The Holocaust ‘6 Million’ LIE ! Population of Jews: 1938 – 15.748 Million, 1948 – 15.753 Million!

in #israel7 years ago


  • Holocaust Truth!
    The truth is, the Holocaust story is a lie – at least most of it. If it were true then there would be no need for America’s allies to imprison people who question it. What do the Holocaust pushers have to fear? Why not just let the evidence speak for itself? There is no other historical subject on Earth that we cannot discuss or debate, so why should this story be any different? The answer is simple, they have something to hide… like the truth.

    If there really was a plan to exterminate the Jews, then why wasn’t it carried out? Why were there so many Jews found alive in the camps after the war? Everyone in those concentration camps could have been shot dead if that’s what the Germans had wanted. Certain parts of the Holocaust story just don’t hold water.

    Concentration camps – yes, slave labor – yes, identity tattoos – yes. But gas chambers and six million Jews dead – no. So why the lies? The Zionist Jews needed horror stories to give them an excuse to steal Palestinian land so they could establish Israel. It also gave them a propaganda weapon to beat the Gentile world into submission. Now the Holocaust story is treated like a religion where the more time that passes from this alleged massacre, the more we have to hear about it, and the less we can question it. But you can still question the existence of God without fear of persecution, but you can’t question the Holocaust story.

    Accusations made by Jews that later turned out to be lies and slanders against the German people.

    1. False Claim: Germans made lampshades out of Jewish skin. 
    2. False Claim: Germans made soap from the fat of dead Jewish bodies. 
    3. False Claim: Four million people (mostly Jews) died at Auschwitz. See a photo of the plaque that remained on the Auschwitz wall from 1945-1990 before it was taken down due to it being untrue.

    4. False Claim: A photo of the new plaque put up after 1990. Now it says only one and a half million people died at Auschwitz. Yet, the six million figure remains the same! Where did the four million go? 

    5. False Claim: Germans used an electric crematorium that not only killed Jews with electricity, but reduced them to ashes afterward.

    6. False Claim: Germans murdered six million Jews between 1942 – 1945. But here are photo copies of the Jewish World Almanacs from the years 1933 and 1948 – before and after the “Holocaust”.

    World Jewish population 1933 – 15,315,000.
    World Jewish population 1948 – 15,753,000.
    Where’s the six million drop in the 1948 statistics?

    read more!
  • “Mr. Benjamin Freedman, a Jewish industrialist born in New York, wrote in the Economic Council Letter published there of October 15 1947: “These Eastern European Jews have neither a racial nor a historic connection with Palestine. Their ancestors were not inhabitants of the Promised Land. They are the direct descendants of the people of the Khazar Kingdom. The Khazars were a non-Semitic, Turko-Mongolian tribe.” Mr. Freedman was challenged, unwisely, by a Zionist objector; he invited his challenger to go with him to the Jewish room of the New York Public Library. There they could together examine the Jewish Encyclopedia volume I pp. 1-12, and the published works of Graetz, Dubnow, Friedlander, Raisin and many other noted Jewish historians, which, as well as other non-Jewish authorities, “establish the fact beyond all possible doubt”.’
    ~ Somewhere South of Suez (1950) pp349-350.”



Raul Hilberg, jewish "historian", explains the lack of documents and communication about gas chambers with "telepathy"

👍🏼. If you haven't already, you should watch "The greatest story never told" on YouTube. It's long but definitely worth the watch

This article leaves out the red cross numbers of just over 271,000 total not all Jews. Plaques at so-called death camps have been reduced over the years but total is still the #sixmilionlie promoted by corrupt politicians and other blowhards.

#EisenhowersHolocaust is never mentioned nor is the #holodomor #redrevolution financed by #JacobSchiff ancestor of AlGore son in law.


I can not say how disgusted I am by this post. I live in a country where we got to visit concentration camps as school kids. Probably we do not know the exact number of murdered Jews. Maybe it was six million. Maybe it was "just" 5.
But does this really matter? No person with some brain doubts that this was one of the worst crimes ever committed.

Seeing the camps where they say this crime took place is not evidence of the crime.

Actually, the further you look into it, the more confusing (and insulting to the non-Jewish world population) it is as to why this is presented as the worst crime ever committed, as the Jews had a significantly lower death count (even if the alleged numbers are true) than that of populations subjected to Jewish Communism. And I do mean significantly lower.

