Reasons To Keep Steeming, Even When The Price Is Low

in #steemit6 years ago

There seem to be a lot of people giving up on Steemit lately, discouraged by the low value of cryptos at the moment. Here are my still-rather-a-noob thoughts on why you shouldn't give up. I am not a crypto expert, though I try and learn all that I can. This is just based on what I have seen in my time at Steemit.

image from blogspot


You know all those people with 60something plus reps? Go to their main blog page and see when they joined Steemit. Unless they bought their way to whaledom, they've been here a while, and your account doesn't grow by opening it and then abandoning it. They kept going - and, btw, if you didn't know it yet, the price of Steem and Steem dollars was historically MUCH LOWER than those highs we saw in December and January. They kept at it when SBD was pegged to a dollar and Steem was LESS than a dollar. Now they are powerful whales.

If you want long-term success, you need sticktuitiveness (not my original word, but I can't remember who coined it). If you want instant gratification, well, I dunno, play a video game. Can you build a following on ANY social media platform in a month? A real one? If you're not already a celebrity? No. It's the same on Steemit. It takes time to find your tribe. Meanwhile, you are socking away small amounts of Steem Power, making yourself more powerful on the site, and increasing your reputation (unless you spam people, in which case, fuck you 😘).


Even if you are only getting pennies per post and right now Steem and SBD are low, if you can HODL, and they go back up, suddenly those pennies become dollars.

If you trade those SBDs for various other cryptos, and THOSE go to the moon, suddenly they become worth much more as well.

I too am way below the poverty line. I understand that some of us have immediate needs that weren't being met until Steemit and then they were and now you worry that they won't be again. I get it that you can't HODL every penny. But I try and HODL as much as possible, and at the very least, I consider the Steem Power untouchable and never power down, so even if I use the SBDs for life needs, I am still growing. Think of it like if you had a job and you arranged it so that every paycheck, $50 went into your retirement account. The idea being that if you never see the money in your bank account, you think of it as not existing and don't spend it, whereas if it was there, you'd simply not budget as well and use it up somehow. Think of Steem Power like your retirement account. If there is a real emergency, like, you need it to pay rent or you'd be homeless, you can always cash out. But you don't unless it's really dire. I'm used to being impoverished. I can hold out a while. Yup, it would be super nice to get a laptop, or an ebicycle, both of which would make my life a lot easier. But I haven't had them until now ...I can wait a while longer.


When you get paid on Steemit, the system bases your payment based on the real price of Steem, but imagines that SBDs are still worth a dollar - this is why the breakdown has been more SBD than Steem. When Steem value is low, you are getting more Steem per payout (we've even been getting some liquid Steem now, see other posts that explain why like this one: @spiritualmax). So the basic outcome of this is, you power up faster. Your Steem Power gives no fucks what the dollar value of Steem is, it cares how many Steem you have locked down in SP. If you have 400 SP, you have 400 SP, whether Steem is $1 US or $6. Amassing as much as you can while it's low will help you more than only getting a pittance when it's high. Again, it's short term-long term thinking. If you are thinking of one Steem as two dollars, you wish it was six dollars again. But if you think of Steem as more like shares of a stock, now you're maybe getting three shares instead of one share like you did when it was worth more. Here's what I mean:

Let's go back yo your imaginary retirement account. When you auto-deposit that $50, you are buying shares of a mutual fund, at whatever price they are at the time. So in January you put $50 toward Steem Mutual Fund, and you got .5 shares of stock. In February you put in $50, and you got .75 shares. Now your $50 gets you a full share.

When you retire (or cash out), you hopefully have amassed lots of shares of stock which you can sell when the market is high again. If you were only getting half a share of stock every month, you'll have less stock to sell come retirement. But those dips in the market where your $50 bought more stock help you down the line, because now you have lots more shares to sell.

The reason why so many baby boomers were wrecked in 2008 (regarding their retirement accounts, not prople who lost their homes because of the foreclosure crisis) was because they were ready to retire just then, when stock prices crashed. If they were able to say, oh, bad timing, I'll keep working until the market recovers and THEN retire ...they're probably okay now, because the market did indeed rebound. They're probably BETTER OFF now if they did that, because if they kept working and kept buying stocks when their prices were really low, now they had a lot more to sell.

Cryptos are like the stock market in that it's volitile, and ergo, a long term game. If you ever read financial advice, they say if you are younger, you can invest in riskier, and potentially far more profitable, stocks, because you have decades until you need to retire and can ride out the market booms and busts. But if you are opening a new retirement account when you're 50, they might recommend you invest in more conservative things like big funds of established stocks or bonds, because if you retire when a 2008 crash hits're fucked.

