The problem with steemit is that it incentivizes selfishness and passivity

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: The problem with steemit is that it incentivizes selfishness and passivity

I've moved to Hive, along with most other people, following Justin Sun's takeover of Steem in the Spring of 2020. I believe hive is a lot more decentralised than Steem!


"Free Money."

"Human Greed."

I think we can track many of our problems back to that; in a sense, it's almost always the inevitable "pink elephant in the room" nobody talks about, or wants to look directly at.

And I think we can track them back to the fact that the creators of Steemit made the same mistake every single rewards for content site has ever made: They had a beautiful idea, but grossly underestimated the sheer depth and numbers of human greed and selfishness.

I was writing a comment to @schattenjaeger elsewhere, and used the analogy of tossing a handful of coins into a crowd on a busy street. A mad scramble ensues, and fights will even break out. Even though the few pennies and dimes gained actually won't materially affect anyone's well-being. And yet? The FEW venues that persist in "rewarding people" are things like Amazon's Mechanical Turk and the "MicroWorkers" site where people are given fractions of a cent for licking on links and other meaningless stuff. And they have hundreds of thousands of active users...

... as an illustrative aside, those sites were materially involved in turning the recent ByteBall airdrop into a circus... because they are all about "How do we bleed and manipulate every last cent out of a legitimate and well-meaning system."

Do I sound cynical? No, I've just observed the same thing over and over and over again, for 20-odd years.

As for the slowness of developments from STINC?

If history is anything to go by — and again, I've seen this many times — it's mostly a result of them scrambling to do "damage control" on what's happened, instead of focusing on new features. As a metaphor, you have great plans to sail across the Pacific, but you get 50 miles out to sea only to discover that your entire effort has to go into plugging holes in the hull. Consumes resources and puts a damper on the party.

As for Dan and Steemit 2.0 on EOS, not so worried... because he will STILL make the mistake of underestimating greed, and the sheer number of "penny miners" out there. It might be a different path to the problems, but the outcome will be the same.

Best we can do is just entrench here and slowly build our SP; only vote for those who actually CARE... the way I see it is that every "responsibly owned" Steem is a Steem NOT in the hand of a greedy rapist.

Thanks for the well thought out comment, bleak though it is, your conclusion gives me some hope!

Keep calm and carry on it is then!

There are also dozens of wonderful initiative on Steemit to protect the environment. Have a look at @cleanplanet.

Yes I am aware of quite a few good initiatives, however, they are tiny compared to the number of passive investors!

I will check out @cleanplanet for sure!

I think a way to think about it is the current system, if we were to personify it a bit and suppose it is judging content for those that are helping build the platform versus, that the current system is not a good judge of all but rather one that is corrupt and can be bribed such as often the case with vote buying. It is true that we ought not to reward passivity (aka a euphemistic way to say lazy. ;P) over actively working to build the platform.

We need a new mechanism, a new judge, that is able to discern and reward activities conducive to the growth of the platform and penalize parasitic selfishness. I know that I am beating a dead horse when I say this but we need to place a greater emphasis on building communities that people want to be a part but the problems are so deep seated at this time that I am concerned that such labors would merely be adding to the bloat of the parasites which is my segue into the next analogy.

If Steem were a host organism, it is currently infested with parasitic organisms. The ideal is mutualism but human nature, as I expect it to via my anthropology, has led to the departure from that system and rather an unsustainable one. The reasonable folks like us want to feed and grow the host but the leeches are sucking away and becoming more powerful than our kind and securing their control of the flow of sustenance.

Therein lies the problem, we all want to build Steem but our efforts inevitably benefit the leeches. I don't care for feeding any damn leeches which has led to my becoming sheepish when it comes to investing further into this blockchain because I do not want to enable or empower them. Rather, I think it may be prudent to let nature run it's course. They will continue to feed and I believe Steem's value will continue to bleed but there may be hope at the end of the tunnel which I will explain.

