Daily Steem Price Update 29/11/2023

in #steemit8 months ago

Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 29/11/2023.
I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of Steemit.com back in 2016 along with other content.
Many have came here to discuss the daily Steem price's and recent STEEM changes for over 7 years.

If you tire of addictively looking at the charts every few minutes then instead just relax and look here for the average STEEM price for your daily plan or strategy.
And even if you are not planning to do anything with your STEEM I still recommend checking out these updates every so often.
So without further ado lets take a look at today's Daily Steem Price for 29/11/2023.

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(Images By: @simonjay)



Steem Daily Price MoonTemplate29112023.jpg


November 2023 Last night I went to sleep earlier than the usual late hour, this is great it's been a few days now I have been getting more sleep. However last night was a close one and I hope to maintain getting a little more sleep as with the cold it's needed and it was indeed another cold night. This morning I also took extra rest going past my alarm but while i didn't have work until later I still didn't want to get up too late as I'm still catching up with some chores from when my dad arrived. This morning was mostly a productive one which I didn't expect, while that is great sadly what put a real downer was the situation with one of our cats who as got severely worse after holding on to life for like a month. I think perhaps today or tomorrow he will no longer be with us which is very sad for me considering he was the baby of the family. Once my free time was up I stopped the chores and got ready for work, while the sun as been out this morning it's still very cold. On the way to work there must of been a accident not only did I get two people warm me about the road being chaos but the traffic was horrendous, but at least in the most dangerous section there were some emergency service men taking charge of controlling the traffic which made things much safer. I just about got to work on time but that was not fault of the traffic but my own doing. When I got to work I told my boss about the traffic and he explained he heard there were 2 accidents on the same road, these were unrelated but it just shows how many crazy drivers we have on our roads. I started doing a bunch of things almost forgetting to even attempt doing any of the weekly tasks but before the extra work was ready I at least managed to do a small amount of it. While there was a lot of the extra work to get done I didn't think it was that bad and while we didn't get it completed I feel this is because one of the guys was completely trying to avoid helping with any of it. Not sure how he managed to get away without doing any of it but he did. The boss of the surveillance installers made a appearance today which I was not happy about this means they still have not completed their work and will be back to install more bloody cameras meaning they might still place them on my floor. Going home was not too cold as I expected but I dreaded going home to learn that the cat had died, thankfully he is still alive for another day and as definitely been very determined for life I just wish he could recover. Today I wore the extra thick t-shirt underneath but this is not to combat the cold outside it was for the cold on the floor that I work on. Just like last year there is a condensation issue with the heating system and so to combat this the door to the outside area is wide open letting in all the cold. However I'm glad that this time the staff didn't let the situation get as bad as previously there was water leaking everywhere and it was a nightmare to get it all under control. I was hoping that with better control they could keep the floor warmer but it seems that may not be the case again this year. Talking to one of my colleagues a younger new guy explained to me how he's fallen in love. While that sounds great to most people I was not impressed at all as he told me this was a Instagram model that he's started following. Honestly it's amazing what the newer generation get up to these days and how social media is really messing with people, like this guy doesn't seem to realise most of the women on there are using filters, photo editors, make-up and body position techniques to get the desired attention which makes them money. When I was younger guys would spend their efforts and time chasing women in the real world rather than getting obsessed and stalking online girls. He made me laugh when he said he wanted to move to her country to find a girl just like her, the guy must not be looking properly, there are attractive women almost everywhere but the reason why he doesn't see them in the real world is because he isn't looking at them through a filter. The previous morning, it almost felt peaceful as it was so early however I have never seen so many people on e-scooters. While I understand that it's rainy and cold I did notice most of these riders were wearing big coats with hoodies on. This is a problem as wearing a hoodie like most of these young morons were blocks a lot of their vision. There are some dangerous roads and crossings in this particular part and all you need is these speedy idiots coming at you from all directions yet they are only half seeing where they are going. The newbie who was smiling a lot I have not seen her at all I actually thought I saw her today but instead it was the other newbie who started they are like sister strangely enough and look similar, well same body type I guess. I tried to help her where I could and it seems to of done the trick as overheard the following day the superior saying that she had done well with her tasks. She was a lovely girl and think with time she would get the grip on things but unfortunately I already feel she won't be given the chance perhaps she's already quit herself but so far I haven't heard anything. Once again the bathroom lighting is having it's issues, this time it's been just under a month where it worked smoothly. I checked some more recent reviews on some of the lighting equipment and noticed way more people complaining and giving 1 star reviews which helps me understand that at least it's not all down to bad wiring. Due to a issue paying in my internet service provider bill previously l I had to deal with a frustrating problem, their site was not functioning as it should and so preventing me from being able to pay. I had to get on the phone with them "a 40 minute wait" before I could even speak to anybody which was very annoying. Unfortunately last time I checked there was still a issue with the website so how the heck do they expect people to pay their bills!? More heating is having to be used at home and it's insane seeing the cost of energy instantly triple, the government really does want it's people to suffer the cold. The "Replies" page on Steemit.com occasionally still as issues but I think everything is fixed, there is also the issue of not receiving the Tron rewards. In a previous year it was fixed just in time for Christmas but I also heard a few say it's been discontinued for good. However that rumour always makes itself present when TRX is not received and so far I haven't seen a confirmation that TRX as been completely abolished from being received. We did get news from the Steemit team that Tron as been "paused" due to bad market conditions which doesn't make much sense with the market recovering?? The team says that with TRX paused this will give them the opportunity to see how they can better their services, seems a bit counter intuitive but perhaps this will untie a few hands so they can made a decision on their next step. As for Steem since around April 2022 we had a big fall that took it down to £0.14 but with such a large fall this helped us on collecting more Steem. It was this drop in price that was "one" of the key factors that helped us on reaching our main goal for 2023. Our goal was to finally reach Orca which means holding 50k Steem Power, would you believe this as been a 6 year project that was realised earlier this year on July 21th. If your looking for Steem to be a success or just looking to earn more you should vote mostly on those who do not power down. Powering down lowers the value of Steem, meaning it lowers the value of your investment and even the Steem that your earning from posting. This account is a example as one of the very few on here who is not powering-down it's rewards.

