The comment that became a poststeemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

Talk about killing two birds with one stone - I just wrote a comment so paradigm shifting and universally meaningful that I thought, what the hell, this could be a Steemit post itself.

I'll leave out the identity of the person whose post I was commenting on because he seems to be a bit down on Steemit at the moment, but it's would be pretty easy to work out (just look at my comment feed)

So here it - this was originally a frigging comment! (too good to waste):


A shout out to a fellow conspiracy theorist

Hang in there – I for one read and appreciate your posts. Last week I was reading the comments on one of your posts and the biggest tool I’ve ever seen on Steemit was giving you some shit.

I do my best to avoid arguing online because it’s a dead end (it took me a long time to grasp that) and I really appreciated the way you handled that numpty. You were pretty cool.

This is going to be a long comment - I don’t usually do these because I can’t be arsed and they pull in about as much wedge as your conspiracy posts.

But in this case you have got me thinking, and I’ll probably go on to do a post about this.

Like you I joined Steemit last August, and like you I have a particular interest in conspiracies. I’ve been following you for ages.

Looking at this post I noticed for the first time that despite being here since the dark ages you have bugger all followers, you never make any money, and you seldom post comments.

Here is my two cents worth (and I don’t expect it to make as much as that)

  1. FOLLOWERS - You need more followers – less than 100 won’t get you anywhere round here. My partner @kiwideb who also joined in August has over 300 now and she usually does OK for payouts. When she has time to post on Steemit she is always aiming to build up her following. As well as posting she is commenting. Commenting helps build up more followers. Over 500 would be really good, and that’s what we are both aiming for.
  2. NEGATIVE STUFF DOESN’T PAY – generally posts about conspiracies don’t pull in rewards – yes there are exceptions like @dollarvigilante and @corbettreport, but for noddy nobodies like us, positive feel good content pays and negative expose the conspiracy stuff doesn’t. I learned that back in August when I did a shit kicking conspiracy post that made $0: and then did a photography post that made $404: (Expect $0 for conspiracy posts and you won’t be disappointed)
  3. PICTURES – the top image needs to be eye catching. A post with no images is doomed. I have a fetish for images and put pictures on all my comments too. Every post needs an eye caching picture and a really engrossing heading.
  4. IT’S BUGGER ALL SEASON – we are all earning next to nothing for our posts at the moment, but now is the time to go harder, not to quit – for the finest example of that philosophy on Steemit check out @papa-pepper. And check out his following and rewards. He is showing how it’s done. When the fog clears he will be a master of Steemit.

Now to put it all together:

Cute Kitten Playing With a Snowman


A post of that nature could net you several $ if you had over 500 followers

For better or for worse, Steemit is very like the rest of the world.

Keep on steeming – your content is really important, but you need to add a bit of marketing too. (I can’t believe I’m saying this, it’s not exactly my own area of expertise)

Ever done a comment so good you decide to upload it as a post?


Because sometimes I like to do short posts with pictures, art, photos, and funny stuff, and then there is bugger all in my post, I need a whopping great signature to put at the bottom of my short posts to give them some beef.

On my longer posts I’m really just including it to go on about myself, but what the hell, we all need to blow our own trumpet sometimes.

@cheetah likes to point out that I’m plagiarising my own signature, but he is also voting for me, and a vote is a vote, so I’ll call that a good thing.

@sift666 is my Steemit alias. As 666 is the number following 665 and preceding 667, and I’m using the number here on my Steemit account, it might mean I’m a worshiper of Satan. Or it could indicate that I have troll tendencies I need to work out with myself.

My real name is Ian Gregson, aka wheels007. I’m a professional sifter from Wellington New Zealand. My interests include photography, conspiracies , web design, writing, nutrition, art, design, philosophy, technology, anarchy, health, computers, humour (humor), gratuitous arse shots, and anything that makes my eyes bulge while I make squeaking sounds (except torture).

Back in the glory days of Steemit (August 2016), I once made $404 for a post and went on a three day bender. It took months to work off the after effects of the hangover and I’m still attempting to understand how that ever happened.

I’m currently developing a new website portal to rival Steemit called where I’m testing out a new feature called “frottage” that may revolutionise blogging and create a global paradigm shift.

Photos and pictures labeled @sift666, or are my own creations, while pictures with no credits are sometimes ones I found in my image collection and have no idea where they originally came from, or might be my own photos that I haven't put a signature on.

Otherwise, due to pressure to conform, I’m having a crack at including an image credit beneath each picture I copy off the internet. I do have opinions on this subject, but am practicing putting a sock in it.

To tell the truth I often have no idea what I’m going to post next, but I will be sure to include pictures. If you are a person who prefers mainstream opinion, my posts may not be entirely your cup of tea. But if you like to dwell on the wild fringes of conspiracy theory, or you are a whale with a massive blowhole, you might like to follow me on Steemit. It would be great to have you on board.


I often expand comments into posts. It helps me avoid writer's block. Follow your inspiration, and you'll never run out of material, though sometimes it becomes a bit difficult to choose which direction to take.

I've never tried it before, but it can work OK it seems :)

I do usually put a link to the inspiration, but sometimes I question the wisdom of this, not wanting to rub anyone's nose in anything more publicly than necessary, unless they're being a d*ck about it.

Usually, I grow comments into posts when I agree with a post, and feel the need to elaborate on why. I like how it is useful for growing connections in my , and other's understanding. Sometimes it is similar to working on a puzzle, and having someone with an outside perspective jump in and put several major chunks together with just the right piece.

@sift666 you should share the identity so we can follow this person. Ask Deb to please just send me the name on Skype please then we can help out a fellow steemian!

Good point - I didn't think of that - I'll just go public then - here he is -

(hope he doesn't mind or he will be really pissed off if he ever sees this!)

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