Real Talk - Vol 6. - When You Confuse Opinion for Right vs. Wrong

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Recently there have been many debates within the comment sections of steemit posts. Those debates have been sparked by flagging and down voting. What deserves it and what doesn’t?

What I’ve noticed is there are so many items that one person thinks should get flagged and someone else thinks should not.

Right vs. Wrong

The underlying problem I see with all of these debates is that people are confusing their OPINION with right vs. wrong.

You can take nearly any example in society and you won’t have 100% of people say that "X" action was the right thing to do.


One of the debates I saw recently was over upvote “bribing” The gist of it was an author planned to pay out the SBD of a specific post evenly to the people who ranked in their top 5 voters come that time.

Someone flagged it - called it bribery for upvotes. Some supported that OPINION

While others disagreed and said the post should not have been flagged as the author is allowed to do with his SBD as he pleases and if he wants to thank his most frequent voters with a share of SBD then he has every right too.

The question is – who is right?

The answer is – Neither party.

Both parties are expressing their opinions.

Both parties have valid points to why their opinion is the correct one.

So who decides? Well, no one really.

The closest thing we have to that is @danthemanm, @ned and the other developers.

How so?

Because, essentially they have created and continue to curate this world that is steemit. The basic parameters that were set as a foundation organically dictates how the community functions, to an extent. We are limited by what the parameters of the system are.

If you don't like the system, well, no one is forcing you to stay. If you want to change it, we have that opportunity as members too since anyone is allowed to develop.

Luckily, there are not many limitation or restrictions. We have A LOT of FREEDOM. That is also the dilemma as every Joe and Jane is free to spread joy or rain hell as they see fit.

And that’s perfectly fine.

Just be sure not to push your OPINION on people as an absolute right or wrong.

Because it is not and it never will be.

Best we can do is stay open minded - vote, curate and flag without bias.

An a personal example - an author I follow lives and writes about a lifestyle I completely disagree with.

About a third of his posts are ones I like and can relate to. However, I find myself voting on a lot of his posts about the stuff I don’t like and disagree with.


Because they are informative about the topic and add value. Doesn’t matter that I hate what he’s writing about.

Fundamental question I always ask: Is this a Value Add article?

If the answer is yes, then I vote.

But again, this is my opinion.

Others may vote on posts because:

  • It's entertaining
  • There friend write it
  • Stirred an emotion up
  • Taught them something

And on and on.....
Here’s to keeping an open mind, an open heart and building the Steemit community.

Your ScaredyCatGuide
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Since I promised to feature your article before the upvote by @berniesanders, here's a post where your article is being featured:

@aleksandraz, thank you for the feature and staying with my post as a choice. The berniesanders vote is awesome of course and I appreciate when he blesses my post with one, but as you know that's not any everyday occurrence for me. Appreciate your consistent readership. It helps me continue to posts on days I feel there is no appreciation for my work.

I love your posts, @scaredycatguide. And I am really thankful to you that you checked with those articles I featured and engaged in comments. You're an honourable Steemian and everyone should take you as an example. Wish you greatest luck and am following you for your next posts. :)

Thanks. If a post is "value add" then I upvote. A few of them provided that for me.

great post ... I 've been following you, will you follow me, help me, my follower yet.. :)

I like that you're so open-minded, sets an example for others. I also think that there are too many "restrictions" - do this, don't do that. Sometimes it makes sense to me, sometimes not. But as you say - I believe we should stay objective in some way. Not that it's possible to 100%, but to some extent.

I would like to include your article in my TOP5 Lucky Find Psychology articles for today. :)

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