Daily Steem Price Update 8/4/2023

in #steemitlast year

Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 8/4/2023.
I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of Steemit.com back in 2016 along with other content.
Many have came here to discuss the daily Steem price's and recent STEEM changes for over 6 years.

If you tire of addictively looking at the charts every few minutes then instead just relax and look here for the average STEEM price for your daily plan or strategy.
And even if you are not planning to do anything with your STEEM I still recommend checking out these updates every so often.
So without further ado lets take a look at today's Daily Steem Price for 8/4/2023.

Should you be trading with STEEM today...?


(Images By: @simonjay)



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April 2023 Yes the expected month for everything to go up in price is here, however the problem is everything as already gone up in price, again and again, by a lot.. so instead of our dear rulers thinking "Yeah we have already done enough of that let's give it a break, nope let's raise the prices up even more. There also seems to be a lot of movement from authorities in preventing those interested or wanting to take part in crypto "it's too volatile and dangerous" that's the excuse from the nanny state. As for Steem we previously had a big fall that took it down to $0.14 and with such a fall this helped us with collecting more Steem for our main goal this year. In 2023 what we are aiming for is to finally reach Orca or in other words this means holding a total of 50k Steem Power. The big fall since the bitcoin downwave from 60k sadly also took down the value of SBD's, however it had done a good job of holding around that important $3 mark for many months. My hope is now SBD's can once again secure this value for when Steem does eventually go back up again and so far it's looking healthy to be doing just that. Steem and the general market had often been predicted to fall near the beginning of March we got some of that but what's with this 2nd bounce back, well it could be market manipulation as many claim but it sure is holding well. As for the Steem bump to $0.35 it was no surprise it fell, as likely it was someone just moving money about. However what isn't going at a good rate is our average electrical usage charge, these greedy energy companies just don't stop milking people and this cuts into investment. This year didn't bring much better with the weather being colder and the cost of living spiralling upwards hitting hard. Many are left wondering when will it all get better? The bad news is most likely it won't, it never as before. To prove this in April the electric costs are going up once again which is seriously ridiculous, but no wait the government says it's going to save us all because they are going to extent their "energy support scheme" by paying off some of these costs for those who can't pay. I think they forget the money they are using to "cover these costs" is actually our money, tax payers money. The reasoning said for all these high prices is the war in Ukraine, but honestly if that's the case we must be literally getting almost every single thing from 2 very specific countries. The on-going war is a terrible moment in our history as Vladimir's army doesn't stall, instead they attack, strike up fear, callout threats and cast sadness into the lives of many. A war that if we are not too careful could just be what spells the beginning of the end. Best keep an eye on those politicians and refuse war at all costs, as continued provocation is on-going "we do NOT want WW3" but perhaps to stop that it may be already much too late.

Last night I went to sleep just slightly later than the usual late hour this is mostly because I wanted to get everything I could get done yesterday so I would have more free time today. Unlike the past 2 nights I slept better and wasn't awake hours before my alarm. When the alarm did alert me I rested for longer as I still felt so tired from the very long shift I had yesterday. After resting for a little longer it was pretty bright this morning with the sun shinning and so a great day to start with the washing and putting it out to dry. Well except I don't think the weather knew if it wanted to be a bright or dull day, regardless since the temperature as been generally better I started to clear-up some of the winter wear. Once that was done I had breakfast and went online, I wanted to see if I could get some more crypto and log on Steemit. I didn't have work today nor did I have plans to meet up with friends as they were mostly visiting relatives due to Easter time however I did meet with some online for tonight's gaming session which I have not been too in a good while. When last in work not sure exactly what was going on but many staff were being called to the bosses office, whatever was going on it seemed kind of serious and I just hoped I wouldn't be dragged into it. Thankfully I was never called to the office. I did see my boss and asked him about the time off I had requested as myself and some friends are going to a event and I wanted a few days off. However since having switched to this new holiday system I had not made a request with it yet and was unsure of the procedure. My boss explained that I had done it correctly but he couldn't allow for the time off as for some weird reason it was already fully booked off by other colleagues. I say strangely because usually I have no issues as most people have no reason to book off those particular days I wanted. However my boss said he would try and work something out for me, so who knows in the end with a bit of luck I might still be able to go. I have continued trying to text my father as he send me a question regarding if I had received some emails, but for whatever reason my messages are not being delivered to him which is very frustrating. I thought perhaps it was a weak signal while I was at work but even when I finished I continued to try and send him out texts with no luck.

As for Steemit in April the Team will try something different, they are going to be experimenting with smaller teams, around 4 or 5 people per team. This means there is less room for curators positions and so that means the competition to apply was tougher, but to make up for this it's said that the rewards will be greater this time around. What didn't surprise me is that most Community Curators seem to not look beyond their own communities when it comes to casting votes or selecting their "Posts of the Week" which is why I think another team should be doing this specifically. Regardless the Team mentioned that this will became more important going forward when picking curators which I think is a good thing. For those looking to learn more or about application and rules for April go here Community Curators. As for TRX most of the missing TRX rewards have now been sent to users, we are now receiving all current earned TRX rewards, it's less consistent as it can take 2 or 3 days sometimes even longer but at least we are getting them, perhaps the delays is due to the amount earned per day?

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Always do your own due diligence the above is only a opinion.

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1.First please upvote this page.
2.And secondly don't forget to follow me below.

Also since votes don't always = $ and if you want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me, not only me but also support the value of the STEEM currency as I have not powered-down a single time in 6 whole years.

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


Steem will go up

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Hi @simonjay,
my name is @ilnegro and I voted your post using steem-fanbase.com.

Come and visit Italy Community

Steem will go down

Steem will go up

Steem will go up

Steem will go up

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 60035.79
ETH 3187.54
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45