Question to Steemit: Why does an upvote cause the value to go down? (answered!)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I've seen people ask about this and I've witnessed it as well

You upvote a post and.... the value drops. WHAT???

NOTE: this doesn't ALWAYS happen. I've only personally seen it happen on mid-value posts, like $20-200 or so.

I've been trying to figure out how this happens, but I've got no clue.

UPDATE: Answer from @thecryptofiend

"There is no mystery about this.
When you click to vote it forces the dollar value for the votes for that post to update. Before you clicked it you may have been looking at an older value.
As for why the dollar value of the vote tally varies from minute to minute it is not that complicated.
The value of each vote is dependent on how many people vote each day and the price of Steem.
This is because the amount of Steem produced each day is fixed and hence a fixed amount of this is available as payment for posts via voting.
The values are only estimates and are likely to vary over time based on the difference between the number of people actually voting and the prediction system which determines the value of the vote.
In addition to this the actually moment to moment value of Steem will also vary which will also affect the figure.
To be honest given all the variables it surprising that it does not change more often."


well seeing as we are on this subject i would like to talk about an experience i had with one of my earlier posts ! I made this post and not much happened really. Then after the 24 hour pay out time had elapsed, Berniesaunders whale voted me up and i got 89 dollars from that vote !! But now as i wait desperately for the 30 day pay out to elapse the value of that one vote from him melts away !! I am currently now at 35 dollars was at 90 !! I hope by the time it pays out in six days there will be some of that reward left !! Does anybody know why this is ?? I think it may be related to this same subject !!

There is no mystery about this.

When you click to vote it forces the dollar value for the votes for that post to update. Before you clicked it you may have been looking at an older value.

As for why the dollar value of the vote tally varies from minute to minute it is not that complicated.

The value of each vote is dependent on how many people vote each day and the price of Steem.

This is because the amount of Steem produced each day is fixed and hence a fixed amount of this is available as payment for posts via voting.

The values are only estimates and are likely to vary over time based on the difference between the number of people actually voting and the prediction system which determines the value of the vote.

In addition to this the actual moment to moment value of Steem will also vary which will also affect the figure.

To be honest given all the variables it surprising that it does not change more often.

My upvote just increased the total by .05 :)

This is my understanding:

It has to do with the market value of Steem and nothing to do with your upvote.

Between the time you loaded the page and clicked the upvote button, Steem might have dropped. This makes the equivalent value of SBD lower. So your upvote still raises the Steem that will be reward, but the lowering price of Steem on the markets = a lower amount of SBD.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

It has to do with the market value of Steem and nothing to do with your upvote.

It also relates to the total number of people voting too as an extra variable. When you vote the initial value is based on a prediction which may or may not be wrong depending both on the price of Steem and the actual number of votes cast that day.

That's possible I guess. Steem has been dropping but I don't expect to see 10% drops in value in the period of like... an hour. But I've personally seen that happen to a post without any flags.

Read my initial response. It is not just the price but the number of people voting vs the prediction algorithm which determines the initial value of the vote. The monetary value of the vote is constantly changing on the basis of these two factors. There is no mystery behind it.

It's not from an up-vote. The reason is this: each account has a certain "power", when you up-vote it puts all the power behind your post, BUT if that person up-votes another post his "power" splits, between you and the other guy. The more he votes the less his vote counts and less money you get form his vote. that is why you get a somewhat lower value form your votes.

the final value of your post will be after 24 hours, when you get payed.

The reason is this: each account has a certain "power", when you up-vote it puts all the power behind your post, BUT if that person up-votes another post his "power" splits, between you and the other guy. The more he votes the less his vote counts and less money you get form his vote. that is why you get a somewhat lower value form your votes.

That is actually incorrect.

the final value of your post will be after 24 hours, when you get payed.


well I should stop listening to a steemit podcast in that case :))

I just up-voted to see.

Me too. It's not working...

I've replied below but also updated the post to explain when I've seen it happen.

it doesn't always happen. But I've seen it happen on posts that have a high value. E.g. I had a post at $215, then it got upvoted some MORE, and the value dropped to 208. For a while it dropped below 200. Now it's back up again.


It's probably not the upvoting. It's possible that someone removes a vote. Also I believe the value shown is current USD value of the steem you would earn, so the value shown can fluctuate with the price of steem.

Not on normal posts. I have done many voting, some value goes up by $4, my voting power is only 0.002 . Doesn't surprise me at all.

yeah, I normally only see this on upper mid-value posts. like $50-300

correct , also for higher value posts as well , over thousand.

Mr. @bullionstackers, how do i see my voting power?

go to

It will be as part of your stats as a percentage. The power of your vote is directly tied to your Steem Power level.

Great question, thank you for posting it

I did notice it sonetimes also but no idea about why

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