The Frayed - Chapter 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Chapter One

Max sits and begins to cry
“Where am I? How did I get here? Moooom?!? Daaadd?!?”
Max was curious but also very timid and scared to what was going on. I told Max that it was okay and he didn’t have to worry anymore but he would have to listen very carefully.
“Don’t worry max, just listen. In the library of stone you will find not one but many stories. Find yours and you will be rewarded with great things.”
“Mr? Sir? What do you mean.”


I had left Max to himself to conjure up an answer. He needed to figure it out on his own for him to truly understand the meaning. All he has to do is find his story and read it all the way through for me to reward him.

Max was dumb founded. He had no idea what that creature had meant or what he was here for. Max started combing through the books to help his boredom, for which he had been there for what seemed like hours. The first book he pick up was on the 3rd shelf and was blue. It looked like it was the newest book in there but it had these diamonds and rubies placed randomly on it. The book was also glowing with this radiant aura of light that almost seemed holy.

Was he to read it? Max certainly seemed like he wanted to. He placed it on a wood table which was the only one in the room right next to a trash can. The book’s title was called ‘The Boy’ and it conveyed this impression of loneliness. It intrigued Max and it compelled him to read it.

As he began to read the book, it looked as if there was no words on the pages but somehow he knew exactly what it was telling.

Max was curious as to why he couldn't see any words. He tried to just focus on the pages to see if they would just pop up. Max couldn't figure it out he then decided to just think about the book and maybe then it would tell him a story. The story begin to tell itself in his mind, he didn't have to read it just imagine it.

Max was suddenly fixated on his anger. He could feel it pulsating through his veins. He heard a name, Axel, who was that and why was it important for him to know this?

Max suddenly felt a sudden rush to the head and woke up. He wondered how he was sucked into the story and how it felt so real. He started to look for other book that would start to glow, Max thought that those were the book he had to read. Unsuccessfully, Max couldn’t find any other book that glowed the way that one did.

Max scoured the library top to bottom to see if he could find anything that took his interest. He closed his eyes in anger, and when he opened them he saw it. A bright red book that read Anger. It was glistening in the moonlight that was somehow peeking through the window just right. The book looked more like a textbook that max had seen somewhere at school and in big black letters read Anger. There were no jewels or diamonds on this book but a little tear on the bottle left corner that made it hard to open.

He had remembered the name Axel and how mad he was and tried to calm down. So Max sat up with the intent of reading but when he opened the book every word on the page just stated ANGRY in big bold letters. Max didn’t quite understand what it meant so he tried to close the book but failed.

Max was infuriated when he tried to put it back because he couldn’t close it. He didn’t want to read this book anymore and continually tried to close it. Until Max heard a voice that said,
“Close your eyes and imagine your life with anger.”
“What does that mean?!”
“Listen to the book Max.”
“Just listen”

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Max really misses his family and wished this nonsense would stop. Instead of Max crying he tried to close his eyes and picture his family. The story began to play.

His mind began in anger, his heart in love, but his body clueless. All he could think about was how he could’ve prevented this mess. How he could’ve been a better brother to his sister and a better son to his father. Everything he tried to say came out nasty and with the intent of evil. This of course isn’t what he meant, it’s what he said that made this mess.

It was a sunday afternoon with the sun just at the right position that Axel could sit under the tree. The shade was covering his entire body but one sliver of sunlight touching his little toes. He was happy and very content with what his life was turning out to be, but little did he know his Father and his sister Andrea were in a car heading toward their death.

Axel’s family had been very dear to him his whole life, very patient and very helpful whenever they were needed. Axel of course was very unkind and took advantage of his situation. He was a very frantic boy and didn’t seem to make friends very quickly. This is why he was very jealous of his sister Andrea because she had it easy, she was a baseball player and made friends very effortlessly.

Axel didn’t quite understand how if he was just nice maybe he would to make some good friends. Sadly, he grew up not knowing who his mother was and didn’t have a chance to learn what patience was since his father was at work most of the time. Andrea was a daddy’s girl so everything her dad did she did, Axel on the other hand forced away his father because of the anger he had.

Axel began to walk home, with the first time ever being so happy he could burst. Why was he so happy you ask? He had made a new friend and his name was George. George and him had an amazing day playing basketball and video games all day. As he was about 5 minutes away from his house Axel received a call with the caller id Dad. Axel became frightened because his dad never called him, ever.

When he picked the phone up, it wasn’t his dad but a strange lady’s voice saying his dad and sister had been admitted to Saint Mary’s Hospital. Axel dropped his phone and ran as fast as he could…

Max quickly saw the book shut and float it’s way back to it’s rightful place and immediately rushed into finding another book.

To Be Continued...
If you haven't read the prologue yet -
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I know it's not even similar but for some reason it reminded me of the little prince!

I've never watched that before but thanks :)

It's a great book☺️

great story @oceancoinz upvoted and resteemed this for you

Thank you for your comments, upvoting and resteeming!

Your always welcome :)

Wow what a story, cant wait for the other parts!

Follow for follow?

Thank you so much and sure!

Awesome story
Can't wait for the other chapters

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