Ghosts are as Real as You and Me ! A true Haunting from my Past !

in #writing8 years ago


The Brown Lady of Rayham Hall England,
probably one of the most famous photos of a ghost ever taken

The story which I am about to tell you changed my life forever I can assure you ! I am sure you like me have seen the Hollywood films on the subject, the old Victorian House on the hill, you know the one with dusty windows and all those creaking doors. All very cool and exciting when you are safe and warm in your home lying on the couch with your girlfriend on a cold winters night. Well this tale is no fiction, as it truly happened to me and is, I assure you 100 per cent real and not a fiction !

It happened to me when I was living in the huge sprawling city by the name of Los Angeles. The year was 1989 and I had been working for a motorcycle courier company which did high-speed deliveries of packages around this huge city. It was a great job, rolling around this incredible city under the wonderful Californian sun, the wind in my face and the prospect of easy dollars spent driving my super fast Honda Nighthawk 650 all over town. My dream job !

Well my luck concerning this lifestyle ran out when I was forced off the road by a van which disappeared into the more than busy L.A traffic before anyone even got sight of its registration. My poor motorcycle was left in a bad way, the frame was badly twisted , as were the forks of the front wheel and to repair it was too expensive for me with my humble wages. So it seemed to keep myself afloat and out of trouble I desperately needed a find a new bike, to get back to work and my gravy train and as soon as possible.

My then colleague and good friend David said to me " Hey Brian, I know a guy selling a motorcycle on the outskirts of town, if you like we can out there and take a look ! " Well it was worth a try I thought and happily agreed to give it a shot . So that night he took me on the back of his oh his bike out to see what hopefully would be my trusty new steed and potential life saving money earner.

Well we got there and looked over the potential buy, but I was not best pleased as the tires were done and it looked a little shabby with even an oil leak from the gearbox. In comparison to my once beautiful silver machine this was nothing more than a donkey. Plus the guy wanted a pretty steep 500 bucks for it to the bargain. So after a little deliberation I said to the guy that I,d give him a call if I were eventually interested. But knowing that it was just my polite way of not offending him as he clearly was desperate to sell it to me and had high hopes I would cough up the wad of pretty green.

So it was getting late and we had to get back. So I found myself, strangely for me, once more riding pillion back home through the now dark outer limits of Los Angeles. The old town houses from the twenties rushing past as we roared our way back to where I lived in the Hollywood Hills.

As we pulled up to a set of traffic lights David turned to me and said " Listen its kind of late and I have work tomorrow early ! To which I thought " Oh God, I don't ! " it was finally really sinking in now that i was in big trouble if i could not find a good bike capable of withstanding the trials of continual hard use as my Nighthawk had. He continued " Well its a long way back to your place and if I take you there it will mean I will have to come all the way back here to get home, will be very late for me man !! No point in that, Why don,t you sleep over at my place you can crash on my couch no problem ! " To which I said " Sure man, Why Not ? " I f only i had known i can tell you, I would have more got on a bus, hell even walked home !!

But I was tired and a little depressed it was true and i was ready to get my head down big time, one place is as good as another when its come,s to sleeping, so they say. Besides it was cool to be with him ,as I was sure he,d have a cold beer in his fridge and that was exactly what I needed right now, besides that, somehow i did not want to be alone after this terrible day !
So off we zoomed again and we soon rolled up this Cedar lined road to his house which looked down from a place called Silverlake, to the myriad of stars of the city lights below which ran off to the furthest of horizons. Man this city was so huge, thousands of souls roaming around in cars, so busy getting to where they needed to be !

