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RE: Should you invest in promoting your content on SteemIt?

in #steemit7 years ago

Good intro to Promotion option on steemit. Interesting that now with services like @randowhale and WhaleShares we have more options to promote posts, which offers promotion and rewards return at the same time.


Those services don't promote your post at all. Resteems are way better.

They promote in a way. Post with high rewards in short time are getting to Hot section.

Right, but then you might as well spend the money on post promotion yourself lol.

But you can get money back later as a reward for whale upvote. Promotion payment will not be returned.

@pal May i ask why you unfollowed me? Are you personally involved in randowhale or whaleshares or something?

I'm really only trying to help. To make a system better you have to be critical. I still see some flaws that need to be resolved.

I don't care if you follow me or not, if you think there's a problem please at least let us know. Now i don't even know what i did wrong....

P.S.: I just realized you might have thought that i was talking about randowhale/whaleshares, but in fact i was talking about the SteemIt protocol and curating problems specifically.

I just unfollowed to prevent accidental conflict. I know that you considering self voting is unjust. I can't agree with that. People with stake are not got it for nothing. Some of them were early and bootstrapped community. Some of them took a risk and put their own money at stake in STEEM (they could by ETH). All of them were through the hard times, then the STEEM price was declining for 10 months. Because of people who hold the stake the price at that level today.

Even if they can't write in English very well or propose some idea - doesn't make them parasites.

STEEM is a system with stakeholders, they own the part of network capacity. They decide how to dilute their own stake by voting for others if they provide value. If they decide to vote for themselves - then they don't see enough value and their stake don't get diluted. System punish those who don't vote. From that perspective I see that system working efficient - stake gets distributed to people who provide value, not on some moral basis.

There is not self voting, stakeholders just deciding to not dilute their stake because there is no better option at the moment.

That's a really weird reason to unfollow, anyway you have the wrong image of me. I "self-vote" all the time, because the system allows it. But no matter my situation, i just don't think it's best for the system.

I hope you do understand that if everyone "self-votes", there is no value in SteemIt. That's a flaw in the system to me. It's irrelevant if something is likely or not. Flaws are flaws.

We really want the same thing: a platform without abuse, exploits and injustice.

I hope you have a better idea about my intentions now.

Take the case of BitShares. It was designed with self-funding model in mind. The Idea that people could create a proposal with description of the work they are going to do, stakeholders will approve and proposal get funding in the form of inflation. If no working proposal gets approved - no stake will be deluded by inflation. Guess that stakeholders are chosen? No dilution at all! Voting participation rate now is around 7%. But Bitshares still doing very good today.

In STEEM we are doing even better. We are funding infrastructure around us. Look at, it is funded from authors rewards. People don't stop voting for @jesta after HF19. And there are tons of money distributed to people for their work and I don't see it will stop anytime soon. It is just so easy here - saw that you like - click upvote.

There is a things to improve for sure. But we should take it slowly and don't rush to not destroy the system accidentally.

dude its cool that ur being chill its sad that pal is being weird like this....whatever dont focus on him focus on ME SNAP SNAP HERE MAN OVER HERE

ahaha it all ggoood i will entertain u and keep u motvtaed bro!

i folowed you! that should balace out pal unollowing hahaha

Thanks for giving us an update over how system works. Please follow me at @honeychum. I am sure you will like my work.

pal i think u are unfairly categorizing @calamus056 here and u dont even have a profile image and u are talking like u are one of the originals heere ?? are u? if so u should be a lil moe chill...early adopters have a ot of pwer

and u guys understand how steemit works more than most

alot of people here have no idea how it wworks

alot of people love to act like they knwo everything and we should all stop that and all stop being so naggy and wwe should stop complianing and focus on our work...unless we are an actual developer...cuz talk is easy....

hello Calamus, I am new on Steemit and i am trying to build up my follower base. I am continouesly posting and i am more into poetry. I am sure you will like my work . Please follow me at @honeychum

Begging is achieving the opposite.

Hello Calamus056 , First of all i am really sorry to myself that i wrote on your post. I should not have. I would not have if i knew that you carry such an arrogant attitude.
Did i ask you to upvote my work? . You might be an old fish here but somehow this experience has bugged you with arrogance. Don't you know the difference between begging and alliance? You are complaining here to @pal that he unfollowed you. I think that is pleading. well, i now know that you don't.
I don't want to enter into argument but mannnnn, u r just a disappointment... Good luck


It's all less optimal than when all users would curate optimally. The protocol needs to get better so people get rewarded for moderating the network. Right now there's nothing we can do about the terrible distribution of funds. The people that contribute to it also don't get punished for it, so it keeps going on.


where can i tract it

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