The Not-So-Fine Line Between Promotion And Spam

in #steemit5 years ago

I'm not the flagging kind of person, but sometimes I wish I was. If only I was a big, untouchable whale with 100k SP, I would flag the hell out of all those spammy promo messages...

stop spam.jpg

Promoting Your Business

I've been in marketing long enough to know that promoting your business is important. You need to get the word out about your service in order to get clients. I don't have a problem with that.

But I always assumed people were aware of the fact that there is a difference between getting the word out, and just plain spam.

Promoting your business means targeting users that might have an interest in your service - potential clients, so to speak. Leaving your promotional message on everyone's posts, without bothering whether those people have ever shown any interest is not advertising, it's spam.

There's a big chance I'm not going to make myself very popular by writing this post, but I'll let you in on a secret: I stopped caring about popularity a while ago. If we want to save SteemIt and make it a better place, trying to become popular isn't the way to go. Addressing the problems is. (Not that I expect things will change because I'm addressing them, but at least I'll get rid of some of my frustration.)


Everywhere I Go

Not so very long ago, I bumped into one comment from @partiko after another. Don't get me wrong, I love what @partiko is doing for the platform, they're doing a great job helping out new users and I can only applaud that. But apparently they missed the entire idea of promotion versus spam.

I thought they had stopped, since it had been a while since I had seen one of their comments, but a quick glance at their comment feed shows me they haven't.


Now, at least they give an upvote to the posts they leave their copy/paste comment on.

If someone from @partiko reads this: I'm not trying to bring you guys down. I want you to succeed. I'm just not sure this is the way to go to get the word out about your service. Personally, I was so sick and tired of seeing that same message on my posts over and over again, I simply stopped using the app. I'm sure that is not your intention, and all I want to do is make you aware of the fact that there should be other ways to promote your services, without leaving those annoying comments over and over again.

But now I'm not receiving the @partiko messages anymore, there's a new kid in town. No matter where I go, I bump into those @steem-bet comments. I'm pretty sure you've seen them around, because they are all over the place.


As you can see, I flagged it - my first flag in months. But I'm not willing to spend my precious VP on flagging a bot. Lol, I even commented on a couple of their comments, but talking to a bot is like talking to a brick wall - you can't expect it to reply.

I have never shown any interest in betting. I never visited Magic Dice or any other betting apps that are available on the Steem blockchain. I'm pretty sure that goes for a lot of you.

So I wonder what they are trying to achieve by targeting people that will probably never visit their site. The more of their comments I see, the less I feel like visiting.

Promoting your service to a targeted audience... that I would understand. If you left a comment on a post written by @fullcoverbetting (I'm sorry, Peter, for using you as an example. But as your username and post content implies, there's a chance that you might be interested in joining their site) that would count as TARGETED advertising.

Every marketer knows that it is useless to try to sell garden tools to someone who doesn't have a garden. And the more you push them, the smaller the chance they will actually buy.

Just like for @partiko, I do want @steem-bet to be able to make their business a success. The more successful projects we have here, the better it is for the Steem blockchain.

But again, I don't think the way you're trying to achieve name fame is the right way to go.

It could just as well be only me who is extremely annoyed by these messages, but to be honest, I doubt it.

There are more than enough things on here that need some work before we can expect that the Steem blockchain will be taken seriously by the 'outside world'. We definitely don't need that kind of spam that only makes things worse.

But that's just my two cents...


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It's so good to hear this from someone who has worked in marketing! The way I grew up, surrounded by unwelcome advertising, I've always assumed that advertising was equal to spam: If my favorite TV show got interrupted by someone telling me I should buy their tampons I'd never need, or a perfect view of a sunset be covered by a billboard telling me about the best divorce-lawyers in town, I always supposed that the target group was simply so large that it was simply worth the bother to spam everyone in, including myself.

As a result, I managed to tune out any types of ads. If anyone started telling me about anything they were selling, I would immediate raise my suspicion-shield. Consequently, I would give myself an extra hard time getting informed about products and services. On the other hand, if a third party told me about a positive experience they had with something, I'd pay more attention to it... but I'm sure we're all too familiar with sneaky modern ads, usually popping up on your screen, that use exactly this technique (particularly for scammy investment schemes).

I haven't used Partiko either yet, though I've been promised rewards. Now I'm realizing that it might be because of this. Too much advertising turned me off of what otherwise could be a good product.

