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RE: The Not-So-Fine Line Between Promotion And Spam

in #steemit5 years ago

I am right there with you. I went through all the phases of anger with these troll bots. Now like @konelectric, I just hide them and now barley see them except on others posts. I find that the cheaper the cost of the actual advertising method, the easier it is for these developers to create spam. I guess it must work for them. Good point and you feel better (maybe) for writing this and I feel some of my frustration has left me just by reading it. :-}


I used to stick to the 'safe' topics, making sure not to create discussion - I hate confrontations. But these last weeks, frustration has been piling up, and I felt like keeping my mouth shut about everything isn't helping at all - I only get more frustrated. It indeed felt like a relief to let it out for a change (not really 'for a change', because I have been writing more of these posts lately, lol)

Better out than in! You are not alone. I am the same way.. Hardly ever flag or write negative feedback. I try to avoid it, because somehow I feel worse after I do it. Well, for what it's worth, It speaks to your caring and easy going personality.

Thanks, @bdmillergallery. I am a nice girl, but sometimes things get too much out of hand to just keep my mouth shut. These last couple of weeks, I've written a post about Steemmonsters, Drugwars and now Steem-bet. At least, steem-bet hasn't tried to convince me I was the bad guy here. No name-calling yet, as Drugwars did.
Maybe that's a good thing, because we all know how Drugwars turned out, lol.
On top of that, it seems like steem-bet goes a lot further then only spamming posts - I just bumped into a post by @crypticat that raises even more questions about the site.

I just don't get it.... Everyone knows that the Steem blockchain really needs some good publicity. Still, some people manage to make things even worse. I guess that's what you get when money is involved... human kind will probably never change...

These are all valid and spot on points, but your last one speaks the truth..

when money is involved... human kind will probably never change...

They will not change. I fear these spamming advertisements and such will only get worse as the audience grows. I do not have the answers. I suppose there is really no way of controlling it when the platform is decentralized.

Best thing to do is block them.

Thanks for the link to @crypticat. Checking it out now!


The entire idea of a decentralized great... in theory. Too bad most people are not responsible enough to handle it properly...

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