The house was a fairly ordinary affair, not your usual huge place at all, it had a small front garden with a garage at the end of the drive. Right there outside this garage was parked a motorcycle of all things . As David maneuvered his bike i could see its green paintwork shine out at me in the glare of his headlight. He cut the engine and i could hear now the silence of this place set up on high away from the hustle and bustle of the big city below. So I eagerly hop over to this motorcycle to take a better look.
I say " So I didn't know you owned another bike David? " He replied " Well I don,t, thats not mine actually ! " Weird I thought he lives alone, why is it there then ? So I ask him " Who,s is it then ? " to which he replies " I don,t know actually, it was there before i arrived here and rented this place ! “ Really thats strange “ I say “ You have a bike outside your place and don't know who the owner is ? “ " Maybe the owner might want to sell it to me ? “ I continued . to which David gave me just the weirdest of looks simply saying " I doubt it man, I don't know the owner and so we cant even contact him, so thats that eh? “ then he turned quickly and headed to the porch to open the door saying “ Come on I got some cold beers in the fridge, you want one? " to which I nodded with a smile thinking " I knew he,d have some beer ,cool ! " So I promptly dropped my interest in this mysterious bike as now my thoughts had shifted to the happiest thought of a wonderful cold beer ! Music to my ears after this awful day .

So we sat and drank a couple of cans together talking about the motorcycle we had seen. Both agreeing it was not what I needed and what should be the next plan of action to get me back to work and into the money !

David was great company and was very encouraging I must say and I was pleased that I had accepted his kind offer of sleeping on this already very comfortable and so inviting couch !
So David heads off to the bathroom to clean his teeth and I lie down thankfully to the soft smooth couch which has been so inviting all this time beneath me.

As I lie there deep in contemplative thought on my predicament and what indeed I would do tomorrow to remedy it. David promptly reappears in the corridor which leads to where I was lying in darkness ! He stands there for a moment, his tall ominous silhouette back lit from the light emanating from his bedroom at the end of this corridor across the pine floored salon in which I find myself. He stands there for a good moment just looking at me, seemingly a little concerned I felt strangely !

He says then " So Brian, have ever stayed in a haunted house ever ? " To which I replied " What ?? No, Never, Why ? " to which he states " Well you will now I can tell you! " So I,m lying there thinking " What the Hell ? " So I say " Are you pulling my leg man ? ". To which he plainly says “No I,m not, you,ll see what I mean maybe in the morning ! Goodnight anyway I,m off to bed i am done " with that he turns and disappears into the corridor, seconds later I find myself in total darkness as his bedroom light goes out !

So there I am, head buzzing with all sorts of crazy thoughts. What did he mean David ? This house is haunted, surely not ? I mean ghosts are not real are they ? just stuff I read about as a child long ago when I did not know any better. But little did I know and as my racing thoughts subside and fade, my fatigue took me over and I slip off to the land of dreams and fairies.

So there I am, out for the count lying on that couch, deep in sleep, I am not sure for how long, when suddenly my eyes open in a flash and as wide as an owl. My every sense is vibrating within my sleeping frame, a totally mysterious and deep feeling of dread takes me over . I,m there, eye,s totally ablaze searching the dark depths of this room for something which I strangely know is there, but cannot see for the gloom. When suddenly not more than five meters from the couch, to what i know to be in the direction of the corridor leading to David,s bedroom comes this terrible and painful sound of something real heavy sliding across the wooden floor, worse than that ,its coming right at me........ sssssshhhhht !! ...sssssshhhhht!!...........sssssshhhhht !!

My only thought in this horrible moment is that I have to get up and get out of here !! But as i think this, I realize that my whole body refuses my every effort to move ! I am just held there like a lump of rigid cold meat, fixed with my 100 kilos,s down into that ruddy couch which holds me as its prisoner.

The more i try to lift myself from this place the more I realize I cannot move one centimeter and that,s when the true cold fear takes me over. I feel my body become like ice and the hairs on my body are all standing up like never in my life. Then the weirdest thing happens in the next second. I feel my body rise up, like I am floating which i know to be impossible as i can still feel the couch pressing against my body, as if I were on the couch but not at all. I feel my feet rise over my head that is now down below and then I have the very terrible sentiment to be descending head first down somewhere, right through this couch where I had till then been lying to the best of my worldly knowledge.

