Daily Steem Price Update 5/1/2021

in #steemit4 years ago

Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 5/1/2021.
I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of Steemit.com back in 2016 along with other content.
Many have came here to discuss the daily Steem price's and recent STEEM changes for now over 4 years.

If you tire of addictively looking at the charts every few minutes then instead just relax and look here for the average daily STEEM price for your daily plan or strategy.
And even if you are not planning to do anything with your STEEM I still recommend checking out these updates every so often.
So without further ado lets take a look at today's Daily Steem Price for 5/1/2021.

Should you be trading with STEEM today...?


(Images By: @simonjay)



Steem Daily Price MoonTemplate05012021.jpg


I hope everybody enjoyed their Christmas, Boxing day and New Years night ✨ and so I wish you a very Happy New Year in 2021. To celebrate the occasion I added nearly another 60 STEEM to my SP count on "New Years Eve" and also for the first day of the year, this is to get us started on the right track to "20000 STEEM power" by June in 2021 and so also added another 65 STEEM power💪! I had been trying to set up a different wallet before the new year came around things kept getting in the way but the other day I finally found some time to set-up the new wallet. I'm using a desktop wallet and was yet to see if I could get my money unstuck from the website holding my bitcoins in order to exchange them for STEEM. I basically wanted to buy more STEEM as the price fell so I thought it would be a good time to get a little more and so I proceeded with my usual method of acquiring Bitcoin and then putting them in my wallet so I can then exchange it for STEEM. Well the problem is that yet again my wallet as been magically suspended because of so called "suspicious activity" and so now the money is trapped on their website😡. This is not the first time that this as happened as it seems to happen every couple of months with these websites or I'm doing something wrong I wonder? I asked customer support and they can't fix the problem apparently ... I remember reading somewhere on a faq perhaps around 2 years ago on another website that if you buy small quantities of crypto too often their systems will pick it up as "suspicious activity" and so your wallet gets suspended, but it had been over a month since I last brought from their website, only that but when I think of buying "small quantities" I thought somewhere between $5 or $15 but I purchase a higher quantity and so I'm confused and frustrated as to why this keeps happening. Well anyway yesterday when I tried to get my money out of the site it started with saying I had for some reason a invalid wallet 😡. I mean how can it be invalid I just got it! So I done some digging to why this was happening and basically it's because they only except exchanges of crypto with those who have segregated witness wallets..argh! While that was yet another obstacle to overcome I discovered by doing more digging 🕳️ that my wallet also comes with a segregated witness wallet. And so victory, the wallet worked and I was finally able to get the fund out of the site I purchased from. But it didnt end there basically the wallet doesnt supprt STEEM nor can you make any exchanges to STEEM so I still have to move the Bitcoins out of the wallet. Well I discovered that in order to move my Bitcoin somewhere else the would charge me a fee over $5😱! Now that's just insane, and so tried to understand why on earth they would charge sooo much I think that one reason is because of the insane price and high demand for Bitcoin right now. And so I found a option so that I can set a price for shifting my Bitcoins, I priced it at nearly $1 for the move and wonder if my Bitcoins will ever be transferred.

💛 We reached "🐬TRIPLE DOLPHIN🐬" in November which means our collective STEEM POWER is now over 💚15000 SP!! We will of course continue to collect and lock-up even more STEEM! My new goal 🌍 is now to reach 20.000 SP🏆, hopefully by June 2021. This is still not possible in our current situation but if I can get a few whale votes along the way during these next few months then we might just be able to get there. We are already off to a great start, much better than the previous run-up. I also want to thank everybody who votes in and for their kind support. I have now been on here for over 4 years and have never powered down once, I also continue to invest into STEEM in small quantities, meaning your votes are safe with me and help retain STEEM's value. We totalled 7.841 SP at the end of 2019 and reached 15.000 on November 24th and so if you want to help me on this new quest locking away those 20.000 Steem Power with the intention to support and retain more of it's value then please consider leaving your best vote below.

