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RE: STEEMIT re-open for new users! Released almost 100 balloons with steemit logo!!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

We do not support this trash. A few whales may have upvoted you, but I am here to let you know this:

The world isnt your Steemit Garbage Dump. Now go pick up your balloons off the beach before the local wildlife starts choking on them. I need to see a video of you chasing down these balloons before I flag every future post from you as punishment for being such a trashy idiot.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
August 2015
“Birds, turtles and other animals commonly mistake balloons for food, which can harm or even kill them.”

Do NOT release a hundred latex balloons into the ocean. Its not cute. Its just trash. Literally.

The world isnt your Steemit Garbage Dump. Now go pick up your balloons off the beach before the local wildlife starts choking on them. We would like a video of this as well, thanks.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
August 2015
“Birds, turtles and other animals commonly mistake balloons for food, which can harm or even kill them.”

This is not the example we should be setting. I shouldn't have to explain why.

Upvote for visibility. Lets make a stance against this kind of behavior.

Here is the disturbing evidence of a crime against the nature:

Beware, some of these images may be upsetting...

We should NOT be encouraging these crimes:

@Steemit pays nearly $10,000 for woman to release hundreds of latex balloons into the ocean. #environmentalrights

; Jupiter (@Jupiter00000) July 27, 2016

She better donate that money she made to the right place.

This environmental announcement has been previously flagged by powerful users even after receiving 30+ upvotes:

@ozcap (2400 STEEMPOWER)

@recursive (170,188 STEEMPOWER)

  • these curators do not have share love for the health of our planet.



Shed better donate that Steemit money to an environmental organization.

#science #life

I can understand your concerns but I think you are being a bit harsh. This poster is doing something a lot of people do. If you want to ban balloons then work in politics and raise awareness of the issue or look for a solution. I don't see why @chicana as an individual should be held responsible for the whole world's waste.

I totally agree with you. I think we should all be helping one another get upvotes and make money. I mean, i know thats why I'm here. As for @chicana, I give her props. she's got the entrepreneurial spirit to get out there and run some kind of campaign, to bring more awareness and therefore users to Steemit. Bravo, to her. Like, seriously, I'm sure there were a million environmental disasters that took place throughout our world, in the one day, than "harm" she did from her balloon expo. I get it, littering is bad, but aren't there bigger better problems facing the environment, than a fellow steemer... I guess the publicity gets steemit's name out there either way, and to even more folks than she intended, so I guess it works out ;p

Your logic is to blame for so many world problems. Not really worth debating. Steemers are setting a viral example. I dont think you understand the power (and responsibility) that we have.

@thecryptofiend she's not being held responsible for the world's waste, but her own. If people around the world see this as a highly paid post, what's gonna stop other people from doing it? There needs to be a punishment for this bad behaviour.

I think the same. Harm the enviroment for some upvotes is really bad. I think it's worse than stolen content.

if @dan doesnt think the world is watching closely, he may want to consider the concequences of something like this going viral.

Curation rewards are worth more than the environment!

I give thanks for your comment as this is the only thing I kept picturing as I went through this post. Disgusting that people think that it's okay commit these types of acts, even more so to promote anything! Others are commenting saying you're comment is too harsh, that other people commit such and even more heinous acts everyday. To those who disagree with @satanic.stoner, please take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself how it is that you help to heal the world, or at the very least how it is that you have -actually- impacted your environment both locally and globally. Just because one person, or even a thousand people, throw trash out the window does not mean that it is not going to have a detrimental effect upon our host planet's biology.

If you cannot help, at least do not harm.

Bravo. You are a gem.

I love my planet and I try to reduce my footprint as much as possible. I'm #vegan and conscious about water usage and the use of plastic bags too. I condemn this way of making propaganda and profiting on it. This girl might have a good idea but failed to foresee the consequences of her own actions.

Você é um idiota politicamente correto, isso sim. E não gosta de mulher bonita.

acho que o unico idiota aqui és tu mesmo. achas giro este tipo de merdas? pessoas com talento nao recebem nada, e esta gaja recebe dinheiro para soltar balões? queres ver gajas vai ao porhub. -.-

A mulher está feliz, não está fazendo nada demais soltando uns balõezinhos. Você é um imbecil completo achando que meia dúzia de balõezinhos vão estragar o planeta. Ah que bonitinho, que gracinha, como kanoptx é politicamente correto, ele vai salvar a humanidade... pfff. A mulher teve uma boa ideia, ela merece ganhar uns trocados pela felicidade e beleza. Agora tu, você é apenas mais um idiota querendo se fazer de salvador da humanidade. Santinho de merda, filho da puta de carteirinha, isso sim que tu és! Vai tomar no seu cu idiota politicamente correto!

hmmmm... eu tou me pouco cagando para o meio ambiente, filho. so nao gosto de ver otarias a fazer dinheiro quando ha escritores com telento e nao sao vistos pq ha gente desta.

quanto as insultos... fixe. demonstra mesmo o teu grau de intelectualidade :P

CSI STEEMIT ! > #csisteemit #fun
csiunit08_> starts the inquiry procedure
csiunit08_> collecting data
csiunit08_> calibration matrix of personality
csiunit08> loading maps
csiunit08_> begin ...
csiunit08_> 0%........
csiunit08_> 34%...
csiunit08_> 50%....
csiunit08_> 88%....
csiunit08_> 100%..
csiunit08_> found.
csiunit08_> preparing results..
csiunit08_> show(results)
link to big result

you have my upvote

Jupiter00000 Jupiter tweeted @ 27 Jul 2016 - 07:26 UTC

@Steemit pays nearly $10,000 for woman to release hundreds of latex balloons into the ocean. /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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