in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

For one thing... The so called dollar we use in the United States "isn't" money owned by our Government... It all belongs to the Federal Reserve Banking System...

Our Government borrows the Currency from the Federal Reserve so that we have a Medium of Exchange, but this Currency must be paid back, plus interest... It's not our money... It's Borrowed Money...

And yes, its buying power is down next to Zero if not lower if that's at all possible... I figure the only reason is has any buying power at all is because people are just so used to it buying things for them...

I'm thinking when the so called dollar fails, we may get a penny back for every paper or digital dollar we're holding at the time of Collapse... That's the reason I keep telling people to hold onto their Pocket Change...

Pocket Change does not belong to the Federal Reserve System, and will increase in buying power when the so called dollar fails... Our Coinage will save us from a total melt-down and even pay off the National Debt...

A New Dollar will be issued buy the U.S. Government, that will be interest and debt free, just like our coinage... That's how President Trump will make America Great Again... It's actually the only way he can make America great again... Trust me...

Steemit Coins.jpg

Let's hope this Post reaches President Trump, to help him "Make America Great Again">..



PROMOTED, Up-Voted, Re-steemed, Replied...
This is the most important post of the year, possibly. TRUMP was put in place by the American People, because we know something is about to happen!
GOD SAVE THE UNITED STATES! ...and, America Bless GOD! We owe him that much.

I have it on good sources that Trump was helped by a group of patriotic individuals that knew no Republican establishment puke or Democrat would do what is needed for the USA. Hillary had plans to hand us over lock stock and barrel to the globalists. The Bu$h family is of the same group. Have you ever seen Bush Sr. and Billy boy yukking it up after Bill left the White House? Very Telling! ^O.o^

Another one who has seen the power of pocket change!

I don't really have that much power... I still find it odd that none of the YouTube people I watch ever mention anything that comes close to my Pocket Change Theory... Perhaps Greg Hunter mentioned our Coinage to Bix Wier once, and Bix agreed, but nothing much ever came of it...

Actually, Bix Weir continuously changes his tune depending on which crypto he is pumping is not yet down 20%+ from the last time he told his viewrs to buy it. His "theory" about how silver applies to the "remonitization" swings wildly but his most "outlandish" theory is that J.P Morgan bank will save itself from bankruptcy since they own pretty much all of the physical silver that is being called via forex. In teh "bitter end"...since J.P Morgan can make the price rise or fall with the push of a button they will "ultimately" make silver rise to $80K+ per ounce. So you will need to come up with a plan that is a tad more "lunatic" then Bixie's theory if you want to pass him as the biggest looney in the looney bin. :-)

The one thing you seem to be forgetting is that Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution says we have the Power to Coin Money and "REGULATE" the value thereof... Thanks for your comment... Read my Post, called "BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"...

And my "contention" is that it is being regulated every day by the "real" market. Evidence of that is the recent drop of "market driven" interest rates even as the Fed raised the bank lending rate. If interest rates continue to drop if for no other reason than to "force" the Fed's hand to loooower the Fed funds rate. ...I wouldn't want to be in gold if the stock market takes that news as a signal that the Fed had it wrong...which means prices of EVERYTHING are still wrong. if prices are dropping into that news...and then drop 'after" the news. then what? ...for your plan...just keep stacking...right? :-)

The Federal Reserve is not working for us, they're working against us... Feel free to stack gold and silver, but the real solution to our Medium of Exchange nightmare is Common Coinage... Buy a few rolls of Dollar Coins... In my opinion, there's less risk holding Pocket Change then having Digital Blips in a Bank Account...

Imo the Fed is and has been a "non-factor" since even before they began raising the Fed funds rate. Fed will be like any govmint regulated system and be "reactionary" to what the market does as opposed to the other way around. You won't get loweer interest rates from the Fed unless the stock market is dumping. Yet market driven rates (like mortgages) will still move looower. Fed will make no QE4 "attempt" until one of the U.S. banks are actaully on the brink of belly up. Your vote to say >>> "fukk the banks this time!! No bailout!" will likely mean the price of silver drops by 20% in one day the very NEXT day after that news reaches the markets.

This was the best compliment
I ever received on one of my posts...
Thank you ever so much...

@Underground you are everywhere on Steemit and have many great comments to make. I agree with the importance of the message contained within this post.
@pocketchange why do you think Trump will change the system and how?
Also, can you both have a look at this post and let me know what you both think, your opinions would be very much valued, I am now following both of you.

Over and over again, Trump has said he wants to make America great again... I only see one thing that can do what he wants, and that's to Dump the Federal Reserve (Debt) Notes and start issuing our own Debt and Interest Free Currency... Once this happens, we will prosper in a way we haven't seen in a long, long time... I have very high hopes for President Trump... To me, he's an all American Hero...

I agree with what you say and think it is the thing to do, but I have two problems
How will we pay off the national debt
What will we back this dollar with. I hope that gold is still at Fort Knox

We will never use gold and silver coins again as a medium of exchange... The Federal Reserve Notes will be turned in by everyone holding them for a penny per dollar... Those dollars turned in will be returned to the Federal Reserve Banks... Give unto Caesar, right...??? If there is still debt and interest to be paid back, we can either use A New (Debt and Interest Free) Dollar that will be valued at 1 New Dollar that will pay off 100 Old dollars... It will be a reset... The thing I keep telling everyone about coins is that it will still take 100 cents to obtain a New Dollar... It will take 100 old dollars to get the same New Dollar... The New Dollar will be backed by it's new buying power... The only reason for money is a means to make exchanges easier for those doing the exchange...We never needed the Federal Reserve (Debt) Notes... They will be returned and the interest paid with our own debt and interest free money...

