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RE: Starting to lose interest in Steemit and considering calling it quits...

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Your posting rewards from the last 30 days have put you on rank #20 of all Steemians! Difficult for me to relate with your disappointment.


I think he means the people he brings here. I had the same problem with a very friendly guy named @tonicantona
Also that my marketing did not make more money turned the people off. How can it be that shla-rafia only gets 2 dollar for a whole day of street marketainment?
To pay by upvotes sounds god but then maybe someone will say sybil attacks.

I know why, and you wont like it... but here it is, right now all the voting power is in the hands of the very wealthy, and to them you are a loser. They do not like to reward losers or winners like myself who don't mind looking like a loser

That is not good for the growth of the platform because many people don't like people who categorize in winners and losers. They stop the growth which would turn Steemit into a place where many people have similar amounts of steem power and where there would be a culture of upliftig and helping people to establish businesses. With a credit of 2000$ I could make 5 new users a day by running a hostel or so. When people see that I do not get enough support they think that Steemit is not exciting. It is just standard corporation bullshit where u have to wear a suit and not take drugs to be accepted. The people are looking for an alternative to this kind of world, not a copy of it with a blockhain.

you must put yourself in their place and accept them. It takes allot of time out of life to have allot of money, a work schedule, and dealing with others who always are looking to them for money, there is simply very little freedom in the life of a publicly wealthy person, and to see someone like you or me who don't have any responsibilities and lots of free time, and have no intention of giving up our freedom... they are not mentally capable of rewarding it, from a natural point of view you are more wealthy than they are, because you have more TIME, and time is freedom.

Because I'm not comparing it to that. I'm comparing the ROI on my time invested here vs. other revenue possibilities and to posts that dwarf mine in payouts, but really in my opinion are not always quality post. Some are great posts. I'm not trying to take that away from anyone.

Perhaps you should be comparing to that. I've been consistently impressed by the kinds of rewards you're generating; at our current market cap, they're quite generous.

Remember that Steem is still in its infancy by all accounts, and not only does it need to bootstrap a user base, it also needs to bootstrap an economy. Both of those are processes which take time, they really can't be accelerated (at least, not without sacrificing sustainability).

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