
Everyone who is upvoting this, I hope you realize that you are being gamed right now.

This is a "you can make money like me post".

Seems that marketers are shameless in their resolve to play on the financial difficulties some people are facing.

That's pretty low.

Voting rewards are a result of random voting distribution by influential users and collusion.

That's it, nothing else.

In fact, I suspect some large users are colluding with you.

Because it's statistically improbable that all of these influential users would just have landed on your miraculous post by chance.

You will find no useful tips in this post,

just backlink promotion!



So I have to lean towards @Rok-sivante on this one, as he has done way more than enough to reassure (at least) me that his intentions are aligned in a way I approve of. he keeps my vote . But that doesn't change my appreciation for the value you bring to the platform as a whole.

"Creating a value" here, yet even comments to this post of you are getting more $ then my whole service, not complaining, but feels...(((
Show some support...

Sorry bro for that. I've checked it out and your work is great!

It really is! Stay strong man!

Dude. you've been spamming this link all over others' comments.

I saw it earlier. I went to the post. I upvoted and commented positively on the post - despite somebody having pointed out that another user had already put out the same idea at

I HAVE shown my support. though if you're consistently posting your link on other people's posts when it's not even related to the topic - AND it's been pointed out that someone beat you to creating the idea - that might the reason why it hasn't been getting support.

keep up the developments. you are an asset to the community, having stepped up to create a project like this. much respect. you have been late on putting this particular idea into action, but there's ALOT more other applications yet to come. though frankly, I don't think spamming your links like this is the route to building relationships with the people who can and will show support for future app ideas...

Definitely missed this post yesterday, I was in my post-work learning Steemit mode followed by a nap. shot you an upvote for your work, and those feels! Newer members are going to have so many resources when the gates open

Surely our whales wouldn't fall for it...

They don't fall for it. They actively collude with this poster. Look at his vote to reward ratio.
Over 1:$10 !!

sad! colluding is not the way foreward for value. I'm not sure how I feel about the clickbaity title, I do see points of value here sprinkled in lines of market talk - maybe that is the way to be noticed by the community?

but is it the optimal and/or ethical route? interesting times.

Why not? Let's play this game

Ive really been enjoying his posts so I hope this is a misunderstanding and not my first experience in being straight up gamed:/ even if you turn out to be incorrect you're getting my upvote for bringing attention to this

check out my reply clarifying the matter - it is a misunderstanding. I will also be making a full story articulating the full situation tomorrow and how it works so people better understand the system and why it actually supports the success of the entire community...

I actually just finished reading your response when you commented. I'm glad you took the time to respond, and to do it with grace.

@positive is so protective of Steemit, it warms my heart and gives me good feels about this community and how it deals with these kind of potential issues

I know Rok personally and you got that completely wrong ! He is full of passion and means what he expresses . He is also an excellent writer and beautiful man , honest friend who does pay forward and who "walks his talk " #justsaying !

I got absolutely nothing wrong. If you're going to make such an assertion present a logical argument.

Simple Maths:

the vote to reward ratio is roughly 1:10.

Which means each vote is worth about $10.

Why this doesn't make sense:

For Minnows 1 vote is worth $0.01 at best.

For a dolphin maybe as high as $1-$2.

So what does this mean?

It means, he has a swathe of whales vote on his post. All of this I witnessed occurring in about half an hour.

Statistically this is extremely unlikely to happen randomly.

What's likely instead is that he colluded with whales.

And this is just another pump.

This is NOT honest behaviour and he knows it, because he's offering exactly what he said he wouldn't offer!

I am busy reading your blog getting to know you @positive before I give further comments , not into arguments because I understand your point , saying that he colluded with whales goes too far . It seems you provoke to get your attention from them 👯 Good luck !

i just made a lengthy reply to this below.

YES, I have been added to a bot list. The whales - who have been the ones that have invested in the site and made it even possible - make no secret of their bot strategies, which are designed to support users that have proven themselves to consistently create content they feel is valuable to the community.

more below. and that's a whole other post I'm looking forward to writing tomorrow to help create clarity on the matter, as alot of people are misunderstanding it and thinking its unfair when it actually serves the development of the site.

if ANYONE has Steem Power, they are an investor in the site - and have the full right to choose what writers they support with their votes. the bots are just an automated tool for those who've invested ALOT in the site to continually support those they feel are being valuable contributors to the community.

