never thought I will be spending another 10 minutes writing a comment about what I did. But if it opens someone's eyes as to "why" they ask for comments then I guess I have achieved something.
Thank you for reading.

Hi Sir.
I Am Pakistani. And English Is NOT my native Language. But it's my Favorite and my need.
And About Steemit, I know that two things are necessary for working on Steemit.

  1. Hard Working
  2. English.

And I know that my English is not too Good. But my love to learn, and try to learn and my hobby, to read columns and Blogs has teachs me too much.
Today my 90 Days are completed on Steemit.
I spent more time to read Blogs of some of my favorite writers. And When I found a Writer, then I follow him. And regularly read his Blogs.
Steemit is also a Good platform for me to write and learn about Blogging.
Writing is my Hobby.

I totally Agree with you.

Your English is good, and I can understand you fine. Thanks for taking the time to respond and well done on your 90 days, thats more days than me!

It does take a lot of work to be heard on Steemit, good content takes time to make, and comes from your personal experiences.

Thank you Sir.
It's So Kind of You.

My 90 days will be up in about a week. @usmam93 your English is quite good. The more you practice the more you get better at it.
Also reading good blogs and commenting will improve your English while moving you higher in Steemit.

You are right.
Respect you thoughts

I have a few times over the last month or so attempted to engage people who appear to be non-native English speakers by politely as I can letting them know that their short out of context comment they left on a post (mine or someone else's) was not going to get them anywhere, and that it would probably eventually result in a flag. So far, only one of them has responded, and that was actually to thank me for replying.

I'm not sure how much flagging helps, but I'd rather ignore a comment than waste VP on it. Unless it's a phishing scam. The one I've ran across in a comment I downvoted and reported to steemcleaners, who was already aware of it.

People should realize the time and effort others put into their posts and come prepared to read and engage accordingly. And that might mean beefing up their vocabulary or understanding of English. I know I don't wander onto the Chinese or Korean speaking posts because I can't read or write or understand either.

I only hope that one day steemit really is an international platform with no language dominating it!

It could be if it gets big enough, there are KR tags already for Korean people and some posts are already in different languages.

Jes, kaj Esperanto estas unu el ili.
As long as English rules the world nothing will change on steemit. Steemit is a mirror of the world. However after the big economic and political shift everything will be different.

I think Spanish and Chinese are more widely spoken, but it seems English rules in the business world and here, from what I can see.

I don't bother to answer to any comment that is less than ten words and it is not relevant to my post. I do answer to all the rest and I even up vote some of them. Though I do appreciate when I see that someone has taken the time to use Google translate to leave me a relevant message.

People have different attitudes about up-voting comments. I always do if its meaningful and adds value.

You are right dear. Most of new comers usually do spamming..
If someone us an author, he put a lot of efforts in his writing, he work hard to prepare a blog. and someone just comment like nice or good work or anything like that, it dis-heart the writer..

I upvote you so please upvote and follow me!

hahaha I am kidding that is another wtf did you even bother to comment.

or those that say I upvote, and resteem your post so please do the same. Of course they did not upvote nor resteem.

I understand some of your frustration of working hard on a post and getting a crappy comment. My fave so far is I wrote a story about family and how they deeply loved each other but on the end I did a twist that one member who was nice to all and made it look like she truly loved her family only to poison them all in the end because of greed.

I had this person comment how she loved the story and indeed the love of family is so important and my story showed that.

I gave the retort you do realize she killed everyone with poison. Person did not reply back was told still suffering from burns hahaha

Haha! Ill see if I can find that in your old articles. I'm a little overwhelmed at how much attention this article got. I guess a lot of us are feeling the same way about it.

I am glad that you were so polite about it :-)
In the end, even with broken words a lot of contribution could be made. As you said - 'try a little harder' should be the key word. The author needs to know that even if his post was not appreciated, it was at least not discarded. A comment can sometimes reflect that.

I want to encourage rather than alienate. Everyone has got something to offer.

The lady who has a reputation of (42) in the top left part of the article left a single word comment as soon as I posted this and then quickly retracted it when she noticed it included her antics!

I would welcome Miss (42) to come back and chat about something worthwhile. I certaintly didnt intend to scare her off.

Don't sweat it too much. I think that sometimes we all need a teensy-tiny bit of a reminder. One of my first comments on Steemit actually turned out to be spam, without me meaning it to. The guy warned me about flagging ................ after a little too and fro, me and that person established a friendly connection.

My favorite comments I've gotten are "Nice post, Sir" and "Vote back, Brother" - they clearly didn't even bother to skim my post - or read my username.

Could not agree more. If you're having trouble with English, just write a meaningful comment in your own language! Someone did that on my posts, and I ran their comment through a translation programme, wrote a response and then translated it into their language using the translation programme! My comment probably read like nonsense, but at least we both put in the effort!
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there are commentary bots that just scatter the same glib comments on umpteen random posts in the hope of sweeping up a few upvotes and follows.

Kudos for attempting to write in another language via a translator! Your mention of bots leaving random 'crap' comments, will not really pass by a native English speaker. Its not worth losing rep over or getting a flag. I don't know why they bother.

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