SHOOTING FOR THE MOONsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Lately a lot of people on Steemit have been using the phrase “Shooting for the Moon”


Even here on Steemit, where most of the people I follow realise that 9/11, vaccinations, global warming, and low fat cheese are all con jobs, the idea that “the moon landing” was filmed in a studio seems to be a jump for some Steemers.

From time to time I mention a few con jobs on Steemit, but the moon landing always seems to be a sticking point.

So last night I was really buzzing out when in the latest episode of Fargo (the awesome series), one of the characters talked about the fake moon landing (I suspect this is rarely mentioned on American TV)


Rather than “shooting for the moon” or even worse “becoming the new Fakebook” (I’d rather become the new Justin Bieber) what else could Steemit aim for?


We could become like the place in Brazil where the good side of town is right next to the bad side, and Steemit could tower over the slums of Fakebook and Twitter.


Or we could get zillions of new members and be really big like an elephant.


But what I’d really like to see us become is an inspiration by reaching up to great heights like Mt Everest.





I must admit I was doing a bit of an experiment here with this post - I was curious to see if I still had any followers who believe in 9/11, vaccinations, global warming, or low fat cheese.

And from the immediate drop in my number of followers it seems I did!

Hopefully not any more :)

I'll re-steem this to see if it has the same effect!

And lets see if we can both be ostracised!

I really don't think that will happen. It's sad, but it's getting more and more difficult to be radical, as what was once tinfoil hat territory is now being so well articulated. True, many are still silent, but things is changing.

I used to sort of like being called a conspiracy theorist!

I do have a few other theories that I don't even mention on Steemit, because I'm holding back a bit...

But what the hell, I don't think this post is going to be a vote magnet, so I might as well let rip like I do on my blog:

upvoted your current last 7 days worth of posts

steem on fellow kiwi

Much appreciated - I'll go and vote on yours now!

i dig this post @sift666, i think Steemit should shoot for all of the above!

Including being the next Justin Bieber? :)

lolol sure why not right!

What about Shooting for the truth, or Steemit: the new freedom? Or too serious?

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