Steemit Milestone! 1111 FOLLOWERS! :D

in #steemit7 years ago



It seems like just 4 days ago we were celebrating the 1000 follower milestone!

... oh wait -- it WAS 4 days ago :D

The Proof

Screenshot (157).png

This is a big one.

My Mom always used to say that four 1s in a row meant that the angels were standing in line in Heaven.

I never really understood the meaning of that... but it sounds nice.

It's funny how random, unexpected things can remind you of people who've died.

... Rest in peace, Mom.

But hey!

Celebrate with me!!

I wish I could really party with all of you guys!

Thanks so much for supporting me in this Steemit experiment :D

Let's party together with Leo



Congratulations @shayne! I'm right behind you at 100. haha

Good grief. That is well done... Have one more.

haha thanks :D

it's absolutely unbelievable! :D

congrats! I just got mine 100 followers too. Next stop 1000!

Take my congratulations!

Hi Shayne cg for milestone, we are following you also you can do the same here @valhalla-hash

Congratulations i am happy for you!!!!,i also reached 400 followers today so a i am joining you for some well deserved celebration.


What is the secret?

you deserve that and more @ shayne for your kind heated and love ...more is coming.

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