Counter proposal - A week without bots

in #steemit7 years ago

Aah, the joys of beta! Could I request a different experiment?

Header sunrise

So by now, we all know about the experiment of whales not voting. The idea itself is an interesting one and I'm sure us little fishes enjoy having more power through our votes. However, this current experiment is probably not working out as planned by its creators.

A couple of misses:

Not every whale is on board.
I'm pretty sure that most people would not mind whales not voting for a while. Sure, some people would be sad about some income lost, but those would be less than everyone being sad now. That's simply because the downvoting that's going on currently to balance out the whales who aren't on board feels so negative. No one likes a downvote, but the reason given now won't be understood by many. I know we're in beta and experiments should be happening in this phase, but try telling that to every single person here. They won't understand, they just see income and reputation lost, due to an unreasonable downvote.

Side effects of the downvotes
Besides feeling downvotes are unfairly given, they have some other side effects. People's reputation declines through these downvotes. Sure, most of the time, it's less than the increase given by the whalevote, but the experiment here was only to see what would happen to rewards when whales don't vote. Besides this, the other side effect I've seen is that people's posts are greyed out once they get a whale vote. That's because, right after that, the downvotes come. This way, some perfectly fine posts will be missed, just because a whale voted for them.
Yesterday I checked the trending page's newer posts and also saw the downvotes did not hit everyone. I'm not sure if this is still going on, but you can imagine how that does not feel fair at all and it also defeats the purpose of the experiment.

Counter proposal
I'm not sure if this is technically possible, but wouldn't it be a much more interesting experiment to see what life's like without bots? Whales will always be here, but what if they do not follow bots around and instead actually upvote posts that they feel are deserving? This would upset the balance, but in a good way (I think). Bots have been set up and some people are lucky enough to have gathered a following of people and bots. I'm sure they've done the right things to get this attention, so they deserve(d) it. The problem arises when these people with their bot followings don't always post quality content. What if they were to just post a cat picture, or even just an article with the word "Test" in it, and nothing else? I'm sure people would not manually vote for such a post, but bots will. And knowing this person has a bot following, even people with their manual votes will be tempted to upvote, just to get the curration reward.

We are all invested in this platform. Whales most of all. I'm sure we all want to see it succeed, but to do so, we need less negativity (The mean bots steal my money by downvoting for no reason) and more quality content. If we were to be botless, we would only have manual votes. I know people would still try to follow the money by upvoting high reputation posters, but I'm hoping that this would lessen in time. Because when bots don't automatically vote and if whales were to actually check the quality of the content, before upvoting, these high reputation people would be less likely to get an upvote for every single post. I know a week might not be long enough to create this effect, but every whale who's up for this experiment and takes it seriously will have a huge impact on some lesser known authors. The effect in this case might simply be that they upvote quality content, no matter the reputation, meaning good authors will, at the very least, gain a good reputation increase. This would only help improve the platform's quality.

I'm sure people will find downsides to this experiment aswell. Some might count on their bot following. But in the end, good quality is important for this platform and I think you'd get your cash from manual votes aswell, as long as your posts are good. Afraid for your curration rewards when upvoting an unknown author? Upvote their post and then resteem it! If it's good quality, you help them gain a bigger following and your curration reward is saved.

Well anyway, that's just my two cents. I'm not expert on the platform, but I understand experiments happening in beta phase. We just need them to be well know before they start and we need everyone on board.

How would you feel about a botless week?

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@playfulfoodie - getting upset for flag here with a few cents still on the post - lol it's all a matter of mindset
why didn't they get upset they were just getting thumbs up on other platforms .. what are we now? spoiled brats?
lol - anyway .. as for the bots .. we'll have to live with it Schat ...

I tend to agree with you on this! Ofcourse I also understand that some people (especially those who have been here since the start) have gotten used to a certain income from this platform. I understand that it's no fun to see that income decline (no one likes losing money!). With us still being in beta stage, though, I do feel there's a bit of an exaggerated response to it. These tests are, after all, being held to see how we can improve the platform in the long run.

I'm afraid you're right about the bots!

@abit's intent is to try and see how distribution looks without the magnified influence of whale votes, in fact he's trying to build a mandate towards a flat reward scale (calculated only on vote weight). And also the similar effect of large guilds. Both of these things would cease to be so important with a flat curve.

I'm not sure if I understand that correctly. Would that mean steem power has less effect and the amount of votes have a larger effect? Does the percentage people use to vote come into play there?

I think it's something like for double the SP you have 10x the influence over rewards. Whales influence is compounded upon it's already large weight.

It would give minnows but especially dolphins and orcas a lot more control over rewards though whales still would have a big influence, it would just be a linear difference. Currently there is no possible real way for minnows to pool and beat a whale because their collective SP is scaled by their individual SP level.

I am of the opinion that people will thank @abit for pushing this issue in the near future.

Wow, that does give whales a huge influence compared to others. It's great that it is being pulled into questioning.

You might be right about people being thankful for a future change on this, but right now, I understand the frustration. It's just sad that not all whales were on board, because the downvotes to even that out now just look so negative. People take downvotes very personal.

Only because they don't understand why, that's why I wanted to drop the information in here. There is about 5 top 19 witnesses who are campaigning for linear rewards, I am also in support of this. The difficulty is that there is at least a few whales who don't want to lose their cash cow and lacking their support steemit, inc. is also a bit tangled up in this because whales also have quite a bit of influence over who gets to be witness also.

I think the linear reward distribution will not lead to as many problems as some are saying (self-voting), but definitely the power curve distribution creates a very bad division between power and stake that especially affects how the rewards are allocated, which is why I support the message that @abit is trying to bring to people.

