
Come for the money, leave for the lack of it. Just being realistic here.

Pretty much. I’ve wanted to write recently, but it just doesn’t feel worth it. It does because of the few readers. But then it all comes back being annoyed with Steemit.

I can't say i disagree with you. Steem is an experiment to see if a social media can form around the premise of making money.

It's not mature enough to even compete with highly engineered dark pattern perfect websites designed to suck you in the platform and keep you glued. Honestly I don't even consider Steem to be the same category as Facebook, Medium etc...

I guess that's the case for everything in the cryptocurrency space. It's the Internet 95' all over again, why watch shitty resolution videos on about Elephants Youtube when there are good TV shows.

Elephants are great tbh.

Lol, exactly my point.

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