Some random thoughts

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I'm heavily invested in ripple and have been for some time, I love Bitcoin and all the other projects. I'm spread out with my investments but #steemit seems to have taken over my mind. So it has me thinking very differently lately. I know over the years complience to regulation has been a foot stone of many project because of the kyc and aml regulatory arm the government, that has crush powers to stifle out the small guys killing innovation ect, and I think it's a joke.
It's the throwing swings of a dieing country that's paranoid because it knows it fucked up. On to my point about ripple, and I'm not money hungry but they've conviced so many banks to look at the blockchain. I just think they have an awesome team and the company has helped the crypto world more than most know. As a business model they meet so many exceptional Standards.
Steemit has steem to stepped to the side and really Accelerated what I thought would take 5 more years. I jump onto it blindly when it was at 100 million after learning about it when it was at 50 million. The idea was so profound I couldn't not trust the blockchain. My only wonder now is, is this only going to excellerate ripple more because banks have no chance.? Also interledger is an awesome project too. It's been a very educational journey over the years and now I'm at steemit sitting at bar feeling more connected than ever before. Thoughts are welcome, I know most people hate ripple.


I started with ripple when they did the World Community Grid, was pretty fun. But then they told everyone we had to send them our ID's, so I told ripple to get bent and went on my merry way to find DASH (formerly known as darkcoin).

Identifying myself with crypto has never been an issue with me. I believe in the technology. Still dislike the government and would like my privacy, but if I'm going to send money to the other side of the world I want to know its not a scam. There's definitely a lot of philosophical debate that need to happen in the community still.

I did the world community grid thing for a little bit but stopped because it was over heating my computer. How did it work for you though?

It worked well. It was my bridge into the industry. Learned a lot met some fantastic people. Didnt make much but had fun.

Nice, glad to hear that. You sound like an interesting person.

Well thank you, thats very kind to say. Come meet me in the DASH public slack.


I'll check it when i have some time! thanks for the invite

I haven't looked at Ripple yet, but, as you have said, I have heard good things about the team. I'm not sure I understand one comment you made; "The idea was so profound I couldn't not trust the blockchain." I'm curious as to your meaning. If you find a moment, perhaps you could expound on that thought.


No problem! Two negatives make a positive. I wrote in the moment to get some thoughts off my chest. I feel they're definitely worth looking into. My guess is they'll be going mainstream mid year 2017 but I've also been with them for 3 years now so take that with a grain of salt! It's been one hell of a bumpy ride with them and Jed (one of the co founders) who works on stellar now. Lots of controversy.

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