Do you need Byteball to participate in the ongoing Airdrop that has taken Steemit by storm?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Have you also caught the Byteball bug and are rushing to get your reward in the ongoing Byteball Airdrop?

Don’t have 0.0006 Gb needed to participate in the giveaway? Don’t worry, I can help you out. Keep reading.

Byteball Airdrop for Steemians

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Download and install Byteball wallet
  2. Copy your Byteball address in the wallet and paste it in a comment to this post.
  3. Receive 0.0006 Gb from me.
  4. Then follow the rest of the instructions posted here.
  5. Keep spreading the love and direct more Steemians to this post. I have highballs Byteballs for everyone! :D


These are NOT Byteballs!

Image source:


– Oleg

whose Steem username and reputation are now proudly verified and stored on the Byteball blockchain:


Funny image and caption combination!

You just planted 0.04 tree(s)!

Thanks to @rufusfirefly

We have planted already 3144.54 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 18905.40
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

Thank you. :) Have you already claimed your free Byteball?

I'm trying. I did the first step of posting my address to get some to start. When I first loaded Byteball a few weeks ago, I collected $US 2.93 in earnings, then I transferred them to Bittrex to test the transfers, so it could be used for gridcoin faucet donations. I haven't received my starter GBYTE yet.


Sorry for the delay and good luck, mate!

Lets see how this thing works MTSUUVAT5VE3IAEE3GJB4AFZPOBHPL5W

0.0006 Gb on the way!

Yaay! Thanks!

No problem. Enjoy! ;)

Thanks! <3


Sent. Now follow the remaining steps and you will get your reward.

Good morning and thank you for sharing this option :)

Yay, you managed to claim you share of the airdrop! Awesome!!

No problem. And good luck with the remaining steps!

i did indeed :) also helped out REM3600 :) ,no w setting up wifes and daughters account

Good job!!

Mick, how do you settle another account ? I mean,has another wallet to be uploaded..? @stresskiller

other pc / or tablet or mobile :) do the same thing send your new wallet 600.000gb

kro5v5agy9.png did you see the create a new wallet possibility ? Do you know what it is and if that could be used for another account of us ..?

not sure but in the steem bot chat in the wallet there si a referal link that you can use for mr luigi :)

I thought of him of course ;-) I was just wondering if I had to dowload another wallet (on my mobile for example) ...

Thanks a lot Oleg for this opportunity!

No problem, George! Complete the remaining steps in the instructions posted above to get your airdrop.

Oleg, even now i did not receive the welcoming message from the bot despite the fact that i did and follow all the instructions.. now i send the address like is mention so maybe i will receive that link..
Do you have any idea why i did not receive a message from the bot?

Yes. The bot hasn’t been working properly these past 18 hours due to the increased demand from all the Steemians participating in the airdrop. Some people had to wait for many hours for their reward and some are still waiting. Give it more time, try to restart your wallet, and wait some more. I hope it’ll go through in the end. Unless Steemians broke the bot for good, that is… lol

I am wondering long time now, about all this LOL

Pls check your twitter DM brother. Check spam if needed.

Thanks dude

I’m on it, Barry!


Seems like someone has already sent you the necessary amount. :) Good luck with the remaining steps!

Cool, here is mine.

Did you manage to get a response from the bot, @giddyupngo?

I checked and I received 600K bytes. Thanks Oleg!

You’re welcome. Good luck! :)

Oh, but I meant the airdrop reward. 60 kBytes is just a few cents’ worth. The whole point is that you use it to pay the verification fee to the bot. Then you can get millions of Bytes, worth dozens of dollars. Just follow instructions in the linked post above.

Ok, will do, looks like there is a fee for public steemit attribution, why did you choose to do that and how much does that cost?

Because they paid me $40 for it and because I wanted to have my Steem name and reputation verified and saved on the Byteball blockchain forever. The cost of that fee is what I sent you – so that you can pay it, even if you hadn’t have any Byteball to begin with. I’m giving away this meagre 600 kByte so that people can pay the fee and earn millions of Bytes, you see.

And anyway, you can keep it private, if you want. Just tell the bot to keep it private. You will still get your reward.

Ok, makes sense, thanks!

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Outlook good

Hi! I'm a bot, and this answer was posted automatically. Check this post out for more information.

You’re not being helpful, bot!! Bad bot!

The bot is just sad it lacks the rep to join in.

Haha, that’s probably the true reason! Have you got your share of the Byteball airdrop, mate?

Lacking the time atm to fully look into this and decided if I want to get in on it.

Running a bit behind this week.

I hope you get some takers! I might be back later this weekend if its not over by than.

Cool! Honestly, it took me less than 10 minutes. The easiest $40 I’ve ever earned…

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