Too young for Steemit?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

A serious question, but does not apply to me (haha!) I'm a 45 year old mom and have loved Steemit since I discovered it. The problem is that Steemit simply doesn't appeal to my 17 year old daughter, and her boyfriend in his early twenties. They are both very intelligent and I feel their viewpoints on life are valuable. The promise of money is also failing to lure them to the platform.

(image: pixabay)

For me this is a serious issue. Many who have joined the Steemit platform have done so because they were attracted by a community of people genuinely interested in changing society. If many of us are asked WHY we would want to change our world, we would say - for our children. I can only speak of my experience, but what I have noticed is that our children are quite unlike us. And this is a good thing.

I love speaking with my daughter. Life is busy, so this usually happens when cooking. We live in South Africa and for example, I'm fascinated by not only her experience of the race issue in schools, but also how the other kids, of all race groups, deal with it. In South Africa, we experienced many years of the Apartheid system, yet our children, in only one generation, are overturning years of tensions, by simply being themselves.

Another observation that I have made is that our children, even the younger ones, like my two boys aged 8 and 11 years, instinctively recognise the absurdity of authority. As adults, in the past we have squashed our children into little boxes of conformity. Now that some parents are more enlightened, kids are growing with the freedom to express themselves.

Probably children of all generations were naturally spiritually enlightened, and adult society disencouraged it. Perhaps now though, by the very nature or state of our world, children born recently have a greater innate spiritual awareness This is something that I have observed in my children. I am not religious, though I do believe in God. My one son prays every night, which I only realised in passing one day, as it is just something he naturally does, but does not really speak about it.

(image: pixabay)

What has this got to do with Steemit?  If this platform is to grow, we not only need interaction between all races, cultures and creeds, but also, vitally, interaction between the generations. As adults we need to learn from the quite different viewpoint the young have on life. The question is, how would Steemit attract the youth? Do you, reader, have any ideas?

Thank you for reading. Follow me @onetree 



Age is an abstraction.
There is no age limit for anything.

Yes, I agree. The fact remains is that Steemit might come across as boring to the younger generation.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns. I turned 19 two months ago and I think in general Steemit is a platform that appeals to the generation of Social Media, Blogger, Vlogger etc. and I think it highly depends on your approach, how you present the platform and who tells them about it. Maybe if my mom would have told me about Steemit and not a friend, I wouldn't have paid the same amount of attention, but once the word spreads that you can get paid for the content you present I'm sure it will attract even more people from younger generations.

@mrs.steemit Thank you for your input, and I really hope so!

Hey, @onetree, you are not young not old, you are exactly at steemage (I will write now a post about it)...
I liked your words.. Esprcially these...
"... For me this is a serious issue. Many who have joined the Steemit platform have done so because they were attracted by a community of people genuinely interested in changing society. If many of us are asked WHY we would want to change our world, we would say - for our children..."
Good luck in virtual and real life to you!

Here it is (as I promised)

thanks for sharing on the youth . I guess with time they will get involved . however not that our children never have passion on what the parents do .. just let them be . i am sure they will find something online that they like

Yes, that is true. Perhaps they will find their own platform. I would like us to interact more, as I learn a lot from my children, and would like to learn from other children as well. Mmmm, if maybe I can join THEIR platform :)

I think it's more than changing society. The sharing of ideas, connecting and supporting each other is the real STEEM Power. I remember when I was in my 20's my priorities were very different. I still really didn't have a sense of self and was more introspective (EditSelfish) Now we are in our mid 40's with kids on the verge of adulthood I personallly want them to be part of the change not part of the status quo.

@stephen-somers I agree completely, but I want to bridge a perceived gerneration gap.

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