🍻 300 Followers (plus 10 tips for Noobs) 🍻steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I’d like to give a huge THANK YOU to all of my followers!

I’ve been on Steemit.com for just over a month. My first day on the platform was on September 4th 2017.

I posted some new user tips to my blog when I hit 100 followers, and again once I reached 200 followers.

My latest list of tips for new Steemians mostly includes information that I wish I’d known when I started blogging on Steemit.com.

1) Resteems are forever(at least for now)

Remember, once you resteem something, it will be on your blog forever.

For some content creators, this may not be a good thing. There is no (current) way to remove a post from your blog that you resteemed. I typically only want to show my own articles when someone browses to my blog. I don't really like that I can't promote (or resteem) a post and then remove it after a week or so. It would be great to have a timer option on resteems, and after the timer runs out, the post is hidden forever.

If you are a content curator, you may not EVER want your resteems to go away from your blog. However, if you are out there working hard to create new content, you might want to think twice before resteeming something.

2) Format the top image in your post to look best on Steemit.com.

The top image for your post should fill the page but also be cropped to the proper aspect ratio for best results.
I use 1.72W x 1H settings. Try to use bold, easy to read fonts in your main post image and keep the text content to a minimum.

3) Proofread your work before posting

Remember, all original posts are stored permanently on the Blockchain. All edits to the original post are also stored to the Steem blockchain. Its very easy to post without errors if you make the effort.

4) Don’t write your articles directly onto Steemit.com

As a new Steemian, I was authoring all of my content in Steemit’s post screen. I’d go back to the blog entry later, only to discover that my posts were full of editorial errors that could have been prevented. I also lost articles due to either network disconnections or browser crashes.

This stopped happening when I switched to editing my posts first on Google Drive where the document gets saved after almost every keystroke. I’m still human and still make mistakes, but I’ll do my best to minimize these mistakes in the future.

5) Submit your posts to Google.

Don’t miss the opportunity to direct more traffic to Steemit and to your blog via the Google search engine.

6) Learn basic Markdown Language

Markdown is used on Steemit.com to style your headers, bulleted lists, and other general presentation styles for text and images. Markdown isn't very hard to learn and should be used to enhance your posts.

Markdown Language on Github

7) Learn to use emojis 🍺

Did you know you could add emojis in your posts and comments? I receive more comment upvotes when I add emojis than when I do not. Here is a nice post by @blueorgy with a few lists of available emojis to use on your post.

8) Update your default profile background banner

Default blog headers are boring!
Go to your settings page and add a background image to your profile.

Need a background? Grab one for free here

9) Find people with similar interests to follow.

Your blog feed will be empty until you start following other people.
Find people to follow using this helpful website:

10) Kittens still rule the Internet, even here on Steemit.com

My highest ranked post ever paid out at $136.00 (about $99.00 to me personally.) What was this post about? Yup, you guessed it. My kitten got more upvotes than most of my other posts combined. People love kittens.

Check out the article for a quick read:
A Cool Cat with an Identity Crisis


Thanks for checking out my post!

If you learned anything from this post or found it to be informative, please consider giving me a follow.

Mike Bryant (AKA: @rebele93)


10 Solid Tips. Didn’t realize #10 until now LOL Resteemed by @rockymtnsteem 🏔

Really helpful article!! Upvoted... :)

Aren't posting errors the worst? I get annoyed when my upvote doesn't go through, or when I am struggling with making a comment, but nothing enrages me more than when steemit gives me an error while creating a post >.<

awesome information, thank you !




My Link : @insideeesteem



Very useful post for a Steem noob like myself. Thank you! Really good to know about the permanent reSteem. I'm sure it would be possible to eventually add a condition that expires it after a chosen time.

Keep up the great content.


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