I think most of us grew up surrounded by unwelcome advertising. And what you say is true: the targeted audience of commercials that interrupt YV shows is probably big enough to 'justify' it. And it has proved itself to work. Thanks to modern technology, we can now often just simply fast forward, skip all the ads.
But when it comes to that kind of advertising (or even movies and TV-shows), I'm actually more annoyed by the subliminal messages they send. Because everyone can identify a commercial as a commercial, but there are so many underlying messages they're sending, and not everyone can detect those. (I'm like a human subliminal message-detector when it comes to commercials, TV shows, magazines etc, lol)

You could say those @steem-bet comments are somewhat targeted, since most people who don't know any better, do come here for the money. And that's exactly what they promise, ... money.

I am fascinated by the underlying techniques of advertising - there are so many smart ways to get a message through, but annoying people with truckloads of comments isn't one of them.

I do wonder what triggers the bot, because I haven't received a message on this post yet, and I've checked @penderis' last posts, and he didn't get any indeed. Maybe the bot is allergic to BS?? Sorry, @penderis, only using your own words... ;0)

could be transfer monitoring instead of caring about the posts, maybe rep etc or just plain hey they using another betting site. since if you pull a transaction you have a lot of info to determine a heuristic. Nothing but bullshit :)

I have been checking the wallets of the last couple of people that received their message. It's pretty interesting how much you can find out by going through other people's wallets. But that's beside the issue, lol.
Seems they have very little in common.
Anyway, I noticed spaminator has started to take action by leaving a comment/warning. Hopefully, they will get the message soon.

I just 'hide' spammers and trolls. Jiving them no attention works best.

I agree. It's like in real life: reward good behavior, but don't feed bad behavior.
I couldn't help myself, though - I had to get rid of some frustration. That's why I wrote this post. it was either that or explode, lol

I notice I have seen lots of those comments and I agree with your way of thinking, good luck to them but I think they do over do it with tthese comments

I agree.
And it seems we're not the only ones. Spaminator has been leaving warnings on the @steem-bet comments these last couple of days...

And apparently, spamming is not the only thing they are doing...
I just bumped into a post by @crypticat that exposes they go a lot further than just posting spam.

I checked out his post I will be staying away from that mind you I would have anyway I am not big into betting

I am right there with you. I went through all the phases of anger with these troll bots. Now like @konelectric, I just hide them and now barley see them except on others posts. I find that the cheaper the cost of the actual advertising method, the easier it is for these developers to create spam. I guess it must work for them. Good point and you feel better (maybe) for writing this and I feel some of my frustration has left me just by reading it. :-}

I used to stick to the 'safe' topics, making sure not to create discussion - I hate confrontations. But these last weeks, frustration has been piling up, and I felt like keeping my mouth shut about everything isn't helping at all - I only get more frustrated. It indeed felt like a relief to let it out for a change (not really 'for a change', because I have been writing more of these posts lately, lol)

Better out than in! You are not alone. I am the same way.. Hardly ever flag or write negative feedback. I try to avoid it, because somehow I feel worse after I do it. Well, for what it's worth, It speaks to your caring and easy going personality.

Thanks, @bdmillergallery. I am a nice girl, but sometimes things get too much out of hand to just keep my mouth shut. These last couple of weeks, I've written a post about Steemmonsters, Drugwars and now Steem-bet. At least, steem-bet hasn't tried to convince me I was the bad guy here. No name-calling yet, as Drugwars did.
Maybe that's a good thing, because we all know how Drugwars turned out, lol.
On top of that, it seems like steem-bet goes a lot further then only spamming posts - I just bumped into a post by @crypticat that raises even more questions about the site.

I just don't get it.... Everyone knows that the Steem blockchain really needs some good publicity. Still, some people manage to make things even worse. I guess that's what you get when money is involved... human kind will probably never change...

These are all valid and spot on points, but your last one speaks the truth..

when money is involved... human kind will probably never change...

They will not change. I fear these spamming advertisements and such will only get worse as the audience grows. I do not have the answers. I suppose there is really no way of controlling it when the platform is decentralized.

Best thing to do is block them.

Thanks for the link to @crypticat. Checking it out now!


The entire idea of a decentralized great... in theory. Too bad most people are not responsible enough to handle it properly...

The messages attached to minuscule micropayments from people I do not know is annoying; but hey, it's an unsolicited donation, no?

Enjoyed your post.