As this feeling of being held, manipulated even stolen grows as still further down I go. I desperately search my mind for something to save me, some random phrase, anything, as i know now I must react to stop this feeling of being taken somewhere against my own will. Then to my utter amazement I think out loud the strangest thing considering what is going on, in my head I shout with force " I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU, LEAVE ME BE !!!! " and my ordeal is over and I am asleep once more, as if nothing had happened !! This is I promise you very hard to explain in words but it was truly like this !

Then I,m really not sure how long after, the same damned thing repeats, my eyes are wide open again. I am yet again unable to get off this ruddy couch which has lost somewhat its earlier appeal now. I hear again this terrible sound of the sliding sound, which again edges towards me from out of the darkness and across that floor. The sickening sensation to be floating restarts and I see now my arm before me, but its strange as the copper bracelet which I have worn for years is not there. Instead its just my bare arm with no bracelet or indeed my long sleeved shirt which i know i should be wearing too. I watch now as my hand disappears before my very eyes into something white , first my fingers, then my knuckles and past my wrist !! I then see it reappear again, still no bracelet or shirt ! I watch in utter amazement as my hand disappears to reappear over and over again !!

What the Hell ?!! I realize now that this is not my living arm of flesh and blood, but more my spiritual one and the white to which it disappears I figure must surely be the white painted wall behind the couch !! I am sure now that I am indeed somehow out of my body and what I see is not my flesh and bone, but my own spirit.

If this was not enough the horrible sensation of me flying down restarts again, my feet rise and my head goes down as if i were doing a handstand with out the use of course of my hands. I go down and down and down still further, which is a pretty crazy sensation as by rights to a normal rational mind I could not be anywhere else but lying horizontally on that damned couch from hell. But no I am not, as know now I was going down and down and I knew this could not be good. So I remembered my words which had helped the last time and I repeated them once more out loud in my thoughs " I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU, LEAVE ME BE "

Low and behold Poooouf !! it works again like magic, as quick as I say them, I am returned to sleep and this awful couch which I feel I will surely burn in the morning.

So morning comes with the rising of the sun, its light waking my restless soul from this nightmare. As my eye,s open my mind is literally buzzing with my experience, absolutely buzzing. Like I had just seen God style experience I can tell you, after this night I knew life just would not be the same.

So my “ friend “ David appears and see,s me sitting on the couch all pale and confused ! He says nonchalantly " Well did it happen to you then ? " To which I shout " You f......g b......d, why did you let me sleep here, are you insane, it was as scary as Hell last night " He started laughing so loud to see Big Bad Brian so lost and afraid !! Yes you see, I was right eh?? This house is haunted i knew it,! So what happened to you then he asked so seemingly in a rush to prove to himself his own suspicions. It seems I had been used as his own personal guinea pig in this experiment of the supernatural phenomenon present clearly in his house on the hill.

So I told him everything, the horrible sliding sounds across the floor, the floating sensations, how my hand had disappeared into the white of the wall, like it was not real, the bracelet not being on my wist like indeed it was when I awoke.

Yeah man I know, the same thing happened to me when I first moved in, one night when I fell asleep on that couch in front of the TV pretty scary business eh? I nodded saying well yes exactly I hear you there, absolutely terrifying it was man !!

So David started telling me of what he knew of the history of the house, he had looked it up in an old newspaper in the County library !!

" A few years back, before I moved in here ,there were two girls that rented this place, sharing the rent as they were good friends. So one of the girls has this boyfriend right, a biker sort, nasty piece of work on all accounts. So this chick apparently wanted no more to do with him and told him to get lost. He took it badly by all accounts and came round one night on that bike which is still outside, the one you saw ! So he steps into the place and shoots his poor girlfriend just like that ,while she is lying on the couch watching TV. Her friend hearing the shots comes running out of the room and he blows her away too, then he sticks the gun in his mouth and kills himself, what a mess eh? When the police came to the scene they find the three of them all dead here and apparently the second girl who was not apparently completely dead had dragged herself in a trail of blood from where she had fallen towards the couch to try and get to her dead friend !! So I think that dragging sound we both clearly heard must be her !! “