Thanks a lot for your explanation of this. I myself hadn't seen such a clear explanation yet and, even though I don't mind testing during beta anyway, I do understand the reasons behind this more clearly now.

It's a shame there's a division in the top influencers about it, as that trickles down to the rest of us Steemians aswell. Hench all the negativity surrounding this experiment.

I understand people being reluctant to let go of their income ofcourse, but if this change will lead to a fairer reward distribution, wouldn't that also lead to a better, or at the very least more varied quality of posts? This should only help to increase wider acception of Steemit, meaning more chances of the Steem price going up. That would lead to a bigger income in the end.

Your reward for being in Promoted is an upvote and 0.050 SBD extra promotion.
Good job, keep your contents promoted! :)

But it is really cold here right now. I desperately need my feet covered with warm lined rubber

Oh you said "bots". Never mind.

Your boots are safe! For now...

Life without bots? Sounds like a complete back-to-the-roots freedom :)

I am afraid it is not technically possible. But it is a good idea!

I'm afraid of that aswell, though I think most people just follow bot software written by just a few Steemians. If they were on board, they might be able to just shut it off for a while... Not sure if that's how it works though!

Abolishing curating rewards would remove a lot of bots, but that's a whole different discussion.

Definitely. It would also remove the reason for holding onto steem power, though. This would means a lot more volatility in the Steem market, as no one would power up, with the power down waiting period in mind.

I hold on to Steem because of a possible rise in value, and I hold it in the form of Steem Power because I like to give a few cents to content when I vote. For me, it wouldn't remove the reason for holding Steem Power. But that's just me.

I feel the same way, but I'm guessing that doesn't count for everyone.

Yes, it would be possible to - by an agreement - stop all voting bots.

But I don't think that such an agreement is possible - my opinion only.

Ps: there are other bots too :)

Bah, then you'd have the same half-baked experiment as we have now, which would be pretty sad! Would be great to have everyone on board, atleast the biggest voting bots...

You're probably right though. It's hard to get people to agree on something that's not always in their best interest. Even if it's only for a week!

Some interesting points you made. It would be really interesting to see a day without bots.
Let me clarify first, that the reputation of the authors does not get affected by the downvotes. Only if a post-payout is below zero $, the users' reputation is at stake. So no need to worry about the reputation system being affected.
Graying some posts is on really a big deal. One can always open the post, it's just one click away. Plus you can use for an alternative view of the blockchain.
I'm OK with whales being passive, but let's hope the flagging stops. Can't really say it's productive beyond the first day or two. Once the rewards pool is reset they will become obsolete.

It's good to hear the reputation isn't at stake (though I guess it is when a post gets grayed out, because that means it's below zero, right?). I also hope the flagging stops, but I don't think it will during this experiment. I'm pretty sure it'll continue as long as other whales keep voting, to cancel them out. Would be better (read: less negativity) if these other whales would just hold off on voting for a while aswell.

Posts get grayed if the author has a small amount of SP, so the post gets less visible. After you gather some Steem Power your posts will be less likely to get grayed. It's like a spam filter. Newbies can be muted for spamming and posting irrelevant content​.

Ooh I see, so it's not just based on downvotes, but a more advanced calculation?

A post gets grayed only if it is flagged. If a minnow flags a whale, the whale's post will have no impact. If a whale flags a minnow the impact is huge.
Given the fact that most new users have a relatively low amount of SP their posts get more easily grayed. If a post receives​ enough upvotes it will be visible again. It all depend on ​who has more Steem Power as they cast upvotes/downvotes.

I see. So in the end it's all down to the amount of SP from upvotes VS the amount of SP from flags. Do the flags from those whales take away some of your reputation aswell?

Thanks for the explanation!

Your reputation is only at stake if the post has negative payouts​. In general these flags will not affect the reputation of users.

This post has been ranked within the top 80 most undervalued posts in the first half of Mar 14. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $1.01 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Mar 14 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

very well written. I will wait and see how everything develops further and still bring in articles. No matter if there is a Downvote for it.....

Yes, that's my stance aswell, atleast for now. I'm not even sure how long this experiment lasts. @Exyle just pointed out the trending page looks more leveled than normally, so that seems like a good effect.

It just reminds me not to get deeply invested into this while experiments are going on. I stopped buying steem with ethereum and bitcoin and will post less.
Nice post!

Exactly. I wouldn't build a living around Steemit any time soon, that would be unwise and very risky. Don't put in any cash you can't afford to lose!

Everything I do in the crypto world is with the thought that it could be worthless tomorrow. I am saddened to see some people counting on the $$ they get from steemit.

Same here. Cryptocurrency is an exciting thing to place your money in, but it is very risky. I'm not in a position where I can gamble away my money, so for now, I'm just building my crypto portfolio with the SBD I've earned here.

Good article, I promoted it
Hope it gets the conversation going more

Thank you, I'm glad it's well received and I haven't stepped on anyone's toes (yet) :-)

I am in favor of the current experiment. It's well intentioned, and does seem to be making a slight difference (I notice my votes make the payout number jump a little more than it used to). But I agree there are some drawbacks. Would be great if all the whales were on board, but achieving that kind of consensus isn't easy. I guess the best that can be done is if a whale downvotes because of this experiment, they should be kind enough to leave an explanatory comment with a link to whatever post first proposed this idea (I'm not really sure how it started, just got wind of it from reading various posts mentioning / hinting at it).

Yeah, I think the communication surrounding this experiment could have been a bit better, with a post containing a clear explanation of why this is being done and also why these downvotes are necessary for the experiment to work.

Lessons learned, huh!

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