...the U$A will default on the debt.
Whether or not the evil elites will get a partial payment remains to be seen. But it is impossible to repay using their own paper ponzi fiat toilet paper notes. There's a sentence full of redundancies for ya! :D

We won't default on our Debt... The Debt is owed in so called dollars... They aren't even real Dollars... It's nothing but Play Money... We will pay off the Debt with our Coinage and New Currency... The Federal Reserve (in my opinion) has been robbing us blind for over a hundred years... What I'd really like to see happen is for Our Government to Seize all their Assets and Kick them the Hell out of our Country, but being that we're the Good Guys, they'll get what they have coming... One Cent for each of their "so called" dollars...

Trump has already mentioned the possibility of a Default ;)
The "elites" (inbred a-holes is more like it...) have the Derivatives, which will multiply the world debt way beyond our ability to repay the "1% payoff" that you are saying will happen. That part of their plan is TOTALLY BOGUS, and maybe that is the portion that Trump will default on. Buffett calls derivatives "Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction"

I'm sure "it will all come out in the wash" but it's seemingly a bit more complex, at least that is what the "elites" want us to believe! I agree, we need to just kick them OUT!

Why should the U.S. be responsible for the Derivative Debt...???
That should be someone else's problem... Right...???

AGREED, but the "elites" are pushing the "US Banks, US Bailout" scenario...
I think that the 2008-2009 bailouts cured the public of having that ever again! I never got more likes on commentary, than when I said "NO MORE BAILOUTS" on content about banking. PERIOD! ;)

Wait until you seem my latest post titled, "U.S. CURRENCY... You Can't Lose..."

Money: a fungible, portable, store of value.

at one time the US used money for transactions. Gold and silver coins were inherently valuable. The gold and sliver were coined as a connivence to the user so that he didn't have to carry a scale with him to measure the weight. For example a double eagle
*A double eagle is a gold coin of the United States with a denomination of $20. (Its gold content of 0.9675 troy oz (30.0926 grams) was worth $20 at the 1849 official price of $20.67/oz.) The coins are made from a 90% gold (0.900 fine = 21.6 kt) and 10% copper alloy and have a total weight of 1.0750 troy ounces (33.4362 grams).

One ounce of gold.

Gold is HEAVY, bulky and difficult to carry. As a connivence to the user warehouse receipts were issued. For example a silver certificate.
*The certificates were initially redeemable for their face value of silver dollar coins and later (for one year – 24 June 1967 to 24 June 1968) in raw silver bullion.

They were replaced by instruments of debt. IOU's in other words.

The United States, and the rest of the world I assume, no longer uses money. It uses debt.

A real dollar is a weight in either gold or silver... Not like what we're currently calling dollars... I love Gold and Silver Coins... I have a bunch of those too... At present, I'm just holding onto my Pocket Change... If my theory is correct, I'll be sitting pretty at the reset... If my theory is incorrect, I'll at least have some type of medium of exchange outside the Banking System when it crashes... No one knows when that will be, but whats the point of cashing it in for paper at this point in the game... The last thing I want to do is to cash in my gold and silver... I'd rather be holding coins then paper... Thanks for the comment and upvote...

After all, what the melting value of the dollar...

What's the burning value of the paper fiat debt notes...???
My theory isn't based on the metal or paper value used to
create our own interest and debt free money...

is that the same for the euro ? Who can make Europe great again ? Not Draghi I suppose? 😁

I'm really not familiar with European Coinage... I think it would be a good idea to get out from under the control of the European Union for sure... Print your own debt free money...

I think I will help promoting locally made money, but I need to investigate a bit more who's behind it,... Mostly organic shops are using it here in the area around Granada Spain.

COINAGE of the individual Nations is still valuable, and more so than the "Euro-coins". Find and Collect the coins of your own nation, much like @pocketechange is Teaching here in the US! Try to get SILVER, and if possible Gold. But if those are too expensive, or not available, then save copper coins and nickel. Keep investing in Cryptos!

yes, I will start trading in some crypto's it seems to be a good time to start! (steemdollars will be my first!) Do have some silver & gold but unfortunately those markets are heavily manipulated and I lost a lot of value until now,...

The european states are a bag of shite... I know I live here in the UK and voted for Brexit so happy it came and is coming to past.
Sovereignty is coming back again. I am not a particularly fond of globalism we cannot get away from it... look here I am in London and you guys in the US and we are exchanging ideas.. but we need the governments to let the free markets decide on what is best for the people because in the end the markets are based on what people want.
I think crypto is a good bet because the like of us will use it, why will it be strong because we use it. That belief will transcend us and transfer to the mainstream. Hopefully, the miners don't fuck it up for us.

I still have my doubts about the Crypto-Currencies, but I love the fact that the Banksters have little or no control over their transactions... For all I know, the Banksters see Crypto's as a threat to their Power and are getting in on the Action some how... I'm not sure how they'll do this, but I'm sure they're racking their brains right now... I think all the People of all the Countries should take back their Sovereignty... Kick the Central Banksters out of their Countries after Seizing their Assets and possibly throwing the King-Banksters in Prison...

How about the Death Penalty?
They have killed many with reckless financial moves in the past, I'm sure that is readily demonstrable...

I'm sure most of the Banksters and or Elite who own the Federal Reserve live outside the jurisdiction of our Court System... Let's say they are owners from afar...

Interesting..... though I heavily doubt Trump is any different. I also doubt he has any interest in helping others before helping himself.

President Trump is my Hero... I was hooked when he first said if he were to be elected President he'd be working for the People... I always told the same thing to my buddies at work... I said when I'm the boss, I'm working for you... So, that told me all I needed to know about Donald J. Trump...

I like Trump but he seems to be turning out to be a different puppet on the same strings.

President Trump is awesome... He's my kind of guy... My All American Hero...

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