Namaste, JaiChai

Lol! Just checked your wallet, but I actually didn't have to, because I already knew to which wallet messages you were referring. Me and my friends had quite some fun over those yesterday. I finally took the time to opt out. The 0.002 Steem 'donations' weren't worth the annoyance anymore. It had been going on for months - I thought it was time to do something about it. Now, if it would have been 1 Steem transfers, I think I would have been able to handle the annoyance a little longer, lol.

I just noticed you receive 0.003 Steem now. I guess no a couple of us have opted out, he has upped his bribe, lmao

It starts to get out of hand :-/ I love @partiko but I too am hoping they are going to spam less and less... Starting with the 'posted with partiko' below each comment because it's keeping me from using it as much as I'd want :D And @steem-bet and I've seen the first spam from Appics too. It sucks, it's not 'targeted', and it bloats the chain. What if 100s of apps start doing this? I've seen the first spam below a dead persons post even :-( Makes me sad.

I haven't seen the Appics ones yet.
I can get the 'posted with Partiko' message, but not the repeated messages that are reminding me I have x Partiko points left. If I decide to use the app, I know how many points I have.

At least spaminator has started replying to the steem-bet comments, and it looks like they stopped... for now.

Yeah, I have across the steem-bet ad so many times. It's crazy how often I have seen them. I get the bots for some things, like the front end platforms and welcoming newcomers, but steem-bet seems to be a bit aggressive. It's actually really crazy.

aggressive... that's the word I couldn't think of, but it describes it exactly.
I don't mind a bot now and then, although I think the number of bot comments in the introduceyourself tag is way too high too...

The bots have gotten crazy in the introduceyourself tag for sure. It's one of the reasons we do a personal message before we put in our image and informational response. (much thanks to @brisby!)

Often the new people aren't quite sure what to think. I had one young man tell me that he was almost afraid to comment on any of them because he had seen some crazy pink comment. I told him most were bots, but if he ever questioned one, he could contact us in the Steem Terminal or ask us specifically.

A little sad for sure.

True. I can imagine people get scared away by all those bot comments.
Btw, I started to send newcomers I delegate to to the Steem-terminal Discord server, because I realized that delegating SP alone was a little short-sighted. But I don't have the time to explain more over and over again.

After replying to one of partiko comments that informs me of my 3000 partiko points and unable to login through steemconnect to its app and it replied 😊 then I replied again. It stopped 😂 I told them clearly why I'm not interesting on their app😊 they even commented on esteemapp post to use partiko😂😂😂😂 funny. Steem-bet was once appeared on my post and I told them I'mnot interesting on betting due to my beliefs😂 see.. I always talking to the Bots, especially checky and cheetah😆

I think I flagged my own post once or two at the first week on steemit😂 then I flagged a plagiat a year ago. When I found out it drain my VP too... never flag anything eversince😅..

I like it when you throw your tantrum through a post @simplymike 😉 just straight to the point and you love "taking side" 😉

Lol, I had to go look up the word 'tantrum' - never heard it before.
I noticed I do it quite a lot lately. Strange, because I usually try to be on everybody's good side. I normally try to stay as neutral as I can be. I actually don't believe in 'taking sides' - there are at least three sides to every story: one person's, the other person's and then there's the truth :0)

But I have had such a bad week, and frustration was piling up, so I had to do this post or I would have exploded. 😂

I think I flagged my own post once or two at the first week on steemit

😂 😂 😂

I like flag.. especially the red and white one 😊 so, I thought that I could hide my bad post from others while I have no followers at that time 😂 silly me😂😂😂

And you did taking side..
One person is you
Other person is full
Truth is steemit
That's your 3 sides😁 at least you don't write something about the forever flagging war between the witness😂😂

I don't want to get caught up in that.... staying as far way from that as possible 😂

There's a big chance I'm not going to make myself very popular by writing this post

There's an even bigger chance that spamming won't make companies doing it popular! I noticed that Partiko's comments are getting flagged quite a lot lately.

I haven't actually gotten much in the way of spam. I'm a Partiko user as well and wouldn't mind the vote that goes with the Partiko one. ;D Maybe it's because I either don't post often enough or my timing is too out of sync, being in Australia.

Posted using Partiko Android

I noticed the same. I talked about it with someone who used to be a partiko mentor, and he said he had addressed it when talking to the devs. Those comments indeed get flagged a lot. So, I'm guessing it doesn't really help their case, which is a shame, because they're doing a lot of good for the platform

.... and you have received new SPAM comment (Steemdunk)... :) Maybe they want promotion in some of your next posts.. :)

That's my own fault. When I left Steemdunk, I forgot to switch off the permission to upvote me every once in a while - which comes with that comment.

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