
Not Safe for Work is what NSFW stands for. The meaning is pretty much literally so that you shouldn't open this if you happen to be at work and browsing media which might result in your position at your work to be jeopardized.

Imagine you are at work, someone might or might not be looking over your shoulders. Which post do you think personally would cause a bigger commotion if seen opened by you? One were there are 10 weird looking dwarfs performing a pretty clear sexual act, or one with 2 half-naked/censored pics with a title making it obvious the post is about the naked body?

Pathetic at best
trying to compare cartoons to real photos.

You really have not learned anything from this last election, im sure you can figure out what my next couple posts are going to be filled with right?

im talking about the social justice crap you are pulling and all the other Marxists brain washed fools.

What I said has nothing to do with what you are talking about.

My only concern is I don't want people fired from their job because they accidentally opened up a post that has a sexual nature. The reason some might open it accidentally is cause they read the title and see no NSFW tag and open it. Get it? They are not aware there will be nsfw content before opening it.

I can tell you chose your timing wisely with @ned's post, but his images are clearly not as graphic as yours.

and like you said, whatever I write here you will only take it as ammo to post more stuff in that nature, and you are right I can't stop you from doing that. Just wanted to give you some advice on using the NSFW tag, cause that's what its there for, not to get people fired or in trouble accidentally.

im talking about the social justice crap you are pulling and all the other Marxists brain washed fools.

What I said has nothing to do with what you are talking about.

yes it does, you are going out of your way trying to protect others buy throwing a fit about cartoon pictures but at the same time trying to defend nude pictures of actual people and by bringing gender into it when it has nothing to do with anything just shows the oppression/oppressor Marxist mindset you have. There is no better description for what you and all the other butthurt people are pulling over this post.

My only concern is I don't want people fired from their job because they accidentally opened up a post that has a sexual nature. The reason some might open it accidentally is cause they read the title and see no NSFW tag and open it. Get it? They are not aware there will be nsfw content before opening it.

see, your goin out of your way trying to "protect" other people and all this is doing is making me realize cartoon porn is the next big wave on steemit. maybe take it up with @ned, or do some work at work instead of playing on steemit.

I can tell you chose your timing wisely with @ned's post,

I did not choose my timing, ned just happened to post that before me and I happened to scroll down and see it. I was going to comment on it but thought fuck it, I like nekkid chicks. didn't up vote it but I looked at it. does not change a thin though. weather or not ned made his post or not does not change the fact that you are getting upset about a cartoon but defending the nude picts by ned that didn't have the nsfw tag.

but his images are clearly not as graphic as yours.

LMFAO! cartoon drawings are more graphic then actual nude picts!?!?!?!?!!?!?

and like you said, whatever I write here you will only take it as ammo to post more stuff in that nature, and you are right I can't stop you from doing that.

yup, and its not just u alone. its just a couple people have spoken up about it so I must have hit a nerve.

Just wanted to give you some advice on using the NSFW tag, cause that's what its there for, not to get people fired or in trouble accidentally.

Thanks for the advice. You do realize your going out of your way to complain about a cartoon drawing to protect other fictional characters that might get fired for playing on steemit while at fictional work? I cant think of one thing that would require someone to be on steemit on the clock. what posts on steemit would you say are stuff for work? should all of steemit be marked nsfw if its not about the porno excuse for trying to get someone to self censor?

For a free speech platform you sure are pushing hard to try to hide stuff that isn't even porn.

If you are going to link more videos that aren't playable on the platform I have nothing against that.

Also not everyone lives in the U.S. The elections have not changed the definition of NSFW in my eyes.

I did not say you lived in the us or that you were voting fr a certin side, im talking about the social justice crap you are pulling and all the other Marxists brain washed fools.
You have not learned that trying to tell me or others what to do is only going to make more of it pop up when people find out it bothers the regressives.
so keep up trying to white knight for steemit cause its giving me stuff to post about.

Also I don't think anyone else has problem with the videos I post, its on your side if u cant watch them. unless steemit is now blocking all of youtube and I know that isn't true.

its so pathetic all the whales comin over to complain then upvote their comments to get paid out on btchin.
you upvote your self complaining about my post on my post and you get 2 cents per complane filled comment.
Just more proof of how it works on steemit.

you upvote your self complaining about my post on my post and you get 2 cents per complane filled comment.
Just more proof of how it works on steemit.

You are wrong again, I usually never vote up my own comments.

I'm done replying in this thread.

Also, does it look like I am a whale to you?

my bad u wernt one of the people upvoting their own comments while complaining on my post.

as for a whale, y got some skin in the game, deffenitly not new

I'm not really going "out of my way" to complain about your post.

It was there, I viewed it (I know I wouldn't have had it been tagged appropriately) and that's why I felt the need to comment on it.

Considering which one is more graphic, I guess it depends on the eye of the beholder. Of course I find yours more graphic since its a sexual act where genitals are visible compared to two pictures of skin and the female nipple which are accessible and allowed on another social platform.

Now I've really gone out of my way to try and explain my opinion to you so I'm not going to waste more time on this.

For the record, ned's post could've used a NSFW tag as well, but the issue here in my opinion was the title. His gave way for the post probably being NSFW, yours didn't, so the surprise of it is what I didn't appreciate and I'm sure many others, no matter from where they are viewing or reading it would've appreciated a warning before they view a post with such nature.

It's like a common etiquette in my opinion, not just something I am trying to push onto this platform.

sorry but im triggered by trigger warnings so its not going to happen.
there is always the mute button to help insulate your echo chamber.

I thought it meant not suitable for women?

damn times have changed.
i thank you dearly looking back on the steemit past.
I dont think people realize how badass you are when fighting for free speech.
I owe you bigtime, you ever need anything you let me know! 90% of steemit has no clue what its like to have a friend like you on this platform. Even at my worst you were there, and even if i was in the wrong you would tell me. i am grateful for that.
Thank you sarah

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, well it's borderline so I'll let it go, cartoony stuff is harmless...

I just wanna say, you have ned posting stuff like this:
with actual photos

yet you're bothering me over a cartoon drawing that is critical of the steemit whale community.


Ok, you win. @ned has spoken. I'll no longer police NSFW. fuck it.

Both posts were pretty mild and not flag worthy. I reserve the right to flag really obvious untagged porn.

I don't think I won, mine is cartoons. I think ned won because his post is the one that should have been confronted and fixed.
whatevers tho I like the fact u can see the chicks nipple and the other nude picts.
notice how he tries to play it off on how its about the human body but only picts of chicks? lol
I don't see ant nekkid dudes in his post...............cause its about sxy hot chicks. lol
makes me laugh to think back to all the drama that went on a month ago or so.
thanx for not messin with my post over nsfw.

I'll no longer police NSFW. fuck it.

I see why now.

Not safe/suitable for work or NSFW is an Internet slang or shorthand tag used in e-mail, videos, and on interactive discussion areas (such as Internet forums, blogs, or community websites) to mark URLs or hyperlinks which contain nudity, intense sexuality, profanity or disturbing content, which the viewer may not wish to be seen accessing in a public or formal setting such as in a workplace.

From Wikipedia.

disturbing content is subjective and could be anything. wiki is written by asholes like myself and even you. anyone can go in and change it up regardless how much or little someone knows on a subject.

You realize your looking up internet slang in a dictionary (fictionary/wikinary) and trying to use it for a base of the code of conduct on a freespeech anti censorship platform? according to your deffination outa wiki most stuff political would follow under it. I don't think someone working in aantitrump office would want them seeing an opended pro would be

content, which the viewer may not wish to be seen accessing in a public or formal setting such as in a workplace.

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