The whales' votes are worth so much because they've invested millions into this site. Minnows votes are worth next to nothing because they've invested next to nothing in this site.

This is transparent. This is honest. This is fair.

So you got a job to help the community ! That's great for all of us , honest & fair but voting has to be a bit more balanced . Don't like
To beat robots 🤑

thats untrue. Most whale steempower was premined at almost no cost, or purchased from preminers for pennies per steem before the platform was open to the public.

The issue is probably moreso in the quick instant votes than the whales liking your content - value being largely subjective and time bound after all.

I can see how people not on such a botlist would feel slighted or discouraged by such a thing. It seems the reasonable reply would be to tell them to improve, even teach them along the way, so that content as a whole goes up. Still. Being noticed can be half the battle in getting your creations out there. Rough world.

totally agree, fake story, fake promotion

haters gonna hate.

My favorite stories are about transformation. It is inspiring to read or watch a character or an individual discover boundaries, trouble, and obstacles; Then, find the means to reach a goal. On a more narrow point, that I have been evangelizing about - value creation - I enjoyed your description. I would add that the rational self interest you describe is the start of self esteem. Most people, when faced with the blank page, get lost in the question: "What is of value to others?" That most damning of questions is the bane of all who set out to tell a story -- whatever the medium. Creators who focus on telling a story, regardless of its perspective, intended audience, genre, or medium, will achieve their goal. Achievement in small ways and great will, most times, lead to higher self esteem, greater creativity, and greater productivity.

Sorry. Got a little long winded for a reply. Great post.

dude, no apology necessary - that was the most thoughtful reply here yet!

I'm looking forward to checking out some of your writing - love your viewpoints, very intelligent. keep active here and continue improving your writing & presentation skills, and I think you'll do quite well... :-)

oh man. it feels weird to throw down $1.54 for people just posting a simple picture of GIF... but by damn, the laugh and smile is well-worth it. :-)

You definitely have the winning formula @rok-sivante upvoted in support !

lol. upvoted. the laugh definitely worth it. :-)

Another "valuable " masterpiece !
" A fool knows the price of everything and the value of nothing " ( forgot who's quote it is )

What can I say is : WTF man (in a good way) you are incredibil. I made a post 30 min ago and while I was reading your post,I was something like that: Nobody is going to read my post comparing with your post. Amazing! We all aspect to get more upvotes, or the attention of more people, but you have that magic in your words...and that make you feel like:The time is not passing and when the time is not passing...well,you feel great and all of us know that right?Hard workers like you never stops and, the upvotes on your posts should do the same! I hope people to understand what I'am trying to say. Good that we have people like you in this community.

Hey "the future" ! I'm looking up to you. ;)

I put a picture on your post and I hope is ok.Take a look and if you don't like... I will delete it.

thanks for the feedback, man. I appreciate it. :-)

You're killing this, dude. This one really resonated with me because I know how it feels to be moving somewhere and not knowing how you're going to make those ends meet. When I left the navy, that was my entire reality upon coming back home to Nyc. And man did it suck riding those couches for 6 months while I did a pivot to get into digital ad ops.

Thing is, I can feel another pivot coming, replete with a relocation (New Hampshire or Colorado) and everything, and the tough part has been figuring out what's next, professionally.

I'm glad you found your way. Canada is beautiful, and now you'll be able to move and experience it all without the nagging worry of finances.


"be moving somewhere and not knowing how you're going to make those ends meet"

this is a fear I've been living with for years, steemit is making it slowly but securely go away!

Yeah, I would never recommend anyone do what I did: pack up your little hatchback car and drive across the country to figure it out. And then back to ca again, and then Nyc again.

It was rough, but staying in the navy would've been rougher on my soul

It's possible ! I did it more than once .

get tha fuck out you fuckin piece of shit with your faking fake ass story, motherfucker

Upvoted because you are bald like me....Oh and a great article as well;)

Exactly! I hope you get as many upvotes as possible mate :)

thanks mate. pay it forward and pack your content full of value as well. together, we shall rise...

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