A Whale Took My Whole Pay Out With A Flag

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I made a post last night that had a cartoon in it that was critical of the steemit whale community.


It is a cartoon not real picture. 10 min before I posted my cartoon @ned made a post.

it has actual nekkid chicks in it and no nsfw tab. I dot see the people that flagged my post flaggin his.

most of the people I had to deal were able to talk it out but this one fucker @abit killed my whole payout. look at this fuckers steempower.

that's a lot of steem power to be going around flagging cartoon drawings. also @ned already said my post was fine.

and yet this abit flaggot removed any and all pay out with his flagg. why isn't ned getting harassed for the same thing with actual nude pictures and not cartoons.

I think its because the cartoon/meme is critical of the steemit whale community not because it has cartoon drawings that are "nsfw" when steemit in a whole is nsfw. if you scroll down in the comments of the original meme you can see the arugments that were had and how I proved every point that was brought up to me as false.

This is fucking bullshit! anything critical of steemit gets flagged by a bunch of butthurt whales but at the same time anything stroking the whale ego or circle jerk of steemit gets a nice payout or at least gets skipped over when breaking rules of steemit.

little hyporicital.

here is he meme from the post last night. I think it truly captures the life of the steemit community.

What is the point of "freespeech no censorship" platform if you cant say anything critical of the people in power, sounds like censorship to me. they let @ned post nude picts because he is a whale but when a minnow posts a cartoon drawing all hell breaks loose.

Do people not understand why steem is constantly losing users faster then they show up?

I would really appericate it if ned and the other whales stepped in and fixed this flagging but I really doubt that will happen. I wouldn't even be surprised if ned told the other whales to flag my post after saying it was fine to save face. after my first whale confronted me on the post about hour or 2 after it was up all of a sudden I got flodded by 3 whales all playing the bullshit games (almost like they were all talking on steemchat) of why my cartoo should be nsfw but neds nude picts are ok.

I will be making a lot of cartoon porn for steemit now as I know it triggers the emotional whales. You fucks let them get away with censoring porn on steemit and now they are moving to the next thing to try to censor. just look at this shit.

anything could be considered as nsfw according to the censorship flaggots.

EDIT: Same flaggot taking my payout on this post. Is it wrong for me to start leaving interacial gay porn in the comments of every post he makes for stealing my money?

EDIT: now I have another whale white knighting for the original asshole flagging me. should I add gay porn in the comments to both of their posts if they don't remove the flags?

@onceuponatime and @abit have way to much steem power to be abusing it like this. I can get 500 upvotes now an still wouldn't make a cent. this is out right censorship and because of the way steempower works I have no way to defend myself but by posting gay porn on their posts. flagging them back is pointless and this is all over a fucking cartoon butthey are not going after actual nude photos because it is one of their butt buddies that's posting it and @ned could actually flag back and it would effect them.

@onceuponatime flagged the post. and they upvote each others comments shittin on my post so they make money on it while removing my pay out. looking like a scam to boot.

Got a third flaggot flagging me now. @gorish is now another person flagging a cartoon. so ball is in all of their hands. I told them all remove the flags or deal with the reaction of it in the comments. they are making the choice to do this. all they have to do is remove the flags on a cartoon meme and it could all stop. gotta try to enforce stuff onto others though I guess. I will actually not feel bad for doing it as I have asked many time for them to remove the flag and even explained on why they are wrog in the first place to flag a cartoon.

got a 4th flaggot dog pieling on me with flags. @pravusdie is attacking me with flags and I told her the same as all the others. if the flags are not removed I will be forced to defend myself by filling the comments of their posts with gay porn.
They are creating this situation, I am only dealing with it and defending myself.

Edit: they are now going back and flagging my comments. they have already dropped my repuatition a notch. I take it that they are answering with more flags instead of words. there actions are a response to me asking them if they wanted me to post gay porn on their comments, it was a yes or no question and they decieded to attack me more.

I am only defending myself, they hose this so when they go crying about gay porn every where be sure to tell them its what they wanted. I don't want this, I want the flags removed so I can get the crap pay out from all the upvotes I got by people that expressed they liked the meme.

Why would thy want gay porn on there posts I will never understand.

EDIT: they are now having bots flag me.

I will be adding the bots names to the list.

@fubar-bdhr is one of the flaggots, I told them the same.
@zathras is another I told the same thing.
and @zatrhas
and @beerbot
they all flagged at the same time so im guessing they are all the same person.


Flagged again for no #nsfw tag.

Maybe you should give people a warning and have a discussion before you flag their post in a way that removes all their earnings, especially when they are generally earning pennies, otherwise you all just look like bullies. Everyone is thinking it even if they are not saying it. What does this tell you? Are you trying to create a police state? Will you hold a grudge against me for speaking up? Most people won't speak because they don't want to find out.
Skeptic is much loved because he is unconventional and entertaining and not just another cookery/travel/bad poetry post. Do you want Steemit to be social media Stepford?

The first flag cast by me was a light weight one. I explained why I cast it: tagging. It's a warning.

//Edit: upvoted your comment to counter the @asshole flagging.