I believe @freebornangel has it right when he suggested something along the lines of once Steem reaches a certain point, the abusers will depart and find a new platform to exploit. That may be when we come in and work together to make Steem the kind of blockchain it was meant to be.

A blockchain based on mutualism and not incentivized exploitation. That is the Steem I yearn for...

Excellent write-up, my friend!

I agree with what you say.

On the human nature point - I believe any individual has a certain propensity to act selfishly, neutrally or to work actively for others. The systems in which one works encourage these propensities. ATM steemit does not encourage 'good behaviour'.

I hope that eventually the abusers should disappear... there is a steady decline ATM.

A push at the systems level I think is needed to help that happen!

Just wish I'd waited longer to invest more.

A major problem is that Dan is pumping out a fancy version of steemit 2.0 on EOS that will even have a coin that is actually pegged to the USD to go with it. This in combination of a bunch of stuff at once, long term most people are preparing for EOS to just cause a shit ton of disruption in this space.

Right now Dlive is awesome and I am really trying my hand at working my ass off to be a content creator. I am almost starting to get my feet on the ground now too as my post payouts are going up in general. My burn rate is currently around at least 100 steem a week and I am ALMOST just barely making it, but sadly even with a ton of effort I am going to likely be in bleedout ultimately.

Random bills and even the IRS are popping up on me so I am just kinda fucked. Ill be pretty happy if it turns out I still have over 1k steem by the end of the year. :/

We are in challenging times to say the least.

I'm glad Dlive is working for you, I really like it: unlike @dtube, it actually works!

My earnings were similar to yours before I eased off last month, back to it now. TBH if I can earn $100 a month for the next few months, I'll take that.

I agree about EOS, like everyone else on here, I've got a few to hedge my bets. In fact I've made a point of buying EOS every time I've bought more steem over the last year.

If things don't pick up on either platform by next summer, I might be on a 'rice and beans' strategy.

I might be on a 'rice and beans' strategy.

Way ahead of you there man. I just wish the beans didn't give me so much gas...

I think it will get better with time. I use a site called SteemPeak instead of Steemit sometimes, and I think that site would be more attractive to the general public than the current Steemit site. For one thing, it's got an alert system similar to Facebook and Twitter showing your recent activities.

The slider to show how much you want to upvote with also shows you the financial weight of the vote, which is nice. You can save templates for your posts, as well as schedule them to be posted in the future.

I think when the Steemit site improves, and maybe when there is an official app, more people would use it.

Hi - thanks for the tip about SteemPeak, I will check that out for sure.

NB - if you ever need a perfect example of cynicism this post is it - in which @therealwolf basically condemns the current incentives system, but at the same time he runs a voting bot which profits from this system.


The topic of trust in Proof of Brain was explored in an old blog post of mine, whose link is included for your reading pleasure.

Once the summer is over and the Steem price goes up everything will be solved 😋

That's at least what some people believe, but not me!

I don't agree with the theory that it's summer causing the stagnant steem price, that's medieval!

Obviously, It's because Mars is currently in Aquarius. Once it gets back into Aries in mid Autumn, that's when everything should be on the up.


So I conclude that the Steem price will never go up 😂

Looking on the potential bright side of the big investors pulling out by lowering down and selling is that there is more supply for newer users that can come in and try to build stakes for what the platoon is really intended for which is content. We have seen an increase on apps getting some delegation to actually deploy on the adoption of these users and their content. This could signal a diversified influence pool despite it being slow.

Yes fair point, I am aware that it's still very early days. Part of the problem is that developments to stop abuse are just too slow in coming!

Overall the platform works much better for investors rather than quality content producers

Can't agree more!

Have you put a pencil to your delegation investment?
If so, please comment what type of a ROI you are getting, on the post I just made about the state of the different environments here on Steemit. That is one piece of data I did not have to include, since I haven't done any delegation.

  • TIA if you do!

Oh yeah! Welcome back. Hope that move turns out good for you...

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