✺ Speaking of keeping things running the covid19 madness continues on with us in lockdown number 3 at level 4 or is 5 now.. While there suppose to be differences between each level it definitely doesn't change the behaviour of people as most just seem to behave like it's a normal day. Lv-3 lockdowns were suppose to be the most strict, well not anymore it was recently lv 4 and now lv5...honestly how many more lvls are they going to keep making up... We had lv4 before which they decided to abolish "too confusing" for people apparently but it's been brought back as I said. So in the end the "Christmas Week" went ahead this meant that for the "Week Of Christmas" people were allowed to go around everybodies houses. All this went very quiet but what I did notice is that just after Christmas numbers of infected were going up like crazy, at first it didn't click with me as nobody was talking about it in the media but I assume this is partly to fault of the "Christmas Week" and honestly what did they expect...The mass vaccination process continues with now a roll out of another vaccine, the first person as been given the vaccine which is funny how they say it's the first person to be given the vaccine while in trials people were already vaccinated with it. Anyway they are vaccinating the 80 year-olds first and those who care for them. The most effective vaccine is said to be around %95 effective but many seem to be forgetting this as not even been properly time tested yet which does make me feel apprehensive about it. I have heard that this so called cure infact could possibly only protect those who take it for up to 9 months, at the end of the day we simply don't know that much about it. And now I heard they want to mix both vaccines-up together when needed just for the sake of injecting as many people as possible, that's just crazy and I'm glad scientists have spoken up about how absurd the idea is of mixing both vaccines together without any proper testing. There is also a guy in government who wants people to take the vaccine or get shut out from society by not giving them access to any businesses, meaning you wouldn't be able to go food shopping, school, the cinema or even travel, to which I then don't see how exactly this would then be giving the public the choice, it's straight-up blackmail. I also received a letter from one of the health organizations for the 2nd time claiming that I have been selected for sending and receiving a swab test to which I considered taking part-in because apparently many who have sent these test kits back "without even using them" later received calls information the subject that they have the covid! I have worked all during this crisis as our company used a loophole within the system to keep us all working despite our government stating that all non-essential work places must shut-down. It was either work or be fired kind of attitude, and regardless of being at lv4 lockdown I still received a call from my boss saying to still be in for work. The food shortage problem at the moment seems to have worked itself out, let's just hope it continues that way. With the high number of people getting covid in the area I have now had more work colleges and close friends test positive with all having different experiences from feeling very bad to nothing but a mild cold.

I hope you enjoy your new years passing, while some see it as mostly a excuse to party like crazy others will be recollecting their life thinking of their goals and ambitions for the future.

Always do your own due diligence the above is only a opinion.

Secretly win a %70 Upvote with over 11500 SP From Me
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  3. And finally answer the question- Will Steem go up or down within the next 22 hours?
    There will only be "one winner" but hurry you have 22 hours for placing your valid entry!


1Up Or Down Today 05012021.gif

Source: picgifs.com

Our Ship Is Now Triple Dolphin Powered

Source: giphy.com

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So if you like this page I need you guys to do me 2 easy things.

1.First please upvote this page.
2.And secondly dont forget to follow me below.

Also since votes don't always = $ and you if want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me along with the value of the STEEM currency as I have not powered-down once in 4 years.

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


Price to increase in next day

We have had a scorching hot day and i even went for a swim which was awesome.

Good goal to have 20,000sp, my next target is 15,000sp

🏆 Winner

Wow really that warm eh, was it a swim at the beach or the pool? It sure is 20,000sp and it's beginning to look more and more like it will happen. Well your nearly there kiwi-crypto keep it up buddy lets keep collecting this SP.

Hello @simonjay, your blog is great and more for me that I want to learn...
Merry Christmas.

Well I'm happy you learned something elmundodexao, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and thanks for the support.

🏆 Hi @simonjay! You have received 0.1 STEEM reward for this post from the following subscribers: @panosdada
Subscribe and increase the reward for @simonjay :) | For investors.

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