Fact: there are currently 17 countries in which it is a federal crime to investigate the Jewish holocaust (people have been imprisoned for up to 2 years for this)---no other "historical" event carries a prison sentence for simply conducting research on.
Fact: Zionist Jews control most of the influential world power structures today. Here's a thought:

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you aren't allowed to criticize."

I do highly recommend this documentary concerning an alternative narrative of WWII: "The Greatest Story Never Told"

The most convincing thing about it (for me, anyway) was the way in which it plugs many of the holes in the conventional narrative with logical, and verifiable, explanations. Such as, "if Hitler hated Jews so much, why were there Jews in his army?", "if he hated the Jews, why were they some of his closest advisors?", "why did Hitler hate Jews if he himself was part Jewish?", and especially, "how did he convince an entire nation of people to back him up in resentment of Jews, if they did absolutely nothing to the Germans?" <--there's no such thing as a causeless effect.

Why indeed. Perhaps the real answer is that: he didn't.


Ultimately, I am sad that you find examination of data "disgusting." Without the ability to critically examine, we are prone to being misled.

The bigest crime committed tu humanity was the ziomarxist genocide in Russia and eurupe

>But does this really matter
of course it is. those who control the past control the future.
if you believe any lie that a jew tells you, then you're gullible and easily controllable.
more people know the holohoax is a lie than you think. it's only a matter of time till word gets out to the rest of the population.

Your argument seems to center around a census, and I don't think I have the expertise to argue the validity of the documents, so I'm going to operate under the assumption that they're factual and not doctored.

With that being said, does that mean the holocaust was a lie, because theres more Jews counted in 1948 opposed to 1938?

Not so fast, even in Western Europe and America, being Jewish was frowned upon. So is it completely out of the realm of possibility that those who were Jews, but that could pass as something other than being Jewish, could have lied about their ethnicity?

I think thats very likely, because we saw people lie here in the U.S. when they entered via Ellis Island, I'm sure the numbers of those that lied in countries that were practically openly hostile to Jews, was much higher.

Are you accusing jews of being deceptive?

6 Million Jews in die KZ
6 Million Communists arrested in KZ 1933
Hermann Göring Nürnberg Trials: They had more MG´s than the Wehrmacht.
6 Million People starved in Ukraine to build up red Army.

hard to believe

6 Million the Number of the WW2

Das darf hier nur keiner laut sagen -.-

Well here is another rabid anti-semite trawling his wares to whichever pieces of human filth will jump on board with him.

Let's examine some of the lies/distortions;

  1. The image at the top is claimed to show population differences between 1938 and 1948, however, anyone who is literate and not blind, will see clearly that 1 document is from 1933, and the other document is from 1938.

The holocaust is not a lie, but people lie about it as it introduces cognitive dissonance with their various rantings and ravings.

"If it were true then there would be no need for America’s allies to imprison people who question it." <-- logical fallacy.

"If there really was a plan to exterminate the Jews, then why wasn’t it carried out?"
It was...... it was simply not completed

"The Zionist Jews needed horror stories to give them an excuse to steal Palestinian land so they could establish Israel. It also gave them a propaganda weapon to beat the Gentile world into submission. Now the Holocaust story is treated like a religion where the more time that passes from this alleged massacre, the more we have to hear about it, and the less we can question it. But you can still question the existence of God without fear of persecution, but you can’t question the Holocaust story." <-- Here is where it really comes out, the cowardly jew-hatred that motivates this entire piece. The lack of any relation from the statements made to facts has no bearing on the author's views.

I'm not going to bother refuting the rest of your dimwitted diatribe, but I will refer you, and any other reader to the following website which contains facts that dispel the claims of those who attempt to deny the holocaust.

Jews are liars by nature. The only time a jew is not lying is when he is sleeping, and even then he's dreaming of the next time he'll scam a gentile out of his hard-earned money. The ‘holocaust’ is just one of a gazillion lies pushed onto the gentile by the jewish-owned media.
Holohoax is the reason jews have forcefully grabbed all media, and used mafia tactics to keep goyim away from owning search engines and social media; to keep the truth hidden from the goyim.

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