It is a cartoon, @ned said it as ok. take it up with him. he is posting actual nud picts in posts without nsfw tag and your coming after m because im saying something critical of you and the community you are trying to white knightfor.

so fuck off and remove the flag or I start leaving gay porn in the comments of everypost you ever make.
huge black cocks on every post you make, wont that be fun?

think about it, cartoon dicks everywhere just like dickbutt bot

Flagged for threatening and abusive language towards another steemian.

Your flagging is the same thing "threatening and abusive" but physically not verbally.

you are acitng like I already did it. remove the flag or you get added to the gay comment list.

sounds like threatening.

a threat to defend myself the only way I can on steemit because the way its rigged in favor for the whales.

I will defend myself, you are threatening to flag me if I don't use the tag you want, hell you did flag me for not doing what you want.

I am following the non aggression principle and will not feel bad for defending myself.

the ball is in your court now, the choice is yours. will you remove the attack so I don't have to defend myself?

@skeptic I'm replying here due to the reply-level limit.
I don't know if it's the only way. Anyway, I don't think it's a good way.

no one is ever happy when they have to defend themselves. I would rather not be put in the position where I have to defend myself from abuse of the flag or even threat that I would defend myself.
I believe strongly I freedom of speech and do not like having my rights encroached upon.
Im thinking of making a post talking about how anyone can make an alt account and post gay porn in the comments of people that falg me and they would not get in trouble for it I would. im sure a couple assholeswould find it funny to do stuff like that if im going to take the blame and not them.
auto defence provided by troll maybe.
we will see how this all works out I guess. I am no longer making the choices in this situation, just waiting to see what others decide I should do.
if you are aware of other ways one could defend them selfs from whale flag abuse over subjective reasons I would love to hear it, im sure a lot of others would too.
please let us all know if there are other ways cause as far as I can see posting gay porn in the comments of flaggots is the only thing that might get them to stop acting like a censorship Nazi.

I'll think about it.

I'll admit I got frustrated yesterday. Both your post and Ned's were pretty mild. I only flag stuff when I'm pretty sure about what I'm doing. If it's questionable or borderline it's best not to flag.

I still reserve the right to flag the really obvious porn that's not tagged. For the record, I'm totally fine with properly tagged porn. Indeed, I welcome it.

I'd also love to see stick figure porn too, so bring it on. And I like your comics, hope to see some more.

Happy steeming.

no worries and thanks.
you didn't seem frustrated to me and you didn't flag it so that was kool. I have no problem fighting it out in the comment section its when people flag I get pissed off.

lol stick figures might not be graphic enough.

This was flagged for making threats to others. Now you have made the same threat to me. Threats are all they are you don't have any power to back them. Please leave these comments on my posts I will be happy to flag them until you are back to rep 0 where you belong. Unlike you I invested my rewards in steem power and can back up my words.

a threat that I will defend myself from your attacks?
if you do not remove the attack by way of the flag I will be forced to defend myself the onl way I can.

This is your situation that you created I am only dealing with the choices you have made.

I will defend myself if you do not remove the attack according to the non aggression principle.

Pathetic how when I say I will defend myself from someones attack people try to white knite saying if I say ill defend myself it is a threat.

I hope when someone is holding a gun inyour face and you say if u don't drop the gun I will be forced to defendmyself some people comerunning out of the bushes with more guns and tell you that they are going to shoot because you threatened someoe with saying you will defend yourself. maybe then you will realize how retaRDED YOU ALARE ATTACKING ME FOR SAYING I WILL DEFEND MYSELF IF I GET ATTACKED.

whatever, your choice... you only have yourself to blame for the outcome of this.

Flagged. Lets get it on. I will defend people on steemit from your vile hate and trolling. Enjoy what you have brought upon yourself.

you will defend them when they attack me and I say I will defend myself?
You are the one trolling with your flagging of stuff for no reason.
you should listen to yourself its good advice you might want to take.

Enjoy what you have brought upon yourself.

I said I do not want to to be attacked and will defend myself is I have to. somehow you took that as attack him more for saying he will defend himself.
atleast you told me to fill your comments with gay porn, thank you for the permission that will be very helpful for the explanation later of why you gothat you wanted.
so after I defend myself from your attacks and everyone elses attacks don't go playing the victim card because this is your doing not mine. you are the one telling me to post gay porn on your posts.
I asked mutipul times to remove the attacks so I don't have to defend myself. you are choosing to attack me more. maybe if you realize how self defence an threats work then you might realize your in the wrong not me.

I don't think anything should be censored, ever. Bad ideas need to be seen as much as good ones, so people can learn to know the difference.

I still don't agree with the power of one person to negate the voice of everyone else on Steemit with one flag. I don't see anyone fixing it, though.
The only thing I've seen so far is changing the rules to justify fucking everyone else over, because of the opinion of the powerful.

I'm not a proponent of democracy, usually, it has it's own problems, but I'd like to see a rule change, that would allow for getting rid of powerful people who abuse their power. Say, maybe, if a cause could garner 1000 upvotes, then anyone, no matter how powerful, could be tossed out on their ear. It would be a kind of check on power. I'm not wedded to the 1000 number, but that's the idea in a nutshell. There would be lots of particulars still to work out.