Good Service Trade Your TRON For STEEM TRX-STEEM

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November 2023 Month Results For #club5050 !!


Always do your own due diligence the above is only a opinion.

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  3. And finally answer the question- Will Steem go up or down within the next 22 hours?
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1Up Or Down Today 29112023.gif

Source: picgifs.com

Our Ship Is Powered With A Newly Arrived Orca 🏆

New Orca Arrival-giphy.gif

Source: giphy.com


author portfolioU4ZCp8uHZ93yF22p2ypNuVM78E04052018.jpg

So if you like this page I need you guys to do me 2 easy things.

1.First please upvote this page.
2.And secondly don't forget to follow me below.

Also since votes don't always = $ and if you want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me, not only me but also support the value of the STEEM currency as I have not powered-down a single time in 6 whole years.

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


merry happies and a hi-steemit while im passing thru, i bet the UK is doing as great as the rest of europe otherwise , i dont follow much anymore ... see you next year or so (no need to answer im not getting back on steemit)
thanks for all the votes back then ... maybe this year we see steem@€1 again ... then i might be convinced hahah

enjoy the festivities

Hey tyrnannoght it was nice to receive your message, thanks for dropping by and throwing some upvotes over, I sent you about 3 or so SBI here and there for the upvotes, yes hopefully at some point we will see it reach 1$ again, thank you happy December

Done Up

🏆 Winner


Your welcome jeff-kubitz

Steem will go up

This post has been upvoted by @italygame witness curation trail

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Come and visit Italy Community

Great thank you italygame!

Hi @simonjay,
my name is @ilnegro and I voted your post using steem-fanbase.com.

Come and visit Italy Community

Steem will go up

Steem will go up

Steem will go up

Steem will go up

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