Steemit: Back to Business?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

After the HF20 balls up, my intention was to wait until Sunday 30th September until I did my first post. By that time, my VP/Mana would be over 90% and everything hopefully will be fully operational

Many have chosen to start posting and commenting days before, but I didn’t want to do this as it would have felt like when I started on Steemit 6 months ago; little feedback or reward.


As it stands, @helpie is now voting and the service it relies on (SteemAuto) is also working according to @madhiyari.

@esteemapp has also just resumed voting, but I'm not sure about @steem-ua and @asapers. I was thinking many of the other curation groups are also not voting which means I’m simply not going to start posting until they do.

So why am I focusing on all this auto-votes and not the interaction which many think is the most important aspect of Steemit?

The interaction is important and I value the comments I get on my posts, and ALWAYS respond and vote them up if they are not a deliberate attempt to just gain a vote, but I also value the auto-votes I gain from every post too.

Most of my votes come from these, and to be brutally honest I don’t want to type an article up for a total reward of $0.15 for my efforts. Let’s face it, when you get a big vote from someone, don’t you get a kick out of it?

It may only be $0.30 or less, but you get that appreciation feeling. Before today that was not going to happen because we have all had our VP/Mana temporarily depleted.


‘So… its all about the votes and the money with you is it?’, you might say with haughty disdain.

If it is, then check out my history. I have pumped my account full of STEEM in the last 6 months, and taken nothing out. If it was all about the money for ME, then I would be powering down on a regularly basis and spending all that money.

I have no intention of powering down for a long time. I want my SP to grow. Let me tell you if I won the lottery tomorrow, I would power it up so my vote was $100, and tell nobody.

They would soon notice that I was handing out $20 votes instead of $0.08 ones, and I mean to the people I interact with now. It would give me a hell of a kick just to do this and to help all the people I care about get bigger.

I like the fact now that I can hand out decent votes to my regular followers, but with 30%-40% VP, what is the point? For me my Steemit account was really under maintenance and not working.


So that’s my explanation of why I have been missing from Steemit for a week and why this is the first of my coming back posts. I hope by the time this is posted that all those auto-votes that many don’t like too much are back.

Maybe they have no interaction with the post, and maybe they don’t even read them but they grow our accounts so we can dish out bigger votes.

Don’t kid yourself by taking the high ground and stating, ‘It’s not all about the money’; it's not and I agree with that comment, but would you really be doing this if there was no money at all?

Ask yourself that question and if you can truly say, ‘Yes I would write all these 500 word articles that take me lots of time for nothing’, then I guess we are not really on the same wavelength.

Meet me at SteemFest 2018 in Kraków



Drooling Maniac.JPG

If you found this article so invigorating that you are now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva or even if you liked it just a bit, then please upvote, comment, resteem, engage me or all of these things.


Hey SC! I only just came back brave enough to give it a try too lol I hope everything is going to run smoothly from now on. I have changed a few tactics going forward since learning about dust votes (I seriously didn't know about these until you wrote about them) so I have added the people I follow and regularly interact with to steem auto again. (Yep, Ive switched it back on!) I change my mind way too often lol
Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed the break, but it is time to get back to steeming! Say Hi to @bingbabe for me :)
BB <3

I have a load of things written up and ready to post, but just one a day! Good to see you back too, and hope your VP is recovered.

I'm in the same boat. Had to walk away for a few days, but it seems like most of the issues with resource credits and voting power have resolved themselves. The break was nice, but I really missed the community here. Glad to see you back and on the attack. :)

I missed it too, funny how we really get used to things isn't it? Thanks for the comment :)

I think you are right about it being about money, reward and interactions. I was, as everyone, badly surprised about the debacle, and I clearly noticed a lot of people of my feed taking a break. Some started posting a bit earlier, and clearly their rewards were much less than their usual amount.
I hope you someday get to a level where you can distribute $20 rewards 😄
Glad to see you are back, I was missing my alternative weekend fix!

I hope you someday get to a level where you can distribute $20 rewards 😄

Me too, and I would do that if I could, but you would need to post and I haven't seen one in a long time from you.

Glad to see you are back, I was missing my alternative weekend fix!

I have one prepared for tomorrow, yeah its Monday but it will be an over spill weekend.

Oh I wasn't talking specifically about me receiving that kind of vote, but yes, I would need to post more indeed to be worthy of such vote!
I have a much busyer professional life than before but am still commenting from time to time... But not much. However being a bit out gives time to refine some ideas and thoughts, so we will see!

I have a much busyer professional life than before

Me too, new job means not Steeming during the day now. There's a lot of work in my new gig. Hope you can post something soon.

I was shocked when I saw my vp draining to 1% after two posts. Now things are settled I believe , and the patches did their job. I feel and see things the same way. Often writing for a long time on a post and when you got some decent upvotes it works rewarding and feels good :) .. I also have some curration trails which I get autovotes from,it is a nice base for the effort put in..

Continuity of support is crucial, I would say, and it takes some work to build that support. Nice to see you back, it's been a strange old week. A bit like a ghost town.

Yes, it was a bit strange and I'm glad its back to normal again.

Yes, I think your position is sensible, most did not publish in days, just to wait for the tide to come down.

It would be so fun to give someone a $20 vote....I hope some day I am at that point. I have no intention of taking anything out either. I love the positive community interaction! You can't place a value on that right?

I have no intention of taking anything out either.

Good to hear, though at some point we will be taking currency out. Yeah, I love the community interaction, that's what makes this place special.

I won't post until tomorrow morning, but I've been voting my 'regulars' as I've seen them. Including you!

Man. Big thunderstorm right now. I think that ends my day. See you tomorrow.

Thunderstorms in AZ are awesome. I once went in my apartment complex's pool and just stuck my arms up while the rain teemed down on me. I was the only one there!

I once got a $10 vote on a comment I made. What a kick that was! The guy who gave it was not that long on Steemit - he'd come over from YouTube with a big following and maybe didn't realise that his upvote would give me $10...
I posted on the day of the hardfork, and watched loads of votes pour in, and then, suddenly - nothing! BAD timing. I've been checking in now and then over the past few days, and I've noticed that some people have been posting a lot, just short posts. I think that was a good strategy, as they might not have earned much, but their accounts have got a bit more attention.

but their accounts have got a bit more attention

Its possible, though I think a lot of the big accounts were also abstaining. I got a break but did miss it.

Yes, those big votes are great. I have had several.

I waited till my Vp got to 90% before I started upvoting, again, I like keeping my VP at around that level so decided to be patient and wait a few days before I got started here again

I saw some of your vote-less comments knocking about! Kudos for taking the time to keep this place going while we were all waiting.

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