So, just think, yay! I'm getting more Steem Power! In the long run, you're benefiting!


Do you get paid on Facebook or Twitter? Maybe those thousand followers hit those dopamine receptors in your brain, but on those sites, YOU are the product, and the Zuckerbergs of the space are the ones profiting off you. Now I'm not gonna say I have closed my Facebook, because that's where a lot of friends are and that's how we keep in touch. But I spend a lot less time there, and a lot more time here now. Here I am investing in my future, and pennies are dropping into MY account instead of Zucc's. Sounds good to me, if you're gonna shoot the shit online anyway...

And there you have it, my reasons to keep at it even when the market sucks. When we're all dolphins with high reps and new red fish complain how "lucky" we are, we'll laugh, and laugh. Good times. 😁

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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Exactly. Love that you wrote this and put it all together. A lot of these things I keep in my mind while the price is low. Definitely like looking out for your future self!! Good thoughts ✨🙏🌙

Thank you. Yes, it's a long term investment in YOU! 😃👍

Loved this...Nothing like a good kick up the ass to make you feel good. Thanks for the pep talk 😎

Wow, that was Powerful!

I loved every minute of that spiel Phe, I feel energized and like you perfectly said what I've been feeling this whole time, you articulated it so so so well! !00% upvote. restem. done. LOLOLOL *spammers can fuck off, that was awesome too hahahahaha!!


Do you get paid on Facebook or Twitter? Maybe those thousand followers hit those dopamine receptors in your brain, but on those sites, YOU are the product, and the Zuckerbergs of the space are the ones profiting off you.

That’s one of my big selling points to people when I tell them about Steemit. You rant and rave on Facebook. You never get paid. Even if you think cryptocurrency devalues down to zero, you’ve lost nothing other than time off of Facebook.

I’ve managed to get a few people on Steemit that I know by saying that!

Thanks for the motivation. I keep telling myself I am arriving at the perfect time. After all there is no where to go but up from where I am sitting.

Exactly! That's a great perspective.

Well, it could fall 50% from here. Or 75%, or 99%. "It can only go up from here!!" is one of the big investing "DONT"s.
The fundamentals for Steem are excellent, so I don't think it will fall too much further right now. But that's not up to Steem's fundamentals, it's up to the greater cryptocurrency market, which is still in pullback mode.

Oh I know you are right. That is pretty realistic. Still I am willing to bet on an increase especially over the long term I don't have too much tied up in it just in case.

Hello @phoenixwren,
1% of a tree has been planted for You 🌴
We are very grateful for your support @montaquilaa
Let's make Mother Earth a greener place!

I agree with you! keep posting :)

This post was amazing i realize why my sp is power down its good to continue power up

I'm glad if it was helpful, thanks!

Awesome and very insightful thoughts here my friend, in addition to their rep, I also look at the number of posts, they have, that number also includes comments, so you know that the folks with really high ones are super involved engaging with the community, it's a grind for SURE!

Each rep point is 10x harder to get than the last, so the diference between 69 and 70 is much more of a gap than 29 and 30- keep up the great work <3

Yes, the number of posts, too! A great point.
Man I'm tellin' ya, I got to rep 50 really fast, and now it's like running through molasses, but I'm still moving! LOL

Agree with all of this, but some people are moving on because this was the wrong place for them to be in the first place. They weren't interested in investing in the long-term (or maybe they couldn't afford to) and getting out of the way of the people who do want to do this is the best idea.

That's probably true too, not everything is the right fit for everyone. But I've seen a lot of people with great potential just vanish or rage about it like it's ruined now.

Yes. You've written a really helpful post with a lot of insight for those people.

I am still here and hanging on..just up to my earlobes in moving my mother and getting her house ready to sell. I feel so out of the loop now..I know everyone is still there, somewhere in the background. I think I have done about 3 posts. It is just too hard. Miss my new Steemit life. hopefully will be back soon. xx

I knew you were busy and figured that's why I hadn't seen much from your blog of late! We miss you too. We'll be here whrn you get back. 💚

Nice article!

It’s always good to get a reminder of why I came over here in the first place, and to keep blogging here.

I saw someone who thought STEEM will get $100 US by the end of 2018. Dare to dream!

Right? Then all the people who leave now would be like, "Why did we quit??"
I'mma be over here, slowly building my Steem Power. Maybe it'll spike, maybe it won't, but I'll still be better off. 😁

Yep, if I wasn’t here I’d probably be on Facebook anyway. I’d rather be here even if it doesn’t make me rich.

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