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RE: It's a social platform...Comments are Key!

in #steemit8 years ago

It's hard to find a good middleground on this. I've been here for almost a month now and I've seen a couple of people saying that these small comments don't contribute to anything and are just click-bait. Others say they appreciate all comments.

Myself, I appreciate all comments, because it mostly means people took the time to really look or read, before voting. It can also lead to nice conversations. But seeing how some people feel about this has kept me from commenting on some items, just because I did not have more to say than Nice work or Nice picture, or such.

Sometimes though, that's all that needs to be said. I can't always think of something insightful, but if I like someone's photography, is it wrong of me to tell them this, just because I'm expressing itin just a few words?


I'm of the mind that all comments are good. I understand neoxian's point, though I really think that pertains more to the glory days of steemit (I wasn't here yet) when even a comment could make dollars.
I think expressing it is important, with as few or as many words as you need :)

I think I've only gained anything from a comment once or twice and that would have been on a long and well thought-out comment. I don't think a simple Beautiful picture comment would gain me anything, but it is an actual compliment I would sometimes like to give :-)

I agree, well thought out comments gain the most, but sometimes just a couple words can get the dialogue going. If there is a response, the commenter might have more courage to leave a longer comment next time. I don't think we've spoken before, speaking of I'm adding you because I'm sure we will speak again ;)

That's true! Hah, yeah, I don't think we've spoken before. I've added you too!
I'm sure we will speak again, but for now, I need to sleep, so good night (or day, if it's not evening there) :D

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