"Just a friendly reminder: your comment seems to be spam" ^_^

in #steemit7 years ago

Ok, it's time again to write this "friendly reminder": please, you have to understand that spam comments don't work here and people like me, who is part of this cozy community from many months, sometimes can be boring to read  comments like "please, follow me! "/ "plz, upvote-follow-support me" or just copy/past sentences (it's simple to see if a comment is just a copy/past sentence!) and sometimes can flag the spammers!

I have to say that also inside the category of spammers there are 2 different kinds of spammers:

- the shameless (who write directly a "plz, follow/upvote me")

- the masked (who pretends doesn't be spammers, but usually they copy/past the same comment all over many random posts)

In my experience here, I collected (as many other steemians!) many examples of spam comment that are in the second category, but I have to say that my "favorites" are:

1.  "Nice post, bro!" Argh!!! BRO? Brother? Ok, I have short hair and I use just a few touches of make up, but would you tell me that in my pics I looks like a man??? Have I take an appointment with the beautician?  I have to change something in my profile? 

So, in my profile picture I think it's clear that I'm a woman, I wrote on my banner that I'm a creative WOMAN, so why you call me bro? Ok, just a tip: read and think before to write a wrong comment :P

2. "Nice and interesting post full of information". Wow, thanks so much! There's nothing strange in this kind of comment if the post is in a language that you can understand. The problem is when a comment like this is on a post that I wrote in Italian language! Sure, maybe that person understand Italian language, but he/she can't write in this language (Sometimes I also read some spanish or portuguese contents - these languages are very similar to italian- and I wrote a comment in English because it's more simple for me), but when I reply to him/her asking wich part of the post he/she liked I don't have an answer back.

So, dear spammers, just a friendly reminder:

"Sorry, your comment seems to be spam. I invite you to read my old post about spam comments: https://steemit.com/steemit/@silviabeneforti/some-tips-for-newbies-and-my-approach-on-steemit . Pay attention, some steemians may considered a comment like this as spam and they can flag you. "

See ya soon


silvia beneforti


Whatzup Bro, why not follow me back and give me a gazillion likes c'mon do it. ;) I am joking of course. I am newer here and I get these as well and they usually make me laugh or smile, but we seem to have been trained, as an internet society, to behave this way. Most don't, but many seem to think it is the normal precedent. I sort of think of it as the way we Americans, since the late 80's big box store mentality arose, were trained to be horrible consumers expecting everything for nothing, wanting it now, and thinking every retail worker is our personal valet/servant. I don't act that way, but I wonder if it is a sign of our new continuing online lives? I hope we can correct it before too long. I liked the bit about the short hair too, made me laugh ;)

"everything for nothing", yes, you wrote the right thing! Some people (fortunately the most of steemians are not like these) seems to think that they can have everything doing nothing, but it's wrong. The time they spend to copy/past or to write a begging for vote, they could spend in writing nice content or reading just few other contents engaging other steemians in conversation or other activities more "useful" and, sure, more funny!

Exactly, but maybe Steem will just weed these people out by our ignoring them and we will be left with a wonderful Steem world of supportive creative people, I hope so anyway. :)

I feel you @silviabeneforti. :) I only follow people that I like and see on my feed. It's eye candy and I'd want to learn more from each and every steemian. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. ^^

Your thought is the right thought, @dawnsheree ^^ This is really a nice community full of interesting people to follow ^^

@silviabenforti :) your one of my faves of course. Please know that if my post is not like a diary looking one. I just want to drop by and let you know that I love your work and I cant find the right words on how to describe them :)

I love this post. Funny, sarcastic, sassy and it makes the point clear! Way to go sis! (Not bro!)

Lol maybe I have to write in my profile that I can be just a sis, not a bro :D

You are completely right Silvia!!! It makes me nervous a lot when i see these spams. After spending a lot of time on writing my post, why i should upvote someone who did nothing and even didn't read my post? Really guys?? It doesn't work in this way.

Spammers like that usually just post a picture from google and they want to earn by using not own works.

It's a big shame!! You guys must respect people who work and post their own content. If you guys are not able to do it, at least do not bother other people!!!

Sorry for this emotional impulse, it's just a little boiling inside me.

I totally agree with you, @olgy-art ! Some people seems to think that they can have everything doing nothing. We can use just 10 upvote if we upvote every times at 100% (it's the reason because more of us use less % of voting power, so we can give more upvotes) and we have to use the to encourage content that we like, not randomly just because someone who simply copy/past or beg an upvote to a post where is just a pic from google :(

indeed you express truth that all of us feel. We know too many spammers who are hoping to turn a quick upvote without investing the time to earn it. Could we call them bottom feeders. LOL I try to ignore them. However I am glad someone is addressing this subject. I tend to acclimate to comments that are too long for certain posts. Thanks for bringing this into the light my 'Lady'.

Thanks to you for your words and I have to say that the name "bottom feeders" is really right for those spammers ^_^

I'm with you on this one too! There seem to be more and more of ppl doing this and they don't stop no matter how many times others tell them.

@Steemcleaners will deal with them.... the form is here https://steemcleaners.org/abuse-report/

If you look at the people's comments (on their blogs) who do this, you'll see they've been warned so many times so they aren't doing it innocently.

Usually I do this: at the first spam comment that they wrote me I reply with a friendly reminder, after I flag them tell them that they are repetitive spammers. I think steemcleaners is really an useful tool to contrast them, I use it when I find a plagiarist (another great problem here) or similar.

I follow the same pattern you do.....it's just getting worse though. I guess this is just another growth bump in the road for steemit. Hopefully things will settle down again soon.

Pretty annoying right... you would think they would figure out it isn't helping them at all!

I agree with you! Really annoying...

Ciao Silvia!, spero questo commento non venga inteso come spam haha, volevo solo segnalare alla comunita' di italiani su steemit, con la quale non ho ancora interagito ad essere sincero, che ho fatto un piccolo post riguardo la vicenda TAP qui in Salento...Per chiunque fosse interessato

Ciao, siemo entrambi italiani e tu sei abbastanza nuovo quindi non considero spam il tuo commento, ma ti lascio solo un consiglio : la comunità italiana sta cercando di promuovere post in italiano tramite canali appositi su steemit.chat e discord, quindi se fai post in italiano puoi segnalarlo a loro (trovi i post sotto la tag "ita"), per quelli in inglese invece ti consiglio di usare semplicemente le chat su steemit.chat dedicate alla promotion, altrimenti se commenti i post di italiani segnalando il tuo post può essere comunque considerato spam ;)

Ok grazie Silvia! Vado a dare uno sguardo e scusami, non avevo idea di come interagire con gli altri connazionali, mi sono iscritto ad Agosto ma non sono stato molto attivo a dire il vero

Non preoccuparti! So che la comunità italiana è molto attiva in questo momento proprio sui post in italiano (io ne scrivo pochi ^^), non so come si chiama la chat che usano, ma se cerchi qui con la tag "ita" dovresti trovare anche il nome utente del gruppo ^^

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