How to write the perfect post [pt.1] – and earn Steem!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This post may never be read. That is the reality we all must face in the Steemit community as well as most social media. In the real world – for every Da Vinci found, we have probably ignored thousands just as intelligent.

Many of you come here as artists. Artists are finicky by nature. I make music and write – so I am right there along with you. The problem most artists have is getting their post visible and voted for.

Some of you come as content writers or Crypto experts. I have tried writing on all subjects and this guide will apply to you do. If you don’t AT LEAST follow these tips your likelihood of success is very little.

I have spent hundreds of hours reading content. I have spent countless hours testing different content to see what works and what doesn’t. I have a formula that will make your post better – but there is still a caveat: You have to be good. - if you aren’t good you better be good at faking it.

I’m not talking about the “Headline” for your content – I am talking about subject matter. If you want your content read – you have to think like your audience – make sure your content is valuable and that the audience exists.

There is a tag for cat lovers, there is also one for photography – but a quick snap of your cat looking at you with one or two sentences is not going to get traction. Other photographers will be interested in the details – how you made the picture look the way it does. Cat lovers will want to know why your cat is so great. These tips will help you improve your posts – but they are not going to make you a fortune. Writing to make money is writing to the greater audience – figuring out what people are voting on – what people find interesting – and honing your writing to that area.

Are you writing to the audience? Are you musing to yourself ? Are you talking to a character or are you talking to yourself? Some posts fail to recognize this distinction and the effect is jarring. Pick a perspective such as talking to the audience – never break from that style for the whole piece. READ IT OUT LOUD.

READ IT OUT LOUD is the first thing I have to say on the subject? If it sounds awkward it’s because it is. Formatting is limited at this time on the Steemit Platform, but dividing your work into paragraphs – using space to create some break between ideas – is essential to have a nice flowing piece. Read it three times, take out the sentences that are redundant – and read it again - until you are confident you are putting forth your best effort.

There may be some instances where pictures do not enhance the piece. A post like this one would look silly with a lot of pictures. But 99% of your posts will be about subjects that would benefit from pictures. This is not an excuse for poor text – I have written posts where I type a blurb and then I list a bunch of pictures. This is almost as effective as having none at all. This site will always require a level of authorship – any additional media is icing on the cake when it comes to people up voting (think about the post you vote for).

Some people don’t think of sourcing as a bid deal – some do. All of us are guilty of not using references when we discuss subjects – we simply speak on our own authority. If you want to be taken seriously and you are writing a piece on something where you start throwing out numbers – it’s a good idea to have a link to back it up.

The bottom line is – you can make money writing posts with Steemit. There are those who are frustrated with a lack of success and a lot of times they are missing a few tweaks that could lead to success. Your headline, your picture and the first sentence you write are what everyone sees – make sure all three of these are designed to attract your reader.

If you follows these suggestions you will attract the reader and likely receive up votes from them. Pieces of art and content are subjective. But the things that go into a great post are not. You can consistently receive rewards by making sure


I would also suggest paying attention to the first sentence since it shows up under the headline. Make sure the first sentence is something that makes you want to read more and makes sense contextually with the headline.

"Your headline, your picture and the first sentence you write are what everyone sees – make sure all three of these are designed to attract your reader." I wrote that above. I could have dedicated more space to this subject alone - but the point was to try to generally enhance your post. Contextually picking the right headline and first sentence (and picture) - are usually after thoughts people get stuck on. I may write something on this alone.

Sorry, I missed that. Great article, by the way. Would love to read more of your suggestions on the topic.

You didn't source yourself... oh right that should be obvious. :)
Great helpful points! :)

dividing your work into paragraphs – using space to create some break between ideas – is essential to have a nice flowing piece.

Exactly right. Nothing is more likely to make me quit reading and move on as one long, run-on sentence.

White space matters.

There may be some instances where pictures do not enhance the piece.

Right again. Pictures are like sugar in some ways. A little bit is nice, but too many are distracting. Pictures ARE spice for the text. If you want a lot of pictures make a video.

I've tried it both ways...a lot of pictures or none. I've come to the conclusion that the middle road is best. Every post needs a thumbnail. Long posts (more than a thousand words) could use two or three.

Any more, as I said, is distracting.


I think we have all made posts like that. One big chunk of text that could be hiding valuable information. I wouldn't be writing about it if I didn't learn "the hard way"! I'm not a jealous guy - the more content presented in an attractive manner - the bigger the chance of this site continuing to develop - everyone wins.

Fabulous tips, I really need to remember to read my out loud.
Always forget to do that, but if your a awkward person it might sound normal to you, I think a lot is be yourself and find that 1% that think like you.
But at the end of the day people need to decide why they are here, are they here to make money, brand themselves, or just have some fun, or they just might like reading posts.

I think they all want the money.. And I think it exists when a good idea is presented nicely.. That doesnt mean every post will be a homerun - but it means you give it the best chance. Everyone loves the community aspect of the site - but it is the currency that makes it different - and that is exactly how the "steem people" market the site. Blog for dollars.

Upvote and resteemed for future reference!

This post seemed to get quite a few reads - and didnt "make much" - I would consider the post a success in terms of content (people enjoyed it). I think the big problem with this post was I mentioned earning money in the headline - I should have said "Steem" originally. Probably kept this post from being upvoted by the "heavyweights". I hope this encourages you at to test and stick with it!

this is a 'how to' on posting--it should be part of a steemit guide -excellent tips here

Sometimes these posts get lost in the noise (especially if they are about Steemit). It is simply a guide - hopefully it resonates with someone and they experience more success. I'm pointing out the unofficial "bar" that has been set without getting into the politics. If everyone followed these guidelines then competition would be fierce - but from what I understand about people - I could be handing out the answers to all of life's questions and there would still be people sitting at home watching "Bowling for dollars". None of these steps are magic - but if they help someones writing process and ultimately their results - I've reached my goal of helping the community.

Hi @rgeddes, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

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