" Oh God what a story man, terrible really !! I said " Well thanks for telling me this too late, lets go now please I have to get out of here, this place gives me the creeps !! Maybe you should consider trying to find a new place, you can t stay here man, its not safe I think!! " Too which he laughed saying " No its OK, it only happens when you sleep on that couch,its like the trigger, like this ghost see,s you as her dead friend ! Besides the rents real cheap as people apparently don't like this place after being here awhile, they soon get out , so the owner has been forced to lower the rent. Its just 100 bucks a month and that right there is good enough reason to share this place with the Devil himself ! Besides to quote a great song you might know " I AIN'T AFRAID OF NO GHOSTS ! ! " and he burst our laughing like he was real funny !!

Well I cant really say I share his opinion as that night on the couch showed to me that ghosts are real, they can be held fixed somehow to a place where they have lost their life in some heart wrenching and traumatic event of some kind !! Bound there forever and a day, to constantly repeat there personal anguish. Lost to their world and ours, a place between the world of the living and the dead.

I hope myself that when my day of reckoning comes ! That it will be peaceful event, while perhaps sleeping in my bed next to a beautiful woman who loves me. That my soul, whose hand without the bracelet i saw drift through a wall that night will be free to leave, without being torn between this world and the next.

So you see now I hope, from reading this true life experience..........



Nice life story sea wolf :) Don't stop writing!

I have missed...

hey !! its ok !! , - ) you missed absolutely nothing apparently !! but thanks for stopping by eh ?? maybe next time @onOtole !! or if you want to you can always up vote me anyway ??

hey tell me something @smailer, whats your take on the current price of steem ?? It funny since bernie voted me up i have had 37 votes, all my other post get 7 !! Seems to me you only get voted when people they have something to gain, not on that they genuinely like your post. The day after the vote i had 89 bucks, now down to 77 !! i begin to get a bad feeling in my stomach about things here !! please get back to me when you can !! thanks ; - )

I don't care about steem price, but I want help to the steemit system. I don't plan to cash out my earned SBD, maybe some little amount to by 1kg coffee beans.
Yes you right lot of people there make their votes expecting some profit. But I try to read all what I see.
And I want to be friendly. Because by my point steemit society must be friendly and united.
And I'm sure what developers must make some brainstorm with some users, I don't know about format. Maybe twice a week, to listen good idea of improvement steemit.

yes you are one of the good eggs here I know !! Glad you are here and present on my posts !! thanks !! I too am friendly with the people here !! , - ) here i an earlier post of mine which is a true experience from my life. Why i know that the things you say here are indeed correct and totally believable.

I'm always follow by you :) and wait for new stories :)

Im friendly shadow-man too :)

Can't believe this doesn't have more upvotes. A great post I missed on a terrible experience. This is definitely an experience I can relate to. Not just one time but many for me and in more depth with crazy twists and turns but I'll leave that for a future post. No true friend would ever put you through something that terrifying directly or indirectly. And yes the spirits are real, and as much as you identify them as ghosts, I identify them as demons manipulating and manifesting themselves through deceptive measures to interact with us as they know we have physical vessels that house our own precious soul and spirit, and they are without bodies to contain themselves, I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt or injured but it definitely is a memory that will be forever imprinted into your mind. Things like these you can never forget unless the unmentionable happens. I still Upvoted :) thanks for sharing

hey thanks man !! yeah believe you me was glad to finally wake up and finally pull myself from that couch !! Yes you might be right about the demons aspect as they were certainly taking me down to somewhere, it sure felt like that !! And it really felt if i went to far with them there was no coming back from that place no joke !! A s for the upvoted yes i hoped more. I got a big vote from a whale which pushed up my reward to 89 dollars , but he voted after the 24 hour threshold and so i had to wait for one month before the payout and then the weirdest thing my reward kept shrinking, now as you see its at 34 dollars, no one can explain why this is !! wish i could have cashed this out quicker. In five days at this rate it, ll be gone !! (((( o well !!

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