Observations of a fairly noobish Steemer.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

My time spent on Steemit has increased lately. It has been my first, major, tour round the place. The Community seems great! A software system seems to be evolving, nicely, as the community grows and evolves. That is unfair, as due to the Open Source nature of the Steemit software, the programmers are a major part of this community as well!

Being a blockchain aficionado, it is now the time for me to ask you to think good thoughts, tropical islands and private jets for Satoshi Nakamoto who without his White Paper this would be another FaceBook. Thank you.

There are probably as many different types of people using steemit as there are people using steemit. Pigeonholing is not my forte. The same could be said by those holding crypto. But maybe, just maybe there could be simularities, preferences, what-have-you's that would not be so pigeonholing if discussed.

In a funny way it just occurred to me that there is a bit of both in me. Probably the same for many others.

One question which separates the pack is when asked, " What brought you to crypto?"

Allow me to explain what brought me to the crypto space. Better still, who brought me kicking and screaming. The person who gave me the intro and myself go back many years. The first time rolling a d20 was at his place. But this story picks up about 25 years from our first meeting. He was staying at my place at the time. A few others lived there as well. They paid rent, sharing internet, pizza and beer. He was in his room pumping out bitcoins on graphics cards. Anytime he would catch us sitting he would extole the virtues of the BTC. Sharing pizza, lending him a credit card for online purchases, etc., would have him begging us for our own good to take BTC as payment. Humoring him (or so we thought) we largely agreed. Just before the $1500 crash was the first time the value of what had been given to me was understood. After the $1500 crash, with blood still on the streets, it seemed time to buy. It turns out it was.

So my first motivations were not for investing in something to get rich quick. It was supporting a friend with his crazy hobbies and believing as a programmer that the idea had great potential... but it wasn't money.

That was then and now is now. My main motivation is still of the political/program nature. Otherwise it would have been wise to take the money and run. It does make me happy to see that BTC/BCH has increased in value. So at this point there is a bit of both about me.

The same can, perhaps, be said about the members of this community. There are posts; or comments to posts more so; that are making an appeal for followers and some agreement of liking. It all seems very clinical, like a math club's keg night.

There are others here with something to say. Letting the gods decide if it may have worth.

It was a good feeling when first seeing that steemit was Open Source. Being an old programmer, both in length of time AND age, perhaps this blockchain will reveal itself to me. It would be nice to have a secondary friends lists don't you think? Feel free to comment with any other modifications to the software that you would like to see.

Anyway, no matter the reason that brings you here, it's just nice that you are here. That this community is here. That another step in building a decentralized society is here.


I'm really glad you're settling in here, and liking what you are seeing! :) :) Great blog @novacadian, you're a natural at this!

Thanks @lyndsaybowes for inspiring me to post an intro! ✌💛

Feel free to post your new articles in the fb group, mostly so I can see them and come vote haha! Sometimes I don't go to my feed here and I would miss gems like this!!! I randomly saw it last night, thank goodness!!

interesting read.
Thank you for sharing

Excellent blog. I joined awhile back and have recently starting browsing around again. I still need to do more research as some of the form and function is still a bit foreign to me. Great seeing you on here!

So glad to meet up again on this platform, @papacrusher. Looking forward to seeing more of your content here on steemit! Tried to pass you one of my upvote pennies yet the penny jar seems depleted. 😎

I got into crypto through a 10 cent bitcoin retweet. Blockchain dot info offered a free 10 cents worth of bitcoin to anyone who would retweet their promotion and open a wallet. That was way back in 2012. That little retweet turned into 500 bucks with the help of the freebitco dot in faucet. When BTC started to get close to 20k I started looking for other coins. Steemit made the most sense so here I am reading your post. Im glad you are here too.

These are the early days still, like the DotCom in its hay day. They may call it a bubble yet many giants of the industry walked out of it. Google, Amazon, YouTube and FaceBook to name but a few. You may want to research BitShares. Some of my Steemer friends are excited about them.

Funny you should mention Bitshares. That is the other currency that I just bought into. Thanks for the quality info.

Been here a week and so far am enjoying it. As a person living with disabilities and also one who advocates for said ppl, I look forward to when Steem is made more accessible to that population.

Now that is an interesting project; making steemit more accessible. As an admin on another crypto project we have discussed different ways that the Steem Project and ours may overlap. Your suggestion would make a great reward project!

You'll have forgive me as I'm a traumatic brain injury survivor and sometimes have trouble understanding. Do you mean I should have a contest or just a contest in general?

No my meaning was that you have given me a good idea for a programming bounty for our DevCoin Project. The link where such bounties are discussed and voted on is the above link to the BitCoinTalk Forum. No action is required on your part. 😎

Ok. Phew. I was a little worried

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