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RE: New Steemit Ring!!!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I hope it's a really long rambling essay. I won't read it. You've been acting the same way since you got flagged for using the incorrect tag. You then lashed out at people and started threatening them. You did that for 2 days. Then you started spamming everyone. It's all on the blockchain. I've been watching you have this nervous breakdown since it started. You have absolutely no self discipline and act like you've done nothing wrong. Everyone can see where you went wrong. Anyone with a brain can suggest you handle this differently. You ignore them and carry on. You're the only one getting flagged. Everyone else is fine. Think about that. Maybe it's you. Unfortunately, you're too stubborn to wise up.

That video I share up there was a joke. I didn't mean any harm. I'm not shocked to see you lash out though. You're spamming nonsense on a lot of other people's blogs, daily. How do you think they feel? Instead of talking to you, they flag you, for harassment...because nobody wants to read your rambling incoherent essays about nothing.


ok the I will keep it short for you. then again maybe it wasent about proving your points (cause there are none) and more about spouting out a bunch of bullshit knowing you cant back any of it up.

1 you use the word entitlement a shit ton like you just heard someone say it and think it sounds smart. entitlement to what? what are you claiming im saying im entitled to? cause I have not once said I deserver or am entitled to anything.

2 what is up with the "this man thinks" this or "that man thinks" that crap? you sound like a retarded caveman. if the post was about me why not leave a name instead of being a vague bitch crying about how people don't do stuff and think just how you do.

3 citation needed for what you are claiming I said that was fales or a "farce" as you say.

4 they flagged me and I responded with a meme on their post not the otr way around. quit your lies

5 it was not the wrong tag, does not matter how many times you tell lie it does not make it any more true.

6 saying you will defend yourself from attacks is not threatening someone.

so you jump into something when its basically over and try to jumpin and white knight for steemit and virtue signal on how you were an edglord agienst that bad man that was returning meme when flaged.

but you wont read it will you. cause your full of shit and anytime I respond to your points you move the goal posts and try to chang the subject.

im back bitch so get ready

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