Steem is undervalued, Steemit could very well take over everything, including Youtube and Facebook.

in #steemit7 years ago

People are flooding into Steemit, and the later you are in the game the bigger investment in steem and steem power you must make to be able to make money and have curator power. Here are some argument who you should not let this opportunity pass

  • Steemit is still so incredibly early phase, that you probably won't believe it in a year or two. I have no problems seeing Steem at 20 dollars in a year.

  • Steemit has not caught the mainstream attention yet.

  • Steem is the 17th largest altcoin, but in my opinion, considering social media being so huge and Steemit have such a unique and incentivizing platform, Steem could easily 10x. It's currently at 450 million (MILLION!!) dollars. It's nothing. Compare it to Facebook which is 340 BILLION dollars market cap. That's almost 1000x the value. Even Twitter, which is basically useless and dead is at 11 billion $. More than 20x

  • Finally there's a 100% legit way to earn money online for EVERYONE. No more Tai Lopez and "Hello, my name is Steeeeerd, and since 2010 I´ve been an online entrepreneur" bla bla. This is what everyone has been waiting for.

And even if you have no money to put into Steemit, just have patience and create good content. Explore, take pictures, write down your thought, share your skills. Steemit is unlike any other social media platform. And don't forget. It will probably expand and change also. It could very well end up as the ultimate social media platform, especially if Facebook and youtube keep doing what they are doing - which is disincentivizing people from using it by censorship and demonetization.

I'm not saying it will, but there are good chances. And it would be retarded not for once in your god damn life to be on that first wave. The opportunities blockchain gives us is a once in a generation opportunity. Where there is great opportunity there is also risk, but rarely have I seen risk/reward ratios like this :D



That's whar I'm talking about... just bought tons :)

Good man! I wouldn't say I'm buying tons right now..but kilos maybe :) It's just as simple as investing a couple hundreds or thousand bucks into it - which should be possible for most people. For people from more poor countries, I mean, with the cost of living there, they can make a very decent profit even without an initial investment :)

I agree!

I revived my Facebook account to start preaching the good word.

I told myself that I would never do Facebook ever again, but if the end (converting all my constituents on social media) justifies the means (having a soul-sucking Facebook account), I am all for it.

Keep it up, and if you like my content, give me a follow!

Sure.:) We'll, using Facebook for other things than marketing is stupid. How many people waste their lives away on Facebook hunting worthless likes :)

C'mon STEEMIT $10 $20...We gonna push this mofo to the Moon...naa fuck tha moon WE GOIN TO MARS!

I love to read posts like this, I have strong hope that Steemit will grow to sky and we re here to help! I must resteem this good post. Keep good work.

It certainly has potential!

It most certainly has, sir!

I really don't think it will replace YouTube and Facebook. It would need a better way to connect people than Facebook. Steemit is a little impersonal, I think. As far as YouTube. I don't know. I haven't upload a video directly to Steemit, I just point to my YouTube uploaded videos.

Not with the current platform design. But who knows what happens. These people are brilliant. They may very well expand it to make it more user friendly, or incorporate certain design elements that are more "youtube-ish" But that means they have gone full Steve Jobs up on this mofo. Even with this platform it's way way undervalued and fresh.

Strongly Agree, Thanks for sharing your insight bro!

My pleasure Kozak! Glad you enjoyed it AND that you agree :)

Well said. Eventhough I've been made aware of steemit last year, I didn't sign up till recently. I was told I am still early, but I wish I had been earlier still. The social aspect will knock this one out of the park I'm sure.

Same here. I used to not DO things because I always thought I was late. Experience has showed me otherwise though. I realized that with my perception of what's going on in the world, I am usually extremely early to notice things. So even if Steemit is a year in, and I could easily have thought, naah this is too late - no way man, it's not too late at all. Like I said..Who do you know that knows what Steemit is? I can honestly say I know NO ONE. I mean, in my countrys "hasthag" norway here on Steemit, there's like 3 posts,lol. And we're one of the countries that adopt the fastest into new technologies. So there you go. It's friggin' early.

Norwegian checking in!
Your absolutely right Scandinavianlife! None of my friends are on this place yet, perhaps I should begin spreading the good word too!

I really hope you're right, for the sake of all of us :) Keep steeming on!

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