I don't think anything should be censored, ever. Bad ideas need to be seen as much as good ones, so people can learn to know the difference.

amen to that.

Im thinking I might have to start leaving gay porn in the comments on posts of the flaggot, I cant think of a single other way to fight back agienst this bullshit. well besides quit but if ima go out might as well power down and go out giving back the support to the flaggot community the best way I know. oh maybe make alt account just for posting gay porn on there stuff. that might be even better

I decided to just try to take it in stride until I can find a better place to hang out, then when I do, split the fuck out of here. We're not the only ones who are bored with the crap. Someone will come up with something better. I'll be waiting, watching.

let me know if u do.
I lost my sealion.club password a couple days ago and don't remember what throw away email I used for it. almost 500 (all shitlords) subs gone. need to find it so I can go back to posting my seemit posts on there for them to laugh at.

I doubt the flagging issue with steemit will ever get fixed as the people in power use it as often as they can.

Agreed. I think the people with the power to change anything like it the way it is. I'll be letting as many people as I can, know there's a better option out there as soon as I find it. I need to carve out some slow time on Steemit to look for options. Do you know where I can find a Steemit traffic graph?

no clue, I was actuall looking for one a while back to find out when is the best time to post and get the most traffic from people that aren't following already.

If I find one I'll let you know.

You made me laugh. Thank you. Upvote!

Glad you enjoyed it, im sure the whales will be showing up soon to flagg it.
now I have to get to wok on my new post "stickfigure steemit porn".

Why not take it a step further? Stick figure animal abuse? Stick figure gang rape? Stick figure ethnic cleansing?

I didn't even think about that but tbh they are upset about sex stuff, or so they say.
I prolly wouldn't get much joy out of drawing that suff either.

Tbh it'll probably cool down a bit now. People get all over zealous here occasionally.

I disagree, have the never trump supporters cooled down after a couple days?
If you give them an inch they want a foot. they got porn censored on steemit now they are going for the next thing they find problematic.
Well unless a whale does it, then they defend that whale like its their baby.

I wonder what that position is called, haha. I know there has to be a circular porn video just like that but I wouldn't know how to call it. I used to think sandwich but someone told me recently that's called a train, can anyone clarify?

tbh I looked up circle jerk on google images but that pict popped up. it was better then the stick figure circle jerk I was going to use.

I kinda want to call it human centipede but that doesn't seem right, maybe the infinity cenepede.
someone needs to name it.
im scard to look it up but I would have to believe that there is a porn out there where a buncha people do it.

Looks like anti Ottoman propaganda from one of their wars against Russia.

Oh wow. LMFAO!
is there a lot of this sort of propaganda from back then?

Yep loads. Here's something else.

it does look the same style and that little pissed off dude does have the funny hat.
I think you solved the orgin of the picture.

That is not a flaggot, that is a faggot. See the pattern, and the difference? lol. We hold the same view on steempower being censorship. And, it being abused.

Defending yourselfe? You have no reason to behave like an immature child, people gave you flag becouse they did not like what you published. I'll give you an advise, people will always disagree with what you do and if you want defend yourself, do it like as a mature person with good arguments, do not contradictte and threatening behind a computer like a coward. I'm not attacking you just because I flagged your threats, the only threat is you. Writing to others threatening them is not defending you is being a big immature. I could remove my flag without any problem but it does not remove the fact of your threats. Do you want to solve this by talking? so learn how to talk and talk is not to threaten others and trying to censroship their opinions (hypocrite)

The problem here is not your post, its your threats and your childish attitude.

Remove your threats from my post and the post of @gorish. Is the only thing I will ask you to stop this, if you aren't lying and you really want to stop this as you have said so many times.

saying I will defend myself from your attacks is not the same as a threat.
I made a new post about it to get more input and so everyone on steemit watches this all.
feel free to leave comments on how you aare in the right to flag me and how I am in the wrong to say I will defend myself.im sure the readers would love your add on.

I will defend myself and if the payout point happens then anyattack that was not removed will deal with me defending myself.

Non aggression principle and you are in the wrong.

Remove your threats from my posts and remove my flags, that's all

you have that backwards.
also you cant delete comments that have flags or votes on them.

You remove the attacks and I wont have to defend myself.

It is all laid out in my new post about all of you attacking me.

And you continue with the same thing, seriously kid I'm worried about the fact that you coudnt to got your head out of your ass and see the important point in all this. I am a very patient and kind person but other many people aren't, you are not the only person who can defend yourself (welcome to reality) just keep in mind the next time you act like asshole. I already removed the flags(Not for your gay porn but to stop seeing you crying) have a good night, boy.

thank you for removing the flags and not attacking me.
I will go back through all my comments and posts and check and if they are all clear of your flags I will add it to the post that you removed the flags and are not going to attack me so I have no reason to defend myself from you.

thank you again for not putting me in a situation to where I need to defend myself from attacks following the non aggression principle.

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